538 research outputs found

    Large-scale unit commitment under uncertainty: an updated literature survey

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    The Unit Commitment problem in energy management aims at finding the optimal production schedule of a set of generation units, while meeting various system-wide constraints. It has always been a large-scale, non-convex, difficult problem, especially in view of the fact that, due to operational requirements, it has to be solved in an unreasonably small time for its size. Recently, growing renewable energy shares have strongly increased the level of uncertainty in the system, making the (ideal) Unit Commitment model a large-scale, non-convex and uncertain (stochastic, robust, chance-constrained) program. We provide a survey of the literature on methods for the Uncertain Unit Commitment problem, in all its variants. We start with a review of the main contributions on solution methods for the deterministic versions of the problem, focussing on those based on mathematical programming techniques that are more relevant for the uncertain versions of the problem. We then present and categorize the approaches to the latter, while providing entry points to the relevant literature on optimization under uncertainty. This is an updated version of the paper "Large-scale Unit Commitment under uncertainty: a literature survey" that appeared in 4OR 13(2), 115--171 (2015); this version has over 170 more citations, most of which appeared in the last three years, proving how fast the literature on uncertain Unit Commitment evolves, and therefore the interest in this subject

    Global Optimisation for Energy System

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    The goal of global optimisation is to find globally optimal solutions, avoiding local optima and other stationary points. The aim of this thesis is to provide more efficient global optimisation tools for energy systems planning and operation. Due to the ongoing increasing of complexity and decentralisation of power systems, the use of advanced mathematical techniques that produce reliable solutions becomes necessary. The task of developing such methods is complicated by the fact that most energy-related problems are nonconvex due to the nonlinear Alternating Current Power Flow equations and the existence of discrete elements. In some cases, the computational challenges arising from the presence of non-convexities can be tackled by relaxing the definition of convexity and identifying classes of problems that can be solved to global optimality by polynomial time algorithms. One such property is known as invexity and is defined by every stationary point of a problem being a global optimum. This thesis investigates how the relation between the objective function and the structure of the feasible set is connected to invexity and presents necessary conditions for invexity in the general case and necessary and sufficient conditions for problems with two degrees of freedom. However, nonconvex problems often do not possess any provable convenient properties, and specialised methods are necessary for providing global optimality guarantees. A widely used technique is solving convex relaxations in order to find a bound on the optimal solution. Semidefinite Programming relaxations can provide good quality bounds, but they suffer from a lack of scalability. We tackle this issue by proposing an algorithm that combines decomposition and linearisation approaches. In addition to continuous non-convexities, many problems in Energy Systems model discrete decisions and are expressed as mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs). The formulation of a MINLP is of significant importance since it affects the quality of dual bounds. In this thesis we investigate algebraic characterisations of on/off constraints and develop a strengthened version of the Quadratic Convex relaxation of the Optimal Transmission Switching problem. All presented methods were implemented in mathematical modelling and optimisation frameworks PowerTools and Gravity

    Decomposition Methods for Global Solutions of Mixed-Integer Linear Programs

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    This paper introduces two decomposition-based methods for two-block mixed-integer linear programs (MILPs), which break the original problem into a sequence of smaller MILP subproblems. The first method is based on the l1-augmented Lagrangian. The second method is based on the alternating direction method of multipliers. When the original problem has a block-angular structure, the subproblems of the first block have low dimensions and can be solved in parallel. We add reverse-norm cuts and augmented Lagrangian cuts to the subproblems of the second block. For both methods, we show asymptotic convergence to globally optimal solutions and present iteration upper bounds. Numerical comparisons with recent decomposition methods demonstrate the exactness and efficiency of our proposed methods

    ALADIN-α—An open-source MATLAB toolbox for distributed non-convex optimization

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    This article introduces an open-source software for distributed and decentralized non-convex optimization named ALADIN-α. ALADIN-α is a MATLAB implementation of tailored variants of the Augmented Lagrangian Alternating Direction Inexact Newton (ALADIN) algorithm. It is user interface is convenient for rapid prototyping of non-convex distributed optimization algorithms. An improved version of the recently proposed bi-level variant of ALADIN is included enabling decentralized non-convex optimization with reduced information exchange. A collection of examples from different applications fields including chemical engineering, robotics, and power systems underpins the potential of ALADIN-α

    Scalable Optimal Multiway-Split Decision Trees with Constraints

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    There has been a surge of interest in learning optimal decision trees using mixed-integer programs (MIP) in recent years, as heuristic-based methods do not guarantee optimality and find it challenging to incorporate constraints that are critical for many practical applications. However, existing MIP methods that build on an arc-based formulation do not scale well as the number of binary variables is in the order of O(2dN)\mathcal{O}(2^dN), where dd and NN refer to the depth of the tree and the size of the dataset. Moreover, they can only handle sample-level constraints and linear metrics. In this paper, we propose a novel path-based MIP formulation where the number of decision variables is independent of NN. We present a scalable column generation framework to solve the MIP optimally. Our framework produces a multiway-split tree which is more interpretable than the typical binary-split trees due to its shorter rules. Our method can handle nonlinear metrics such as F1 score and incorporate a broader class of constraints. We demonstrate its efficacy with extensive experiments. We present results on datasets containing up to 1,008,372 samples while existing MIP-based decision tree models do not scale well on data beyond a few thousand points. We report superior or competitive results compared to the state-of-art MIP-based methods with up to a 24X reduction in runtime