10 research outputs found

    Analisis E-Readiness Pemerintah Desa dalam Pengembangan E-monografi Desa

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    Abstract— Peran pemerintah desa dalam mendorong percepatan pembangunan nasional sangatlah penting. Oleh karena itu perbaikan manajemen data desa sangatlah diperlukan untuk mendukung percepatan pembangunan tersebut. Data desa memiliki posisi yang sangat strategis dan sangat dibutuhkan untuk setiap proses pembangunan yang dilakukan. E-monografi desa sebagai wujud inovasi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah desa Kedungpeluk sebagai upaya perbaikan proses pengelelolaan data desa (mulai pengumpulan, pengelolaan/pengolahan, penyajian, pemanfaatan dan update data desa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis e-readiness Pemerintah Desa Kedungpeluk dalam pengembangan E-monografi desa. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara, survei lapangan/observasi langsung dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari ketiga indikator yaitu kesiapan infrastruktur teknologi, kesiapan sumber daya manusia dan kesiapan kebijakan (Peter dalam Staletic, et.al. 2020) di Desa Kedungpeluk sudah cukup siap. Dari aspek kesiapan infrastruktur teknologi diperlukan penambahan unit yang diperuntukkan khusus untuk pengembangan dan pemanfaatan e-monografi desa melalui pengalokasian anggaran desa dan melalui kerjasama dengan pihak lain. Sedangkan dari aspek kesiapan sumber daya manusia diperlukan penambahan jumlah perangkat desa yang memiliki latar belakang pendidikan yang dibutuhkan dan pembentukkan taks force atau bagian/sub-bagian dalam struktur pemerintah desa yang memiliki tugas pengembangan dan pemanfaatan e-monografi desa, dan mengirimkan perangkat desa dalam program pelatihan terkait dengan e-government atau e-monografi desa. Terakhir dari aspek kesiapan kebijakan diperlukan penetapan peraturan Desa Kedungpeluk terkait dengan petunjukan teknis dalam pengembangan dan pemanfaatan e-monografi desa. Hal tersebut perlu diperhatikan untuk mendukung keberhasilan pengembangan e-monografi secara optimal. Keywords— E-monograph, E-readiness, Pemerintah Desa, dan Data Desa) Abstract— The role of the village government in encouraging the acceleration of national development is very important. Therefore, improvement of village data management is needed to support the acceleration of development. Village data has a very strategic position and is needed for every development process carried out. Village e-monographs as a form of innovation carried out by the Kedungluk village government as an effort to improve the village data management process (starting from collecting, managing/processing, presenting, utilizing and updating village data. This study aims to analyze the e-readiness of the Kedungluk Village Government in developing E-monographs). - village monograph The method used is a qualitative approach through interviews, field surveys/direct observations and documentation. The results show that of the three indicators, namely technological infrastructure readiness, human resource readiness and policy readiness (Peter in Staletic, et.al. 2020 ) in Kedungluk Village, it is quite ready. From the aspect of technological infrastructure readiness, it is necessary to add units specifically designated for the development and utilization of village e-monographs through the allocation of village budgets and through collaboration with other parties. Meanwhile, from the aspect of readiness of human resources, it is necessary to increase the number village officials who have the required educational background and the formation of a tax force or section/sub-section within the village government structure that has the task of developing and utilizing village e-monographs, and sending village officials in training programs related to e-government or e-monographs village. Finally, from the aspect of policy readiness, it is necessary to stipulate Kedungluk Village regulations related to technical guidance in the development and use of village e-monographs. This needs to be considered to support the success of optimal e-monograph development. Keywords— E-monograph, E-readiness, Village Government, and Village Dat

    A Review of Critical Factors Impacting the Implementation of E-government in Developing Countries

