525 research outputs found

    Navier-Stokes-Voigt equations with memory in 3D lacking instantaneous kinematic viscosity

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    We consider a Navier-Stokes-Voigt fluid model where the instantaneous kinematic viscosity has been completely replaced by a memory term incorporating hereditary effects, in presence of Ekman damping. The dissipative character of our model is weaker than the one where hereditary and instantaneous viscosity coexist, previously studied by Gal and Tachim-Medjo. Nevertheless, we prove the existence of a regular exponential attractor of finite fractal dimension under rather sharp assumptions on the memory kernel.Comment: 26 page

    Analyticity and Gevrey-class regularity for the second-grade fluid equations

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    We address the global persistence of analyticity and Gevrey-class regularity of solutions to the two and three-dimensional visco-elastic second-grade fluid equations. We obtain an explicit novel lower bound on the radius of analyticity of the solutions to the second-grade fluid equations that does not vanish as t→∞t\to \infty. Applications to the damped Euler equations are given

    On a Navier-Stokes-Allen-Cahn model with inertial effects

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    A mathematical model describing the flow of two-phase fluids in a bounded container Ω\Omega is considered under the assumption that the phase transition process is influenced by inertial effects. The model couples a variant of the Navier-Stokes system for the velocity uu with an Allen-Cahn-type equation for the order parameter φ\varphi relaxed in time in order to introduce inertia. The resulting model is characterized by second-order material derivatives which constitute the main difficulty in the mathematical analysis. Actually, in order to obtain a tractable problem, a viscous relaxation term is included in the phase equation. The mathematical results consist in existence of weak solutions in 3D and, under additional assumptions, existence and uniqueness of strong solutions in 2D. A partial characterization of the long-time behavior of solutions is also given and in particular some issues related to dissipation of energy are discussed.Comment: 24 page

    Compressible fluids interacting with a linear-elastic shell

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    We study the Navier--Stokes equations governing the motion of an isentropic compressible fluid in three dimensions interacting with a flexible shell of Koiter type. The latter one constitutes a moving part of the boundary of the physical domain. Its deformation is modeled by a linearized version of Koiter's elastic energy. We show the existence of weak solutions to the corresponding system of PDEs provided the adiabatic exponent satisfies γ>127\gamma>\frac{12}{7} (γ>1\gamma>1 in two dimensions). The solution exists until the moving boundary approaches a self-intersection. This provides a compressible counterpart of the results in [D. Lengeler, M. \Ruzicka, Weak Solutions for an Incompressible Newtonian Fluid Interacting with a Koiter Type Shell. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 211 (2014), no. 1, 205--255] on incompressible Navier--Stokes equations

    The Cosmic No-Hair Theorem and the Nonlinear Stability of Homogeneous Newtonian Cosmological Models

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    The validity of the cosmic no-hair theorem is investigated in the context of Newtonian cosmology with a perfect fluid matter model and a positive cosmological constant. It is shown that if the initial data for an expanding cosmological model of this type is subjected to a small perturbation then the corresponding solution exists globally in the future and the perturbation decays in a way which can be described precisely. It is emphasized that no linearization of the equations or special symmetry assumptions are needed. The result can also be interpreted as a proof of the nonlinear stability of the homogeneous models. In order to prove the theorem we write the general solution as the sum of a homogeneous background and a perturbation. As a by-product of the analysis it is found that there is an invariant sense in which an inhomogeneous model can be regarded as a perturbation of a unique homogeneous model. A method is given for associating uniquely to each Newtonian cosmological model with compact spatial sections a spatially homogeneous model which incorporates its large-scale dynamics. This procedure appears very natural in the Newton-Cartan theory which we take as the starting point for Newtonian cosmology.Comment: 16 pages, MPA-AR-94-

    Stabilizing the Long-time Behavior of the Navier-Stokes Equations and Damped Euler Systems by Fast Oscillating Forces

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    The paper studies the issue of stability of solutions to the Navier-Stokes and damped Euler systems in periodic boxes. We show that under action of fast oscillating-in- time external forces all two dimensional regular solutions converge to a time periodic flow. Unexpectedly, effects of stabilization can be also obtained for systems with stationary forces with large total momentum (average of the velocity). Thanks to the Galilean transformation and space boundary conditions, the stationary force changes into one with time oscillations. In the three dimensional case we show an analogical result for weak solutions to the Navier- Stokes equations
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