7 research outputs found

    DocumentCLIP: Linking Figures and Main Body Text in Reflowed Documents

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    Vision-language pretraining models have achieved great success in supporting multimedia applications by understanding the alignments between images and text. While existing vision-language pretraining models primarily focus on understanding single image associated with a single piece of text, they often ignore the alignment at the intra-document level, consisting of multiple sentences with multiple images. In this work, we propose DocumentCLIP, a salience-aware contrastive learning framework to enforce vision-language pretraining models to comprehend the interaction between images and longer text within documents. Our model is beneficial for the real-world multimodal document understanding like news article, magazines, product descriptions, which contain linguistically and visually richer content. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to explore multimodal intra-document links by contrastive learning. In addition, we collect a large Wikipedia dataset for pretraining, which provides various topics and structures. Experiments show DocumentCLIP not only outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines in the supervised setting, but also achieves the best zero-shot performance in the wild after human evaluation. Our code is available at https://github.com/FuxiaoLiu/DocumentCLIP.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. In submissio

    Hypernymization of named entity-rich captions for grounding-based multi-modal pretraining

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    Named entities are ubiquitous in text that naturally accompanies images, especially in domains such as news or Wikipedia articles. In previous work, named entities have been identified as a likely reason for low performance of image-text retrieval models pretrained on Wikipedia and evaluated on named entities-free benchmark datasets. Because they are rarely mentioned, named entities could be challenging to model. They also represent missed learning opportunities for self-supervised models: the link between named entity and object in the image may be missed by the model, but it would not be if the object were mentioned using a more common term. In this work, we investigate hypernymization as a way to deal with named entities for pretraining grounding-based multi-modal models and for fine-tuning on open-vocabulary detection. We propose two ways to perform hypernymization: (1) a ``manual'' pipeline relying on a comprehensive ontology of concepts, and (2) a ``learned'' approach where we train a language model to learn to perform hypernymization. We run experiments on data from Wikipedia and from The New York Times. We report improved pretraining performance on objects of interest following hypernymization, and we show the promise of hypernymization on open-vocabulary detection, specifically on classes not seen during training

    Beyond Generic: Enhancing Image Captioning with Real-World Knowledge using Vision-Language Pre-Training Model

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    Current captioning approaches tend to generate correct but "generic" descriptions that lack real-world knowledge, e.g., named entities and contextual information. Considering that Vision-Language Pre-Training (VLP) models master massive such knowledge from large-scale web-harvested data, it is promising to utilize the generalizability of VLP models to incorporate knowledge into image descriptions. However, using VLP models faces challenges: zero-shot inference suffers from knowledge hallucination that leads to low-quality descriptions, but the generic bias in downstream task fine-tuning hinders the VLP model from expressing knowledge. To address these concerns, we propose a simple yet effective method called Knowledge-guided Replay (K-Replay), which enables the retention of pre-training knowledge during fine-tuning. Our approach consists of two parts: (1) a knowledge prediction task on automatically collected replay exemplars to continuously awaken the VLP model's memory about knowledge, thus preventing the model from collapsing into the generic pattern; (2) a knowledge distillation constraint to improve the faithfulness of generated descriptions hence alleviating the knowledge hallucination. To evaluate knowledge-enhanced descriptions, we construct a novel captioning benchmark KnowCap, containing knowledge of landmarks, famous brands, special foods and movie characters. Experimental results show that our approach effectively incorporates knowledge into descriptions, outperforming strong VLP baseline by 20.9 points (78.7->99.6) in CIDEr score and 20.5 percentage points (34.0%->54.5%) in knowledge recognition accuracy. Our code and data is available at https://github.com/njucckevin/KnowCap.Comment: Accepted at ACM Multimedia (ACMMM) 202

    Transform, Contrast and Tell: Coherent Entity-Aware Multi-Image Captioning

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    Coherent entity-aware multi-image captioning aims to generate coherent captions for neighboring images in a news document. There are coherence relationships among neighboring images because they often describe same entities or events. These relationships are important for entity-aware multi-image captioning, but are neglected in entity-aware single-image captioning. Most existing work focuses on single-image captioning, while multi-image captioning has not been explored before. Hence, this paper proposes a coherent entity-aware multi-image captioning model by making use of coherence relationships. The model consists of a Transformer-based caption generation model and two types of contrastive learning-based coherence mechanisms. The generation model generates the caption by paying attention to the image and the accompanying text. The caption-caption coherence mechanism aims to render entities in the caption of the image be also in captions of neighboring images. The caption-image-text coherence mechanism aims to render entities in the caption of the image be also in the accompanying text. To evaluate coherence between captions, two coherence evaluation metrics are proposed. The new dataset DM800K is constructed that has more images per document than two existing datasets GoodNews and NYT800K, and is more suitable for multi-image captioning. Experiments on three datasets show the proposed captioning model outperforms 7 baselines according to BLUE, Rouge, METEOR, and entity precision and recall scores. Experiments also show that the generated captions are more coherent than that of baselines according to caption entity scores, caption Rouge scores, the two proposed coherence evaluation metrics, and human evaluations.Comment: 32 pages, 11 tables, 3 figure