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    A key challenge facing developing countries is the high failure rate of electronic government (e-government) programmes. Since its inception, e-government has been implemented globally with the aim that it will enhance the quality-of-service delivery, transform government's internal and external processes and make the public sector more effective and efficient. However, the majority of e-government initiatives have failed to meet their objectives, particularly in developing countries. Therefore, this research considers the factors facilitating and inhibiting the successful implementation of e-government in developing countries. The methodology adopted for the thesis was a qualitative research approach. Secondary data was collected through a literature review of various sources, namely government publications, annual reports compiled by international development agencies and relevant books. To address the research question, I identified literature from journal articles with expertise in information systems such as the Electronic Journal for E-government. The research findings indicate that e-government in developing countries is impacted by various infrastructural, financial, political, socio-economic, organisational and human related aspects. Some of these include the digital divide, resistance to change, limited ICT skills and a lack of robust regulatory frameworks. The study concludes that successful e-government does not solely rest on technology. Instead, developing countries need to understand the impact of the various local contextual factors. These are the fundamental aspects that must be considered during the strategic design of e-government initiatives to ensure they are appropriate for and relevant to local conditions

    Identification of Data Analysis Methods and Focus Trends in Port State Control Inspections: A Comprehensive Literature Review

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    This literature review focuses on research related to Port State Control (PSC) inspections carried out on board ships, with a particular focus on areas of interest and data analysis methods adopted during research. The five steps involved in the literature review process include: (1) determining the research questions, (2) gathering works of literature for review, (3) conducting selection and screening based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, (4) analyzing the selected works of literature and ensuring the quality of the data, and (5) reporting the result of the literature review. Based on the comprehensive searches throughout various databases, the most high-impacted databases in sequence were Elsevier, Taylor & Francis Online, (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) MDPI, Springer, and others such as Emerald Insight, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. There were 2,023 articles published between 2018 and 2022 gathered during the initial search process, and the 41 final papers were ultimately selected for in-depth analysis after a selection process. The four main research focuses found from this literature review were (1) the selection of ships for PSC inspection, (2) the New Inspection Regime (NIR), (3) the identification of findings during PSC inspection, and (4) detention of ships under PSC inspection. From the literature review, 37% of the final selected articles focused on vessel selection, 33% noted the findings, 23% focused on vessel detention, and only 7% explored the New Inspection Regime (NIR). From the review, most articles used the Bayesian networks (BN) method for data analysis, followed by traditional analysis, Ideal Solution Similarity Order Priority Technique (TOPSIS), Hierarchical Analytical Process (AHP), Apriori Algorithm, and Gray Relational Analysis (GRA). This result could provide valuable information to professionals in the maritime industry, and this literature review signifies the importance of Port State Control (PSC) inspections in fostering the better development of the global maritime transportation system especially to ensure maritime safety

    Pengembangan Model Penilaian Kematangan Citizen Relationship Management (CiRM) Oriented E-government

