159 research outputs found

    A Borel open cover of the Hilbert scheme

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    Let p(t)p(t) be an admissible Hilbert polynomial in \PP^n of degree dd. The Hilbert scheme \hilb^n_p(t) can be realized as a closed subscheme of a suitable Grassmannian G \mathbb G, hence it could be globally defined by homogeneous equations in the Plucker coordinates of G \mathbb G and covered by open subsets given by the non-vanishing of a Plucker coordinate, each embedded as a closed subscheme of the affine space ADA^D, D=dim(G)D=\dim(\mathbb G). However, the number EE of Plucker coordinates is so large that effective computations in this setting are practically impossible. In this paper, taking advantage of the symmetries of \hilb^n_p(t), we exhibit a new open cover, consisting of marked schemes over Borel-fixed ideals, whose number is significantly smaller than EE. Exploiting the properties of marked schemes, we prove that these open subsets are defined by equations of degree d+2\leq d+2 in their natural embedding in \Af^D. Furthermore we find new embeddings in affine spaces of far lower dimension than DD, and characterize those that are still defined by equations of degree d+2\leq d+2. The proofs are constructive and use a polynomial reduction process, similar to the one for Grobner bases, but are term order free. In this new setting, we can achieve explicit computations in many non-trivial cases.Comment: 17 pages. This version contains and extends the first part of version 2 (arXiv:0909.2184v2[math.AG]). A new extended version of the second part, with some new results, is posed at arxiv:1110.0698v3[math.AC]. The title is slightly changed. Final version accepted for publicatio

    An Algebraic Approach to Hough Transforms

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    The main purpose of this paper is to lay the foundations of a general theory which encompasses the features of the classical Hough transform and extend them to general algebraic objects such as affine schemes. The main motivation comes from problems of detection of special shapes in medical and astronomical images. The classical Hough transform has been used mainly to detect simple curves such as lines and circles. We generalize this notion using reduced Groebner bases of flat families of affine schemes. To this end we introduce and develop the theory of Hough regularity. The theory is highly effective and we give some examples computed with CoCoA

    Strongly stable ideals and Hilbert polynomials

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    The \texttt{StronglyStableIdeals} package for \textit{Macaulay2} provides a method to compute all saturated strongly stable ideals in a given polynomial ring with a fixed Hilbert polynomial. A description of the main method and auxiliary tools is given.Comment: Source code available as an ancillary file. Final versio

    Semi-inverted linear spaces and an analogue of the broken circuit complex

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    The image of a linear space under inversion of some coordinates is an affine variety whose structure is governed by an underlying hyperplane arrangement. In this paper, we generalize work by Proudfoot and Speyer to show that circuit polynomials form a universal Groebner basis for the ideal of polynomials vanishing on this variety. The proof relies on degenerations to the Stanley-Reisner ideal of a simplicial complex determined by the underlying matroid. If the linear space is real, then the semi-inverted linear space is also an example of a hyperbolic variety, meaning that all of its intersection points with a large family of linear spaces are real.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, minor revisions and added connections to the external activity complex of a matroi

    A Borel open cover of the Hilbert scheme

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    Let p(t)p(t) be an admissible Hilbert polynomial in Pn\mathbb{P}^n of degree dd. The Hilbert scheme Hilbp(t)nHilb^n_{p(t)} can be realized as a closed subscheme of a suitable Grassmannian G\mathbb{G}, hence it could be globally defined by homogeneous equations in the Plücker coordinates of G\mathbb{G} and covered by open subsets given by the non-vanishing of a Plücker coordinate, each embedded as a closed subscheme of the affine space AD\mathbb{A}^D, D=dim(G)D = \dim(\mathbb{G}). However, the number EE of Plücker coordinates is so large that effective computations in this setting are practically impossible. In this paper, taking advantage of the symmetries of Hilbp(t)nHilb^n_{p(t)}, we exhibit a new open cover, consisting of marked schemes over Borel-fixed ideals, whose number is significantly smaller than EE. Exploiting the properties of marked schemes, we prove that these open subsets are defined by equations of degree d+2\leqslant d + 2 in their natural embedding in AD\mathbb{A}^D. Furthermore we find new embeddings in affine spaces of far lower dimension than DD, and characterize those that are still defined by equations of degree d+2\leqslant d + 2. The proofs are constructive and use a polynomial reduction process, similar to the one for Gröbner bases, but are term order free. In this new setting, we can achieve explicit computations in many non-trivial cases

    Segre Class Computation and Practical Applications

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    Let XYX \subset Y be closed (possibly singular) subschemes of a smooth projective toric variety TT. We show how to compute the Segre class s(X,Y)s(X,Y) as a class in the Chow group of TT. Building on this, we give effective methods to compute intersection products in projective varieties, to determine algebraic multiplicity without working in local rings, and to test pairwise containment of subvarieties of TT. Our methods may be implemented without using Groebner bases; in particular any algorithm to compute the number of solutions of a zero-dimensional polynomial system may be used

    On jet schemes of pfaffian ideals

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    Jet schemes and arc spaces received quite a lot of attention by researchers after their introduc- tion, due to J. Nash, and established their importance as an object of study in M. Kontsevich\u2019s motivic integration theory. Several results point out that jet schemes carry a rich amount of geometrical information about the original object they stem from, whereas, from an algebraic point of view, little is know about them. In this paper we study some algebraic properties of jet schemes ideals of pfaffian varieties and we determine under which conditions the corresponding jet scheme varieties are irreducible