7 research outputs found

    Classification of communication and cooperation mechanisms for logical and symbolic computation systems

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    The combination of logical and symbolic computation systems has recently emerged from prototype extensions of stand-alone systems to the study of environments allowing interaction among several systems. Communication and cooperation mechanisms of systems performing any kind of mathematical service enable to study and solve new classes of problems and to perform efficient computation by distributed specialized packages. The classification of communication and cooperation methods for logical and symbolic computation systems given in this paper provides and surveys different methodologies for combining mathematical services and their characteristics, capabilities, requirements, and differences. The methods are illustrated by recent well-known examples. We separate the classification into communication and cooperation methods. The former includes all aspects of the physical connection, the flow of mathematical information, the communication language(s) and its encoding, encryption, and ..

    Goal Oriented Equational Theorem Proving Using Team Work

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    The team work method is a concept for distributing automated theorem provers and so to activate several experts to work on a given problem. We have implemented this for pure equational logic using the unfailing Knuth-Bendix completion procedure as basic prover. In this paper we present three classes of experts working in a goal oriented fashion. In general, goal oriented experts perform their job "unfair" and so are often unable to solve a given problem alone. However, as a team member in the team work method they perform highly efficient, even in comparison with such respected provers as Otter 3.0 or REVEAL, as we demonstrate by examples, some of which can only be proved using team work. The reason for these achievements results from the fact that the team work method forces the experts to compete for a while and then to cooperate by exchanging their best results. This allows one to collect "good" intermediate results and to forget "useless" ones. Completion based proof methods are fr..

    Goal oriented equational theorem proving using team work

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    The team work method is a concept for distributing automated theoremprovers and so to activate several experts to work on a given problem. We haveimplemented this for pure equational logic using the unfailing KnuthADBendixcompletion procedure as basic prover. In this paper we present three classes ofexperts working in a goal oriented fashion. In general, goal oriented experts perADform their job "unfair" and so are often unable to solve a given problem alone.However, as a team member in the team work method they perform highly effiADcient, even in comparison with such respected provers as Otter 3.0 or REVEAL,as we demonstrate by examples, some of which can only be proved using teamwork.The reason for these achievements results from the fact that the team workmethod forces the experts to compete for a while and then to cooperate by exADchanging their best results. This allows one to collect "good" intermediate resultsand to forget "useless" ones. Completion based proof methods are frequently reADgarded to have the disadvantage of being not goal oriented. We believe that ourapproach overcomes this disadvantage to a large extend

    Goal oriented equational theorem proving using team work

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    The team work method is a concept for distributing automated theoremprovers and so to activate several experts to work on a given problem. We haveimplemented this for pure equational logic using the unfailing KnuthADBendixcompletion procedure as basic prover. In this paper we present three classes ofexperts working in a goal oriented fashion. In general, goal oriented experts perADform their job "unfair" and so are often unable to solve a given problem alone.However, as a team member in the team work method they perform highly effiADcient, even in comparison with such respected provers as Otter 3.0 or REVEAL,as we demonstrate by examples, some of which can only be proved using teamwork.The reason for these achievements results from the fact that the team workmethod forces the experts to compete for a while and then to cooperate by exADchanging their best results. This allows one to collect "good" intermediate resultsand to forget "useless" ones. Completion based proof methods are frequently reADgarded to have the disadvantage of being not goal oriented. We believe that ourapproach overcomes this disadvantage to a large extend

    Set of support, demodulation, paramodulation: a historical perspective

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    This article is a tribute to the scientific legacy of automated reasoning pioneer and JAR founder Lawrence T. (Larry) Wos. Larry's main technical contributions were the set-of-support strategy for resolution theorem proving, and the demodulation and paramodulation inference rules for building equality into resolution. Starting from the original definitions of these concepts in Larry's papers, this survey traces their evolution, unearthing the often forgotten trails that connect Larry's original definitions to those that became standard in the field

    Goal oriented equational theorem proving using team work

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