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    Di dalam pemerintah digital, masyarakat merupakan pemegang kepentingan utama. Sebuah strategi yang disokong oleh teknologi untuk membuat dan mengoptimalkan hubungan pemerintah dengan masyarakat dengan mengikutsertakan pendapat mereka ke seluruh pengelolaan publik dikenal dengan nama CiRM (Citizen Relationship Management). Namun demikian, dalam konteks penelitian e-government, orientasi terhadap masyarakat masih belum banyak dieksploitasi karena sebagian besar proyek e-government hanya mentransformasi layanan dan informasi yang semula masih tradisional menjadi menggunakan teknologi. Model-model penilaian kematangan e-government yang sudah ada pun sebagian besar hanya mengukur kemampuan teknologi egovernment. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, peneliti mencoba menjawab permasalahan yang ada dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam perspektif kajian sistem informasi. Jenis pendekatan kualitatif yang digunakan adalah grounded theory. Sebuah model konseptual dikembangkan oleh peneliti berdasarkan literatur yang dikaji. Model konseptual tersebut berisi faktor-faktor penentu kematangan dan skala penilaian yang digunakan. Selanjutnya dilakukan penggalian data dengan teknik purposive sampling untuk mengetahui pendapat masyarakat terkait model penilaian kematangan e-government. Lokasi penelitian adalah di Surabaya dengan jumlah informan sebanyak enam orang. Hasil penggalian data dibandingkan dengan model konseptual untuk kemudian dilakukan perbaikan pada model konseptual tersebut. Penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah model penilaian kematangan untuk menilai apakah e-government yang diimplementasikan telah berorientasi kepada masyarakat atau tidak. Faktor-faktor yang diukur untuk menentukan kematangan CiRM oriented e-government adalah budaya (citizen oriented culture), dukungan manajemen, kebijakan, saluran komunikasi, partisipasi pegawai pemerintah, partisipasi masyarakat, kemudahan penggunaan, fungsionalitas sistem, reliability, integrasi sistem, analisis kebutuhan pengguna, knowledge sharing, segmentasi dan personalisasi, serta pengukuran kinerja. Model ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif alat penilaian implementasi e-government yang lebih komprehensif karena mengukur dari tiga sisi, yaitu organisasi, interaksi pemerintah dengan masyarakat dan layanan e-government itu sendiri. ======================================================================================================== In the digital government, citizen is the key stakeholders. A strategy that is supported by technology to create and optimize the government's relationship with the citizen by engaging their opinions to the whole public management known as CIRM (Citizen Relationship Management). However, in the context of e-government research, orientation to the public is still not widely exploited because most e-government projects only transform services and information which was originally traditional into using technology. Most of existing egovernment maturity models only measure the ability of e-government technology. Based on the above problems, the researcher tried to answer the existing problems using a qualitative approach in the perspective of information systems study. The type of qualitative approach used is grounded theory. A conceptual model developed by the researcher based on the literature studied. The conceptual model contained the factor affecting maturity and assessment scale. Then, data were gathered by using purposive sampling to determine public opinion related to the e-government maturity model. This research is located in Surabaya by the number of informants are six people. The results of data gathering then used to revise the conceptual model. This research developed a maturity assessment model to assess whether the implemented e-government have been oriented to the public or not. The factors measured to determine the maturity of CIRM oriented e-government is citizen oriented culture, top management support, policy, communication channels, public officials participation, community participation, ease of use, system functionality, reliability, system integration, user requirement analysis , knowledge sharing, segmentation and personalization, as well as performance measurement. This model is expected to be used as an alternative tool to assess the implementation of e-government. This model is more comprehensive as it measures CiRM oriented e-government from three aspects, organization, government interaction with their citizen and e-government service

    An exploration of public sector leadership in the context of Bangladeshi public sector reforms : the dilemmas of public sector leadership

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    The purpose of the research is to explore the significance and role of the Bangladeshi public sector leadership (PSL) in the context of public sector reforms (PSR). I examine how the adoption of the reforms depends on the interaction between the PSL of the home government and the donor agencies, resulting in reform challenges on the part of the home government. To do this, the research explores how bureaucratic behaviour responds to and matches donor agenda vis-à-vis their dual role of protecting the traditional socio-economic system, cultural and political norms, values and developing the institutional basis when dealing with reforms. Thus, the research emphasises the need for exploring the elite actors’ beliefs about their governmental traditions as they shape PSR.Taking an interpretive approach, this thesis presents empirical insights in three important areas of public sector management, namely, perceptions and lived experiences of PSL; bureaucratic response to PSR; and traditions in governance and governance intervention by donors. Its contribution is to illuminate the key aspects of PSL roles/practice within the Bangladeshi PSR.Findings offer an understanding of how public sector leaders construe and respond to reform initiatives. Analysis of the PSL role shows that reform is fundamentally a political and contested process. The current study presents an empirical analysis of the elite actors’ webs of belief about the PSR in the context of normative roots of the Bangladeshi governance traditions and culture vis-à-vis the motives of the aid regimes.Part of the originality of this research is its attempt to conceptualise governance traditions as adaptable sets of beliefs that stresses the role of agency in PSR in the Bangladeshi context. I also claim my research to be worthwhile as I situate the Bangladeshi governance traditions within a context that goes beyond the typology of traditions advanced by Painter and Peters (2010). Moreover, this research argues for the performative accounts of the governance traditions.The key argument in this thesis is that public sector leaders’ response towards the public sector reforms is shaped by the wider web of beliefs embedded in a historically inherited tradition and that dilemmas arise when the public sector leaders face new situations uncommon and unfamiliar to them in terms of atypical reform agenda prescribed by international donors. Dilemmas also arise because of the incongruity between the traditional socio-economic, cultural values and donor-prescribed reform initiatives. This study suggests that dilemmas and conflicts – two important constructs illuminating cultures and traditions in public sector management – have an explanatory link to the bureaucratic response towards reforms. Thus, change is the outcome of the dilemma, if not the solution (Bevir & Rhodes, 2010).Looking from an interpretive lens, I contend that the Bangladeshi governance tradition is postcolonial, combining multiple features directly traceable to colonial institutions and ancient Samaj (village life/society) with post-independence adaptations and innovations based on administrative reform prescriptions by donor agencies, the latter essentially appearing as new ‘layers’ on the original bedrock. Therefore, it can be called a hybrid tradition

    Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth

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    In the last years sustainability has become a topic of global concern and a key issue in the strategic agenda of both business organizations and public authorities and organisations. Significant changes in business landscape, the emergence of new technology, including social media, the pressure of new social concerns, have called into question established conceptualizations of competitiveness, wealth creation and growth. New and unaddressed set of issues regarding how private and public organisations manage and invest their resources to create sustainable value have brought to light. In particular the increasing focus on environmental and social themes has suggested new dimensions to be taken into account in the value creation dynamics, both at organisations and communities level. For companies the need of integrating corporate social and environmental responsibility issues into strategy and daily business operations, pose profound challenges, which, in turn, involve numerous processes and complex decisions influenced by many stakeholders. Facing these challenges calls for the creation, use and exploitation of new knowledge as well as the development of proper management models, approaches and tools aimed to contribute to the development and realization of environmentally and socially sustainable business strategies and practices

    Factors influencing effective information management using information technology systems in a public sector department

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    Magister Commercii (Information Management) - MCom(IM)The Public Sector encounters great challenges in its attempts to strengthen its public services. Public servants are in need of accurate and up-to-date information that can be readily accessible. They need information to be made available for effective and efficient decision-making. In order to improve service delivery, the Public Sector must aim to reach its objectives by increasing and improving accountability, transparency, efficiency, productivity and quality of services. This study focuses on factors, which influence information management in a Public Sector Department in an effective way to manage information properly. An extensive literature review was conducted of information, the role of information management, the possible critical failure and success factors of information management. This led to the discovery of four main categories for critical failure factors: (i) people; (ii) process; (iii) policy and; (iv) technology; and three categories for critical success factors: (i) organizational culture; (ii) top management support; and (iii) strategies. A conceptual model was then developed for these categories with seventeen factors. This model was subsequently tested in the empirical setting of the studied Public Sector Department in South Africa by utilising a qualitative approach through the case-study method. The findings suggest that the following factors would impact the successful implementation of an information management initiative for this Public Sector Department: information management; change management and communication strategies; culture; roles of responsibility for information; information lifecycle process; and information management policy. The intended audience for this study includes both academics and practitioners, as it introduces a conceptual model, as well as guidelines to implement these factors for information management in a Public Sector Department

    The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Company Income Tax Collection in Nigeria

