121 research outputs found


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    Channel-Optimized Vector Quantizer Design for Compressed Sensing Measurements

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    We consider vector-quantized (VQ) transmission of compressed sensing (CS) measurements over noisy channels. Adopting mean-square error (MSE) criterion to measure the distortion between a sparse vector and its reconstruction, we derive channel-optimized quantization principles for encoding CS measurement vector and reconstructing sparse source vector. The resulting necessary optimal conditions are used to develop an algorithm for training channel-optimized vector quantization (COVQ) of CS measurements by taking the end-to-end distortion measure into account.Comment: Published in ICASSP 201

    Analysis-by-Synthesis-based Quantization of Compressed Sensing Measurements

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    We consider a resource-constrained scenario where a compressed sensing- (CS) based sensor has a low number of measurements which are quantized at a low rate followed by transmission or storage. Applying this scenario, we develop a new quantizer design which aims to attain a high-quality reconstruction performance of a sparse source signal based on analysis-by-synthesis framework. Through simulations, we compare the performance of the proposed quantization algorithm vis-a-vis existing quantization methods.Comment: 5 pages, Published in ICASSP 201
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