36 research outputs found

    BGS Groundhog® desktop Geoscientific Information System external user manual

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    BGS Groundhog is a software platform developed by the British Geological Survey (BGS) for the management and display of subsurface geological information. There are two main components; 1. BGS Groundhog Web 2. BGS Groundhog Desktop GSIS This user manual relates specifically to the Desktop GSIS component of the platform. The software is available under the UK’s Open Government Licence, which means the software is free to use, exploit and re-distribute for academic, personal, research or commercial purposes, subject to the terms of the UK’s Open Government Licence. Groundhog Desktop is intended as a basic GeoScientific Information System (GSIS*) – a software tool which facilitates the collation, display, filtering and editing of a range of data relevant to subsurface interpretation and modelling. It has been developed by the Modelling Systems software development team, with help and advice being provided by Holger Kessler, Steve Mathers and Ricky Terrington. This manual provides information on the use of the software for external clients

    The digital data workflow at the British Geological Survey

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    Multi-scale data storage schemes for spatial information systems

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    This thesis documents a research project that has led to the design and prototype implementation of several data storage schemes suited to the efficient multi-scale representation of integrated spatial data. Spatial information systems will benefit from having data models which allow for data to be viewed and analysed at various levels of detail, while the integration of data from different sources will lead to a more accurate representation of reality. The work has addressed two specific problems. The first concerns the design of an integrated multi-scale data model suited for use within Geographical Information Systems. This has led to the development of two data models, each of which allow for the integration of terrain data and topographic data at multiple levels of detail. The models are based on a combination of adapted versions of three previous data structures, namely, the constrained Delaunay pyramid, the line generalisation tree and the fixed grid. The second specific problem addressed in this thesis has been the development of an integrated multi-scale 3-D geological data model, for use within a Geoscientific Information System. This has resulted in a data storage scheme which enables the integration of terrain data, geological outcrop data and borehole data at various levels of detail. The thesis also presents details of prototype database implementations of each of the new data storage schemes. These implementations have served to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of an integrated multi-scale approach. The research has also brought to light some areas that will need further research before fully functional systems are produced. The final chapter contains, in addition to conclusions made as a result of the research to date, a summary of some of these areas that require future work

    Geology from Engineering, Urban or Otherwise

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    Exhortations of the mid-nineteenth century to take advantage of construction activities as sources of geological information have been paid heed only occasionally. While some advantage has been taken of information from engineering activity, most is unrecorded geologically. Geological study of urban areas is complicated by many difficulties and comprehensive treatment requires a permanent staff with appropriate experience. Even though geological data have clearly demonstrable practical use in better use of land resources, urban geology should embrace both practical and curiousity-based research. Thus far, opportunities to gain enormous amounts of information of great practical and scientific value have been commonly ignored. Toronto is Canada's largest and geologically most famous city. The fame is based on its unique Quaternary stratigraphy, which includes lllinoian, Sangamonian, and Wisconsinan deposits, many of which are fossiliferous. Tragic losses of important information about its Quaternary history occur nearly continuously as large scale surface mining continues and little record of the temporary exposures is kept.Les appels lancés au milieu du XIXe s. à profiter de la présence des chantiers de construction pour en tirer des renseignements d'ordre géologique ont reçu bien peu d'attention. Bien qu'on ait tiré certains avantages de l'information fournie par les travaux d'ingénierie, on a rarement constitué de dossiers géologiques. Les études géologiques en milieu urbain font face à de nombreux obstacles et leur traitement exhaustif nécessite un personnel permanent et qualifié. Même si les données géologiques ont clairement démontré leur utilité pratique pour une utilisation plus rationnelle des ressources, la géologie en milieu urbain devrait comprendre à la fois les recherches appliquée et fondamentale. Jusqu'à maintenant on a rarement su saisir les occasions de tirer profit des énormes connaissances de nature scientifique et pratique. Toronto est la plus grande ville du Canada et aussi la plus renommée géologiquement parlant. Cette renommée lui vient de son site qui renferme une stratigraphie du Quaternaire unique, qui comprend des dépôts de l'Illionien, du Sangamonien et du Wisconsinien, dont beaucoup sont fossiles. Malheureusement, des renseignements de première importance sur son évolution quaternaire se perdent presque de façon continue pendant que se poursuit l'exploitation minière à grande échelle, puisqu'on ne consigne à peu près jamais les données sur les sites temporairement mis à nu

    GeoDI: Geoscientific Data Integration

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    This report summarises the findings of the GeoDI project. Large volumes of geoscientific (i.e., geological and geophysical) datasets have been gathered by the Marine Institute and its partners over the past number of years, A key challenge now exists to derive maximum value from these very costly and valuable products by integrating these geoscientific datasets together, and with other resources such as biological, chemical, and environmental data. The project aimed to address this challenge by examining the critical issues involved in the integration of Irish marine geoscientific datasets, and by assessing tools and services for enhanced management, discovery, access, and analyses of geoscientific data.Funder: Marine Institut

    Improving geological and process model integration through TIN to 3D grid conversion

