3 research outputs found

    Glioma Diagnosis Aid through CNNs and Fuzzy-C Means for MRI

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    Glioma is a type of brain tumor that causes mortality in many cases. Early diagnosis is an important factor. Typically, it is detected through MRI and then either a treatment is applied, or it is removed through surgery. Deep-learning techniques are becoming popular in medical applications and image-based diagnosis. Convolutional Neural Networks are the preferred architecture for object detection and classification in images. In this paper, we present a study to evaluate the efficiency of using CNNs for diagnosis aids in glioma detection and the improvement of the method when using a clustering method (Fuzzy C-means) for preprocessing the input MRI dataset. Results offered an accuracy improvement from 0.77 to 0.81 when using Fuzzy C-Means.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    Non-small cell lung cancer diagnosis aid with histopathological images using Explainable Deep Learning techniques

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    Background: Lung cancer has the highest mortality rate in the world, twice as high as the second highest. On the other hand, pathologists are overworked and this is detrimental to the time spent on each patient, diagnostic turnaround time, and their success rate. Objective: In this work, we design, implement, and evaluate a diagnostic aid system for non-small cell lung cancer detection, using Deep Learning techniques. Methods: The classifier developed is based on Artificial Intelligence techniques, obtaining an automatic classification result between healthy, adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, given an histopathological image from lung tissue. Moreover, a report module based on Explainable Deep Learning techniques is included and gives the pathologist information about the image’s areas used to classify the sample and the confidence of belonging to each class. Results: The results show a system accuracy between 97.11 and 99.69%, depending on the number of classes classified, and a value of the area under ROC curve between 99.77 and 99.94%. Conclusions: The classification results obtain a substantial improvement according to previous works. Thanks to the given report, the time spent by the pathologist and the diagnostic turnaround time can be reduced.Andalusian Regional I+D+i FEDER Project DAFNE US-138161

    Scientific Advances in STEM

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    Following a previous topic (Scientific advances in STEM: from professors to students; https://www.mdpi.com/topics/advances_stem), this new topic aims to highlight the importance of establishing collaborations among research groups from different disciplines, combining the scientific knowledge from basic to applied research as well as taking advantage of different research facilities. Fundamental science helps us to understand phenomenological basics, while applied science focuses on products and technology developments, highlighting the need to perform a transference of knowledge to society and the industrial sector