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    The Nigerian economy is heavily dependent on oil as 80% of its revenue currently comes from this sector. However, tax revenue has never played a strong role in the country's management of fiscal policy and this is an issue of fundamental importance for development. Tax revenue is a predictable and sustainable source of income particularly given the high number of corporations operating in the country, some of which are multinational. Company Income Tax (CIT) can be a good source of government revenue, while also promoting economic growth, investment and the creation of job opportunities. Nigeria, like many developing countries, lacks an efficient tax collection system leaving a high proportion of company income tax uncollected as a result of avoidable leakages and corruption. The efficiency and effectiveness of company income tax collection depend on the medium of collection, and could be enhanced using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) as a driver, as is currently the case in developed countries. Within the context of ICT integration in the public sector (e-government), this thesis identifies the impact of ICT on the collection of company income tax in Nigeria. Using the Technology Acceptance Model and the Theory of Planned Behaviour as the study’s underpinning frameworks, this research adopted a mixed method approach and collected data through 230 returned questionnairesand 4 in-depth semi-structured interviews. The data was entered and analysed in the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) programme (version 21) using non-linear Regression (correlation) for Propositions 1- 4 and multinomial regression for proposition 5. The study found that the level of effectiveness of revenue collection realized increased as a result of use of ICT in company income tax collection. This is due to the elimination of leakages and human error, and protection of revenue by transferring all payments to the Central Bank of Nigeria. The study also found that company income tax revenue increased in 2007 from N332billion to N846.6billion in 2012, and that the Federal Inland Revenue Service surpassed its 2014 target by N400 billion or 9.32 per cent, generating about N4.69 trillion. Of this, N1.18 trillion was collected from company income tax in 2014, compared to the N1.03trillion in 2013, based on a quarterly revenue report released in Abuja and reported by Customs Today on 31 January 2015. It found that the use of ICT in CIT collection has improved transparency; taxpayers pay into the designated banks online and obtain a receipt immediately. The Federal Inland Revenue Service’s software monitors the entire process and traces payments to ensure accuracy; the banks then transfer the money to the Central Bank of Nigeria. The e-tax payment system was found to give the federal government a real time, almost minute by minute, report on taxes paid by taxpayers and receipted by the Federal Inland Revenue Service. The findings revealed that ICT also has the potential to improve interactions between the tax authority and taxpayers, fostering transparency and accountability in the administration of company income tax collections. This study also found that information disseminates from the tax authority to company income taxpayers through radio and websites, publication and information requests submitted by the taxpayers and queries answered by tax officials. The results obtained indicated that using ICT facilitates the CIT collection process and predicted potential contribution to the effectiveness and efficiency in CIT collection in terms of the skills, opportunities and resources required. This study has contributed to the limited body of work in this area and employed an extended version of the much studied Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in order to produce insights into the impact of ICT on company income tax collection in Nigeria. The study model postulates that the adoption of ICT in CIT collection is determined by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, attitude, intention to use and accessibility in terms of affordability and infrastructure. There are obvious restrictions of time and inadequate funds as with other doctoral research works. This study was limited to the impact of ICT on company income tax collection, but other directions for future research are the impact of ICT on collection of other taxes such as petroleum profit tax collection in Nigeria

    Development of a Procedure Reference Model for the Alignment of Non‐medical Support Service Applications in Hospitals – A Framework for Ensuring the Correct Reporting and Configuration of Key Performance Indicators

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    The outcome of this thesis is the systematically developed and empirically validated “Procedure Reference Model for the Alignment of Non-medical Support Service Applications in Hospitals” comprising six component models, the metamodel, two input documents and a documentation for application as integral parts. The development of the model was done based on a pragmatic philosophical grounding in a multi-methodological iterative approach, including Design Science Research (DSR) principles for the modelling actions and mixed methods principles for the empirical research. In the “Theorising” phase, a sequential mixed methods approach combining a quantitative survey with qualitative expert interviews was conducted generating the basis for the modelling. In two iterations of the “Building” phase, the modelling actions were conducted. While in the “Evaluating” phase, the model was validated in two iterations based on expert interviews and focus group discussions. The model turned out to be relevant in the context of the challenges posed by the current structural changes in healthcare and hospitals. As part of these changes, non-medical support services are increasingly seen as essential not only in contributing to a better cost-efficiency but also as service enabler for the medical services. To be able to deliver the adequate services and service levels and control them within the very complex service provision of hospitals, the managers depend on relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) in an appropriate reporting setting. In Swiss hospitals, the configuration of KPI reporting had only partially been aligned in terms of software applications and/or in terms of reporting styles. Therefore, the research aims and objectives of this thesis were to find a procedure and its significant aspects for aligning non-medical-support service applications in hospitals so that in the future, relevant key performance indicators for systematic controlling and optimization can be generated and configured as effectively and efficiently as possible including the development of a model providing the necessary information. The evaluation of the model showed that the research output was credible and contributory. For practice, it provides a systematic basis for communication between different non-medical support service application stakeholders and thus enables managers to indirectly contribute to the development of a more effective healthcare provision. For the scientific community, it contributes to the development of multi-methodological DSR approaches suitable for complex environments and for multi-disciplinary environments