124 research outputs found

    Computing Puiseux series : a fast divide and conquer algorithm

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    Let FK[X,Y]F\in \mathbb{K}[X, Y ] be a polynomial of total degree DD defined over a perfect field K\mathbb{K} of characteristic zero or greater than DD. Assuming FF separable with respect to YY , we provide an algorithm that computes the singular parts of all Puiseux series of FF above X=0X = 0 in less than O~(Dδ)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(D\delta) operations in K\mathbb{K}, where δ\delta is the valuation of the resultant of FF and its partial derivative with respect to YY. To this aim, we use a divide and conquer strategy and replace univariate factorization by dynamic evaluation. As a first main corollary, we compute the irreducible factors of FF in K[[X]][Y]\mathbb{K}[[X]][Y ] up to an arbitrary precision XNX^N with O~(D(δ+N))\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(D(\delta + N )) arithmetic operations. As a second main corollary, we compute the genus of the plane curve defined by FF with O~(D3)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(D^3) arithmetic operations and, if K=Q\mathbb{K} = \mathbb{Q}, with O~((h+1)D3)\tilde{\mathcal{O}}((h+1)D^3) bit operations using a probabilistic algorithm, where hh is the logarithmic heigth of FF.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    Model reduction of biochemical reactions networks by tropical analysis methods

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    We discuss a method of approximate model reduction for networks of biochemical reactions. This method can be applied to networks with polynomial or rational reaction rates and whose parameters are given by their orders of magnitude. In order to obtain reduced models we solve the problem of tropical equilibration that is a system of equations in max-plus algebra. In the case of networks with nonlinear fast cycles we have to solve the problem of tropical equilibration at least twice, once for the initial system and a second time for an extended system obtained by adding to the initial system the differential equations satisfied by the conservation laws of the fast subsystem. The two steps can be reiterated until the fast subsystem has no conservation laws different from the ones of the full model. Our method can be used for formal model reduction in computational systems biology

    Using approximate roots for irreducibility and equi-singularity issues in K[[x]][y]

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    We provide an irreducibility test in the ring K[[x]][y] whose complexity is quasi-linear with respect to the valuation of the discriminant, assuming the input polynomial F square-free and K a perfect field of characteristic zero or greater than deg(F). The algorithm uses the theory of approximate roots and may be seen as a generalization of Abhyankhar's irreducibility criterion to the case of non algebraically closed residue fields. More generally, we show that we can test within the same complexity if a polynomial is pseudo-irreducible, a larger class of polynomials containing irreducible ones. If FF is pseudo-irreducible, the algorithm computes also the valuation of the discriminant and the equisingularity types of the germs of plane curve defined by F along the fiber x=0.Comment: 51 pages. Title modified. Slight modifications in Definition 5 and Proposition 1

    Application of Computer Algebra in List Decoding

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    The amount of data that we use in everyday life (social media, stock analysis, satellite communication etc.) are increasing day by day. As a result, the amount of data needs to be traverse through electronic media as well as to store are rapidly growing and there exist several environmental effects that can damage these important data during travelling or while in storage devices. To recover correct information from noisy data, we do use error correcting codes. The most challenging work in this area is to have a decoding algorithm that can decode the code quite fast, in addition with the existence of the code that can tolerate highest amount of noise, so that we can have it in practice. List decoding is an active research area for last two decades. This research popularise in coding theory after the breakthrough work by Madhu Sudan where he used list decoding technique to correct errors that exceeds half the minimum distance of Reed Solomon codes. Towards the direction of code development that can reach theoretical limit of error correction, Guruswami-Rudra introduced folded Reed Solomon codes that reached at 1Rϵ.1 - R - \epsilon. To decode this codes, one has to first interpolate a multivariate polynomial first and then have to factor out all possible roots. The difficulties that lies here are efficient interpolation, dealing with multiplicities smartly and efficient factoring. This thesis deals with all these cases in order to have folded Reed Solomon codes in practice

    Computing Puiseux series: a fast divide and conquer algorithm

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    Let FK[X,Y]F ∈ K[X, Y ] be a polynomial of total degree D defined over a field K of characteristic zero or greater than D. Assuming F separable with respect to Y , we provide an algorithm that computes all Puiseux series of F above X = 0 in less than O˜(Dδ)O˜(D δ) operations in K, where δ is the valuation of the resultant of F and its partial derivative with respect to Y. To this aim, we use a divide and conquer strategy and replace univariate factorisation by dynamic evaluation. As a first main corollary, we compute the irreducible factors of F in K[[X]][Y]K[[X]][Y ] up to an arbitrary precision X N with O˜(D(δ+N))O˜(D(δ + N)) arithmetic operations. As a second main corollary, we compute the genus of the plane curve defined by F with O˜(D3)O˜(D^3) arithmetic operations and, if K = Q, with O˜((h+1)D3)O˜((h+1) D^3) bit operations using probabilistic algorithms, where h is the logarithmic height of F

    Computing Limit Points of Quasi-components of Regular Chains and its Applications

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    Computing limit is a fundamental task in mathematics and different mathematical concepts are defined in terms of limit computations. Among these mathematical concepts, we are interested in three different types of limit computations: first, computing the limit points of solutions of polynomial systems represented by regular chains, second, computing tangent cones of space curves at their singular points which can be viewed as computing limit of secant lines, and third, computing the limit of real multivariate rational functions. For computing the limit of solutions of polynomial systems represented by regular chains, we present two different methods based on Puiseux series expansions and linear changes of coordinates. The first method, which is based on Puiseux series expansions, addresses the problem of computing real and complex limit points corresponding to regular chains of dimension one. The second method studies regular chains under changes of coordinates. It especially computes the limit points corresponding to regular chains of dimension higher than one for some cases. we consider strategies where these changes of coordinates can be either generic or guided by the input. For computing the Puiseux parametrizations corresponding to regular chains of dimension one, we rely on extended Hensel construction (EHC). The Extended Hensel Construction is a procedure which, for an input bivariate polynomial with complex coefficients, can serve the same purpose as the Newton-Puiseux algorithm, and, for the multivariate case, can be seen as an effective variant of Jung-Abhyankar Theorem. We show that the EHC requires only linear algebra and univariate polynomial arithmetic. We deduce complexity estimates and report on a software implementation together with experimental results. We also outline a method for computing the tangent cone of a space curve at any of its points. We rely on the theory of regular chains and Puiseux series expansions. Our approach is novel in that it explicitly constructs the tangent cone at arbitrary and possibly irrational points without using a Standard basis. We also present an algorithm for determining the existence of the limit of a real multivariate rational function q at a given point which is an isolated zero of the denominator of q. When the limit exists, the algorithm computes it, without making any assumption on the number of variables. A process, which extends the work of Cadavid, Molina and V´elez, reduces the multivariate setting to computing limits of bivariate rational functions. By using regular chain theory and triangular decomposition of semi-algebraic systems, we avoid the computation of singular loci and the decomposition of algebraic sets into irreducible components