4 research outputs found

    Gesture spotting and recognition using salience detection and concatenated hidden markov models

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    We developed a gesture salience based hand tracking method, and a gesture spotting and recognition method based on concatenated hidden Markov models. A 3-fold cross validation using the ChAirGest development data set with 10 users gives an F1 score of 0.907 and an accurate temporal segmentation rate (ATSR) of 0.923. The average final score is 0.9116. Compared with using the hand joint position from the Kinect SDK, using our hand tracking method gives a 3.7% absolute increase in the recognition F1 score

    Capturing Upper Body Motion in Conversation: an Appearance Quasi-Invariant Approach

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    We address the problem of body communication retrieval and measuring in seated conversations by means of marker-less motion capture. In psychological studies, the use of au-tomatic methods is key to reduce the subjectivity present in manual behavioral coding used to extract these cues. These studies usually involve hundreds of subjects with different clothing, non-acted poses, or different distances to the cam-era in uncalibrated, RGB-only video. However, range cam-eras are not yet common in psychology research, especially in existing recordings. Therefore, it becomes highly relevant to develop a fast method that is able to work in these con-ditions. Given the known relationship between depth and motion estimates, we propose to robustly integrate highly appearance-invariant image motion features in a machine learning approach, complemented with an effective tracking scheme. We evaluate the method’s performance with exist-ing databases and a database of upper body poses displayed in job interviews that we make public, showing that in our scenario it is comparable to that of Kinect without using a range camera, and state-of-the-art w.r.t. the HumanEva and ChaLearn 2011 evaluation datasets

    Deep Recurrent Networks for Gesture Recognition and Synthesis

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    It is hard to overstate the importance of gesture-based interfaces in many applications nowadays. The adoption of such interfaces stems from the opportunities they create for incorporating natural and fluid user interactions. This highlights the importance of having gesture recognizers that are not only accurate but also easy to adopt. The ever-growing popularity of machine learning has prompted many application developers to integrate automatic methods of recognition into their products. On the one hand, deep learning often tops the list of the most powerful and robust recognizers. These methods have been consistently shown to outperform all other machine learning methods in a variety of tasks. On the other hand, deep networks can be overwhelming to use for a majority of developers, requiring a lot of tuning and tweaking to work as expected. Additionally, these networks are infamous for their requirement for large amounts of training data, further hampering their adoption in scenarios where labeled data is limited. In this dissertation, we aim to bridge the gap between the power of deep learning methods and their adoption into gesture recognition workflows. To this end, we introduce two deep network models for recognition. These models are similar in spirit, but target different application domains: one is designed for segmented gesture recognition, while the other is suitable for continuous data, tackling segmentation and recognition problems simultaneously. The distinguishing characteristic of these networks is their simplicity, small number of free parameters, and their use of common building blocks that come standard with any modern deep learning framework, making them easy to implement, train and adopt. Through evaluations, we show that our proposed models achieve state-of-the-art results in various recognition tasks and application domains spanning different input devices and interaction modalities. We demonstrate that the infamy of deep networks due to their demand for powerful hardware as well as large amounts of data is an unfair assessment. On the contrary, we show that in the absence of such data, our proposed models can be quickly trained while achieving competitive recognition accuracy. Next, we explore the problem of synthetic gesture generation: a measure often taken to address the shortage of labeled data. We extend our proposed recognition models and demonstrate that the same models can be used in a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture for synthetic gesture generation. Specifically, we show that our original recognizer can be used as the discriminator in such frameworks, while its slightly modified version can act as the gesture generator. We then formulate a novel loss function for our gesture generator, which entirely replaces the need for a discriminator network in our generative model, thereby significantly reducing the complexity of our framework. Through evaluations, we show that our model is able to improve the recognition accuracy of multiple recognizers across a variety of datasets. Through user studies, we additionally show that human evaluators mistake our synthetic samples with the real ones frequently indicating that our synthetic samples are visually realistic. Additional resources for this dissertation (such as demo videos and public source codes) are available at https://www.maghoumi.com/dissertatio