1,305 research outputs found

    Ecosia – Who Cares About a Green Search Engine?

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    The environmental impact of IT is facing increasing public attention. The search engine Ecosia takes advantage of thissituation by pursuing a Social Business model. Search engines need electricity to provide their services and indirectlyproduce CO2. The estimation of greenhouse gas emissions for the average search query using the market leader Googlefluctuate between 0.2 g and 10.0 g of CO2. The search engine Ecosia tries to compensate the emissions by donating most ofits revenues to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and save rainforest from deforestation. Rainforests process CO2 throughphotosynthesis and store it as carbon. The question arises if Social Business models in general possess potential for success inthe search engine market. To investigate this question we apply case study research. Additionally, we use a survey to evaluatewhat is important to users and which aspects of search engines influence the customer’s attitude towards social business

    The Cord Weekly (October 31, 2007)

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    The Role of Behavioural Economics in Shaping Remedies for Facebook’s Excessive Data Gathering

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    Currently, users disregard the low level of privacy protection and allow excessive data gath-ering by dominant online platforms. In return, they receive personalised social-media ser-vices from such companies. However, the fault is not entirely with consumers. This article aims to identify the circumstances that support excessive data gathering and argues that gatekeepers both exploit several heuristics that lead to cognitive biases and take advantage of the asymmetries of power and information confronting consumers. This article high-lights the shift from neoclassical to behavioural economics and claims that the latter offers a convincing account of the situation consumers face in digital markets. By framing the problem as the exploitation of users' behaviours, remedies can be formulated for the prob-lem in question. (c) 2022 Beata Maihaniemi. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )Peer reviewe


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    Challenging Party Hegemony: Identity Work in China’s Emerging Virreal Places

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    The Chinese Communist Party has chosen to base the legitimacy of its rule on its performance as leading national power. Since national identity is based on shared imaginations of and directly tied to territory – hence place, this paper analyses both heterodox models for identification on the national and potentially competing place-based collective identities on the local level. This analysis, based on communication within a number of popular communication forums and on observation of behavior in the physical reality of today’s urban China, shows that communication within the virtual and behavior in the real world are not separated realities but form a new virreal spatial continuum consisting of imagined places both online and offline. I argue that ties to place are stronger and identities constructed on shared imaginations of place are more salient the more direct the experience of place is – be the place real, virtual or virreal. Hence in China challenges to one-party rule will probably accrue from competing localized collective identities rather than from heterodox nationalism.to explore the variety and complexity of functional antagonisms in the social subsystems.China, Internet, political power, collective identity, nationalism, place, bulletin, board system, online communication, online community

    Study of the requirements and project management plan of a system to provide relevant environment information for outdoors sports practitioners in urban areas

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    The impact of air quality in human’s health have attracted much attention in the past decade furthermore if we consider sports practitioners. In the first part of this thesis, it has been analysed how air quality can affect human’s health in particular how it could affect outdoors sports practitioners main practicing their sports. After this analysis a solution has been presented to some users, a mobile app that can let them check the air quality in any area they want and let them know which is the best time to go out for practicing their sports. An agile process has been followed to define the main app functions and features, and from here it was being devised a project management plan for its development including an economic and environmental-social analyses of the future development of the app if its introduced in the market

    Young Activists as International Norm Entrepreneurs: A Case Study of Greta Thunberg's Campaigning on Climate Change in Europe and Beyond

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    The role and significance of young activists in the process of international norm creation, diffusion, internalisation, and implementation have not received much attention in academic research. Yet, as a case study of Greta Thunberg campaigning on climate change has proven, children and teenagers can become signifi cant norm entrepreneurs. Using the theoretical underpinnings of social constructivism, this article identifies and analyses Thunberg’s actions to exhort pressure on states, members of governments and international organisations to further develop and implement norms that would help save the planet from the imminent climate crisis. Our research uses an exploratory and inductive approach in which qualitative research methods (a case study of Greta Thunberg) and discourse analysis are applied

    The European Union\u27s Human Rights Obligations Towards Distant Strangers

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    Section I begins by setting out certain provisions added by the Lisbon Treaty requiring the European Union to promote human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in all its “relations with the wider world.” Section II then recounts a recent interpretation of these provisions, which understands them primarily as mandating compliance with international law, and thus largely denies extraterritorial human rights obligations to protect. While the fundamentals of this “compliance” reading are correct, Section III demonstrates that the notion of international law involved here entertains an expansive view of prescriptive jurisdiction, that is, a political institution’s authority to prescribe rules binding conduct. Indeed, despite precedent from the General Court claiming otherwise, the European Union regularly creates legal effects outside its borders, and has always done so. This is reflected both in the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), as well as in EU legislation, particularly in areas such as competition, financial, and environmental regulation, all of which have profound implications for the human rights of distant strangers. Section IV argues, from a premise of human dignity as lying in autonomy, that human rights obligations arise only in relations of political authority, not mere factual power. By reference to Strasbourg case-law on extraterritorial human rights jurisdiction, it demonstrates that the creation of legal effects abroad is both necessary and sufficient to give rise to human rights obligations there, and rejects accounts of human rights jurisdiction based upon aspects of factual power, such as the “state control” and “capability” theories. If, as this paper argues, the European Union regularly governs persons overseas, this raises the specter of imperialism, which is touched upon in the conclusion

    Priorities for the Juncker Commission: Policy recommendations and advice from the research team at CEPS. CEPS Special Report No. 92, 22 October 2014

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    In the months leading up to his nomination as President of the European Commission by the European Council in June 2014 through to his approval by the European Parliament in mid-July and finally his approval at a second special summit in August, CEPS’ researchers have closely followed the travails of Jean-Claude Juncker. We have also carefully studied his fundamental restructuring of the College in re-grouping commissioners around seven project teams, each headed by a vice-president. In our view, these changes promise to improve internal coordination, policy-making and transparency of rule-making and hopefully will reduce the personalisation of portfolios. This Special Report brings together under a single cover a series of 14 separate commentaries prepared by senior CEPS researchers, offering their assessment of these profound changes underway and their policy advice to the new commissioners from the perspective of their field of specialisation

    Towards Achieving Urban Environmental Sustainability in Lokoja Metropolis, Kogi State Nigeria

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    The rapid increase in population, coupled with increase in the rate of urbanization, had lead to unplanned and uncontrolled expansion of Lokoja town. Consequently, this scenario has caused tremendous pressure on civic infrastructure systems, generated housing problems and unkempt environment among others. This study was carried out with the aid of Survey Research Design (SRD) using structured questionnaire, observation, photo-snaps, building demographic and housing facility survey. Using random sampling technique, every 5th house in the five districts involved in the study was picked for interview, focusing on building characteristics, condition of sanitary and infrastructural facilities as well the quality of the environment. Findings revealed that the study area exhibit slum condition which has un-denied consequences on the socio-economic lifestyle, health of residents and the general outlook of the environment. On this basis, upgrading program through the provision Urban Basic Services (UBS) and improved sanitation strategies were recommended for sustainable management of the area. These include, among others, public enlightenment campaign, environmental education and reintroduction of effective sanitary inspection schemes. Keywords: Environmental sustainability, uncontrolled expansion, slum, UBS, sanitary inspection
