46 research outputs found

    Glueing and Orthogonality for Models of Linear Logic

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    We present the general theory of the method of glueing and associated technique of orthogonality for constructing categorical models of all the structure of linear logic: in particular we treat the exponentials in detail. We indicate simple applications of the methods and show that they cover familiar examples.

    On Linear Information Systems

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    Scott's information systems provide a categorically equivalent, intensional description of Scott domains and continuous functions. Following a well established pattern in denotational semantics, we define a linear version of information systems, providing a model of intuitionistic linear logic (a new-Seely category), with a "set-theoretic" interpretation of exponentials that recovers Scott continuous functions via the co-Kleisli construction. From a domain theoretic point of view, linear information systems are equivalent to prime algebraic Scott domains, which in turn generalize prime algebraic lattices, already known to provide a model of classical linear logic

    Linear Realisability and Cobordisms

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    Cobordism categories are known to be compact closed. They can therefore be used to define non-degenerate models of multiplicative linear logic by combining the Int construction with double glueing. In this work we detail such construction in the case of low-dimensional cobordisms, and exhibit a connexion between those models and the model of Interaction graphs introduced by Seiller. In particular, we exhibit how the so-called trefoil property is a consequence of the associativity of composition of higher structures, providing a first step toward establishing models as obtained from a double glueing construction. We discuss possible extensions to higher-dimensional cobordisms categorie

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    Algebraic totality, towards completeness

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    Finiteness spaces constitute a categorical model of Linear Logic (LL) whose objects can be seen as linearly topologised spaces, (a class of topological vector spaces introduced by Lefschetz in 1942) and morphisms as continuous linear maps. First, we recall definitions of finiteness spaces and describe their basic properties deduced from the general theory of linearly topologised spaces. Then we give an interpretation of LL based on linear algebra. Second, thanks to separation properties, we can introduce an algebraic notion of totality candidate in the framework of linearly topologised spaces: a totality candidate is a closed affine subspace which does not contain 0. We show that finiteness spaces with totality candidates constitute a model of classical LL. Finally, we give a barycentric simply typed lambda-calculus, with booleans B{\mathcal{B}} and a conditional operator, which can be interpreted in this model. We prove completeness at type Bn→B{\mathcal{B}}^n\to{\mathcal{B}} for every n by an algebraic method