4 research outputs found

    Crypto Minning : Indonesia Carbon Tax Challenges and Safeguarding International Commitment on Human Security

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    The need for financial transactions in the virtual world that continues to grow demands an increase in the speed, quality, and quantity of various innovations and discoveries in the field of financial technology known as cryptocurrency. This discovery encourages various developments of the virtual world economy which is increasingly diverse and growing according to the needs and interests of existing economic actors. Cryptocurrencies are currently only considered as digital assets that can be traded so they are not recognized as a means of payment. However, cryptocurrency trading in Indonesia is a fast-growing field, so its economic value continues to rise rapidly. This encourages the emergence of crypto mining businesses that tend to use large amounts of electricity. The issue of carbon footprint in cryto mining has in several ways been the cause of the prohibition of this activity. In Indonesia, this activity is still not banned, in 2022 a carbon tax will be applied where every kilogram of carbon equivalent emissions that exceed a certain cap will be subjected to Rp-30 (0.21 cent dollar) tax. So the paper tries to analyze the extent to which this carbon tax will affect crypto mining in Indonesia and how the mitigation of crypto mining's carbon footprint can be managed through proper regulation without disturbing the crypto economic sector that is blooming in Indonesia

    Identifying the Research Trends and Subfields of Blockchain Technology

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    Over the last years, extensive research has been done in the field of blockchain technology and there are a growing number of areas to which blockchain is being applied, creating broad knowledge in this field. Classifying the subfields and identifying new topics and research trends in the area of blockchain would be of significant help to researchers. The present study aims to review and categorize studies on blockchain technology, identify subfields, and achieve a coherent view of its research process. using bibliometric analyses. The data used in this research has been collected from 423 articles in the Scopus database. Then, the bibliographic coupling analysis and keyword co-occurrence have been performed.According to the findings of this study, researches on blockchain technology are divided into 5 clusters: 1. Computer systems, 2. Financial sciences, 3. Smart contracts, 4. Data management and authentication, and 5. Electronic cash. In recent years, topics such as machine learning, trust, deep learning, risk assessment, edge computing, Ethereum, and consensus have drawn the attention of the research community. This research provides a comprehensive classification of the main concepts and topics discussed in blockchain-related research, designated to help researchers in this field choose a line of research

    Blockchain Aplicada à Aviação: Uma Revisão Integrativa da Literatura

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    O sector da aviação acumula uma enorme quantidade de dados e os armazena em um repositório central, de cada fornecedor de instalações, como no caso das companhias aéreas. Se nos referirmos somente a uma operação de voo, são muitos dados relacionados a aeronaves, voos, passageiros, bagagem e logística, alimentação e toda a equipe de operações. Um único voo é um item perecível e não pode ser consumido novamente, portanto, o setor deve apostar em métodos de alto nível para proteger os dados e informações. Em vez disso, as companhias aéreas ainda estão trabalhando em repositórios centrais que funcionam nas lógicas do DBMS (Database Management Systems). O sector da Aviação precisa ser transparente e cauteloso sobre seus dados depois de observar o tipo de crescimento que estamos enfrentando na área de viagens. O blockchain pode ser uma solução transparente e segura com a informação se mantida a rede privada e fornecido o acesso ao público para verificar as informações sem alterá-las. Além disso, a criptomoeda pode ser extremamente útil para qualquer transação, como reserva de bilhetes, vendas a bordo e outras compras relacionadas das companhias aéreas. O blockchain pode ser construído para facilitar as operações de companhias aéreas e aeroportos e, por sua vez, resolverá vários problemas de gerenciamento de dados junto com a segurança. A presente dissertação mostrou através de uma revisão integrativa de literatura que o blockchain pode ser o pilar que apoiará todo o ecossistema das companhias aéreas e do relacionamento com os clientes, pois envolve tecnologia muito avançada para gerenciar e transacionar dados em vários níveis.The aviation sector accumulates a huge amount of data and stores it in a central repository, for each facility supplier, as in the case of airlines. If we refer only to a flight operation, there is a lot of data related to aircraft, flights, passengers, baggage and logistics, food and the entire operations team. A single flight is a perishable item and cannot be consumed again, therefore, the sector must invest in high-level methods to protect data and information. Instead, airlines are still working on central repositories that work on the DBMS (Database Management Systems) logic. The Aviation sector needs to be transparent and cautious about its data after looking at the type of growth we are experiencing in the travel industry. The blockchain can be a transparent and secure solution with information if the network is kept private and provided access to the public to verify the information without changing it. In addition, cryptocurrency can be extremely useful for any transaction, such as booking tickets, onboard sales and other related airline purchases. A blockchain system can be built to facilitate the operations of airlines and airports which, in turn, will solve several data management problems along with security. The present dissertation showed through an integrative literature review that blockchain can be the pillar that will support the entire airline and customer relationship ecosystem, as it involves very advanced technology to manage and transact data at various levels