    Text-image synergy for multimodal retrieval and annotation

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    Text and images are the two most common data modalities found on the Internet. Understanding the synergy between text and images, that is, seamlessly analyzing information from these modalities may be trivial for humans, but is challenging for software systems. In this dissertation we study problems where deciphering text-image synergy is crucial for finding solutions. We propose methods and ideas that establish semantic connections between text and images in multimodal contents, and empirically show their effectiveness in four interconnected problems: Image Retrieval, Image Tag Refinement, Image-Text Alignment, and Image Captioning. Our promising results and observations open up interesting scopes for future research involving text-image data understanding.Text and images are the two most common data modalities found on the Internet. Understanding the synergy between text and images, that is, seamlessly analyzing information from these modalities may be trivial for humans, but is challenging for software systems. In this dissertation we study problems where deciphering text-image synergy is crucial for finding solutions. We propose methods and ideas that establish semantic connections between text and images in multimodal contents, and empirically show their effectiveness in four interconnected problems: Image Retrieval, Image Tag Refinement, Image-Text Alignment, and Image Captioning. Our promising results and observations open up interesting scopes for future research involving text-image data understanding.Text und Bild sind die beiden häufigsten Arten von Inhalten im Internet. Während es für Menschen einfach ist, gerade aus dem Zusammenspiel von Text- und Bildinhalten Informationen zu erfassen, stellt diese kombinierte Darstellung von Inhalten Softwaresysteme vor große Herausforderungen. In dieser Dissertation werden Probleme studiert, für deren Lösung das Verständnis des Zusammenspiels von Text- und Bildinhalten wesentlich ist. Es werden Methoden und Vorschläge präsentiert und empirisch bewertet, die semantische Verbindungen zwischen Text und Bild in multimodalen Daten herstellen. Wir stellen in dieser Dissertation vier miteinander verbundene Text- und Bildprobleme vor: • Bildersuche. Ob Bilder anhand von textbasierten Suchanfragen gefunden werden, hängt stark davon ab, ob der Text in der Nähe des Bildes mit dem der Anfrage übereinstimmt. Bilder ohne textuellen Kontext, oder sogar mit thematisch passendem Kontext, aber ohne direkte Übereinstimmungen der vorhandenen Schlagworte zur Suchanfrage, können häufig nicht gefunden werden. Zur Abhilfe schlagen wir vor, drei Arten von Informationen in Kombination zu nutzen: visuelle Informationen (in Form von automatisch generierten Bildbeschreibungen), textuelle Informationen (Stichworte aus vorangegangenen Suchanfragen), und Alltagswissen. • Verbesserte Bildbeschreibungen. Bei der Objekterkennung durch Computer Vision kommt es des Öfteren zu Fehldetektionen und Inkohärenzen. Die korrekte Identifikation von Bildinhalten ist jedoch eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Suche nach Bildern mittels textueller Suchanfragen. Um die Fehleranfälligkeit bei der Objekterkennung zu minimieren, schlagen wir vor Alltagswissen einzubeziehen. Durch zusätzliche Bild-Annotationen, welche sich durch den gesunden Menschenverstand als thematisch passend erweisen, können viele fehlerhafte und zusammenhanglose Erkennungen vermieden werden. • Bild-Text Platzierung. Auf Internetseiten mit Text- und Bildinhalten (wie Nachrichtenseiten, Blogbeiträge, Artikel in sozialen Medien) werden Bilder in der Regel an semantisch sinnvollen Positionen im Textfluss platziert. Wir nutzen dies um ein Framework vorzuschlagen, in dem relevante Bilder ausgesucht werden und mit den passenden Abschnitten eines Textes assoziiert werden. • Bildunterschriften. Bilder, die als Teil von multimodalen Inhalten zur Verbesserung der Lesbarkeit von Texten dienen, haben typischerweise Bildunterschriften, die zum Kontext des umgebenden Texts passen. Wir schlagen vor, den Kontext beim automatischen Generieren von Bildunterschriften ebenfalls einzubeziehen. Üblicherweise werden hierfür die Bilder allein analysiert. Wir stellen die kontextbezogene Bildunterschriftengenerierung vor. Unsere vielversprechenden Beobachtungen und Ergebnisse eröffnen interessante Möglichkeiten für weitergehende Forschung zur computergestützten Erfassung des Zusammenspiels von Text- und Bildinhalten