490 research outputs found

    Attractiveness of periodic orbits in parametrically forced systemswith time-increasing friction

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    We consider dissipative one-dimensional systems subject to a periodic force and study numerically how a time-varying friction affects the dynamics. As a model system, particularly suited for numerical analysis, we investigate the driven cubic oscillator in the presence of friction. We find that, if the damping coefficient increases in time up to a final constant value, then the basins of attraction of the leading resonances are larger than they would have been if the coefficient had been fixed at that value since the beginning. From a quantitative point of view, the scenario depends both on the final value and the growth rate of the damping coefficient. The relevance of the results for the spin-orbit model are discussed in some detail.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    Canonical phase space approach to the noisy Burgers equation: Probability distributions

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    We present a canonical phase space approach to stochastic systems described by Langevin equations driven by white noise. Mapping the associated Fokker-Planck equation to a Hamilton-Jacobi equation in the nonperturbative weak noise limit we invoke a {\em principle of least action} for the determination of the probability distributions. We apply the scheme to the noisy Burgers and KPZ equations and discuss the time-dependent and stationary probability distributions. In one dimension we derive the long-time skew distribution approaching the symmetric stationary Gaussian distribution. In the short-time region we discuss heuristically the nonlinear soliton contributions and derive an expression for the distribution in accordance with the directed polymer-replica and asymmetric exclusion model results. We also comment on the distribution in higher dimensions.Comment: 18 pages Revtex file, including 8 eps-figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Parametric resonance in tunable superconducting cavities

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    We develop a theory of parametric resonance in tunable superconducting cavities. The nonlinearity introduced by the SQUID attached to the cavity, and damping due to connection of the cavity to a transmission line are taken into consideration. We study in detail the nonlinear classical dynamics of the cavity field below and above the parametric threshold for the degenerate parametric resonance, featuring regimes of multistability and parametric radiation. We investigate the phase-sensitive amplification of external signals on resonance, as well as amplification of detuned signals, and relate the amplifier performance to that of linear parametric amplifiers. We also discuss applications of the device for dispersive qubit readout. Beyond the classical response of the cavity, we investigate small quantum fluctuations around the amplified classical signals. We evaluate the noise power spectrum both for the internal field in the cavity and the output field. Other quantum statistical properties of the noise are addressed such as squeezing spectra, second order coherence, and two-mode entanglement.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figure

    Influence of dissipation on extreme oscillations of a forced anharmonic oscillator

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    Dynamics of a periodically forced anharmonic oscillator (AO) with cubic nonlinearity, linear damping, and nonlinear damping, is studied. To begin with, the authors examine the dynamics of an AO. Due to this symmetric nature, the system has two neutrally stable elliptic equilibrium points in positive and negative potential-wells. Hence, the unforced system can exhibit both single-well and double-well periodic oscillations depending on the initial conditions. Next, the authors include nonlinear damping into the system. Then, the symmetry of the system is broken instantly and the stability of the two elliptic points is altered to result in stable focus and unstable focus in the positive and negative potential-wells, respectively. Consequently, the system is dual-natured and is either non-dissipative or dissipative, depending on location in the phase space. Furthermore, when one includes a periodic external forcing with suitable parameter values into the nonlinearly damped AO system and starts to increase the damping strength, the symmetry of the system is not broken right away, but it occurs after the damping reaches a threshold value. As a result, the system undergoes a transition from double-well chaotic oscillations to single-well chaos mediated through extreme events (EEs). Furthermore, it is found that the large-amplitude oscillations developed in the system are completely eliminated if one incorporates linear damping into the system. The numerically calculated results are in good agreement with the theoretically obtained results on the basis of Melnikov's function. Further, it is demonstrated that when one includes linear damping into the system, this system has a dissipative nature throughout the entire phase space of the system. This is believed to be the key to the elimination of EEs.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publications in International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanic

    Phase Diagrams for Sonoluminescing Bubbles

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    Sound driven gas bubbles in water can emit light pulses. This phenomenon is called sonoluminescence (SL). Two different phases of single bubble SL have been proposed: diffusively stable and diffusively unstable SL. We present phase diagrams in the gas concentration vs forcing pressure state space and also in the ambient radius vs gas concentration and vs forcing pressure state spaces. These phase diagrams are based on the thresholds for energy focusing in the bubble and two kinds of instabilities, namely (i) shape instabilities and (ii) diffusive instabilities. Stable SL only occurs in a tiny parameter window of large forcing pressure amplitude Pa1.21.5P_a \sim 1.2 - 1.5atm and low gas concentration of less than 0.4%0.4\% of the saturation. The upper concentration threshold becomes smaller with increasing forcing. Our results quantitatively agree with experimental results of Putterman's UCLA group on argon, but not on air. However, air bubbles and other gas mixtures can also successfully be treated in this approach if in addition (iii) chemical instabilities are considered. -- All statements are based on the Rayleigh-Plesset ODE approximation of the bubble dynamics, extended in an adiabatic approximation to include mass diffusion effects. This approximation is the only way to explore considerable portions of parameter space, as solving the full PDEs is numerically too expensive. Therefore, we checked the adiabatic approximation by comparison with the full numerical solution of the advection diffusion PDE and find good agreement.Comment: Phys. Fluids, in press; latex; 46 pages, 16 eps-figures, small figures tarred and gzipped and uuencoded; large ones replaced by dummies; full version can by obtained from: http://staff-www.uni-marburg.de/~lohse