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    The ability to extract properties from 3D geological framework models for use in the construction of conceptual and mathematical models is seen as increasingly important, however, tools and techniques are needed to support such information flows. Developing such methodologies will maximize the opportunity for information use and re-use, this is particularly important as the true value of such assets is not always known when they are first acquired. This paper briefly describes the cultural and technical challenges associated with the application of information derived from 3D geological framework models by hydrogeological process models. We examine how these issues are being addressed and present a tool, SurfGrid, which allows a user to generate 3D grids (voxels) of parameterized data from a series of geological surfaces. The procedures and tools described offer the ability to re-use expensively created assets by providing user friendly techniques that enable multidisciplinary scientists to extrapolate property distributions from geological models

    Un système d'information géoscientifique pour la ville de Sherbrooke, Québec

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    Urban planners as well as civil engineers of the town of Sherbrooke, still do not yet have a geoscientific information databank (GSID) that can show, with the help of a geographic information system (GIS), unconsolidated deposits and their three-dimensional aspect (thickness, topography and stratigraphy). Therefore, the main goal of this research project consists in making a detailed geoscientific information system (GSIS) of the Sherbrooke region, covering an area of 150 km 2 approximately. The GSID is elaborated essentially from well and borehole data, geotechnical reports, cartographic data and field observations. The elaboration of the GSIS is first done by setting up a GSID on Excel , using point data from the region. This GSID is then verified and corrected before being integrated finally in the ArcView GIS. In the case of boreholes not reaching the bedrock, further corrections to the thickness of the overburden are effected with the help of data from nearby boreholes and a series of successive interpolations. With ArcView software, interpolation maps can be drawn up. Several types of maps are derived from the GSID: bedrock topography, depth of the upper limit of the water table, total thickness to the overburden, and thickness and topography of different unconsolidated formations. The interpolation method used is Kriging when possible. The computation is based on a theoretical model chosen by the analysis of semi-variogrammes. By integrating the GSID to a GIS, the various municipal authorities can use the GSIS to keep an inventory of the stratigraphy of Sherbrooke's territory and define, among other things, risk zones in accordance with constraints of town planning and building of infrastructures


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    Throughout history, there has been extensive research performed on the Hawkesbury Sandstone, however, little has been done within academic literature on the fracture networks throughout it, specifically on their influence on groundwater flow and storage. The regional deformation is also believed to be due to basement control, with little research performed on alternate theories of deformation. This study aims to develop a better understanding of the fracture networks in the Hawkesbury Sandstone and how fractures may contribute to the flow pathways between underground and groundwater systems. It also aims to determine the possibility of an alternate theory for regional deformation, in the form of detachment folding. This study was conducted on the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, with a key focus on three rock outcrops at Yanderra. Photogrammetry models were developed which were then uploaded to a 3D geological software program (IPM-MOVE™) for geological interpretation. The established mesh surfaces were interpreted to develop cross-sections and quantitative results, with a particular focus on fracture length and spacing at each outcrop. The acquired fracture measurements, along with three test apertures were used to develop a conceptual model of the porosity and hydraulic conductivity of fracture networks within each outcrop. The calculated porosity of the fractures in the Hawkesbury Sandstone, based on observed fracture length, ranged from 0.001-0.011% with three different apertures, while the conceptual model based on fracture spacing ranged from 0.001-0.022%. The expected hydraulic conductivity of fractures ranged from 0.040 m/day to 15.64 m/day. The depth to detachment was calculated to be approximately 325 metres, which indicates a detachment layer is possibly within the Illawarra Coal Measures. Fractures are a clear host to fluid movement through rock outcrops. Longwall mining can cause movement on existing fractures due to subsidence, and thus, have implications for the movement of groundwater throughout them. This could have the potential to affect recharge within aquifers throughout the Sydney Basin and should be considered in future fracture studies and mining operations

    Enkoping Esker Pilot Study : workflow for data integration and publishing of 3D geological outputs

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    This report describes the workflows for preparing the data for constructing and publishing a geological model of the Enköping Esker, Sweden. This pilot study was a collaborative effort between the British Geological Survey (BGS) and Swedish Geological Survey (SGU). The main role of the BGS was to help prepare the data for the geological model, provide advice about the construction of the model, technical check the model and create the publication methods for the dissemination of the model. The main role of SGU was to construct the geological model using the SubsurfaceViewer software (INSIGHT). The following publication methods were deployed: Synthetic Geological Model Web Viewer Minecraft 2D and 3D shapefiles ASCII grids (Top, Base, Thickness and Rockhead (base of superficial deposits)) Groundhog Desktop compatible project files and set up GeoVisionary v3 compatible project files and set up Subsurface Viewer files GOCAD-SKUA surfaces (.ts) – top, base and shells A number of suggestions were made by the BGS to improve the workflow methodology. These included: Using Groundhog in the initial stages of model development to minimise snapping and model checks in cross-section Bathymetry would have improved the modelling of the distribution of superficial deposits at the lake bed surface Using the Unlithified Coding Schema (Cooper et al 2006) for the coding of boreholes Ensuring that the borehole index information is correct (start heights) which can reduce the error in the elevations when correlating stratigraphy Looking at stochastic methods for modelling lithofacies in eskers Developing simple visualisations of uncertainty in 2D based on quantitative informatio