16,571 research outputs found

    Investigating Full-Waveform Lidar Data for Detection and Recognition of Vertical Objects

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    A recent innovation in commercially-available topographic lidar systems is the ability to record return waveforms at high sampling frequencies. These “full-waveform” systems provide up to two orders of magnitude more data than “discrete-return” systems. However, due to the relatively limited capabilities of current processing and analysis software, more data does not always translate into more or better information for object extraction applications. In this paper, we describe a new approach for exploiting full waveform data to improve detection and recognition of vertical objects, such as trees, poles, buildings, towers, and antennas. Each waveform is first deconvolved using an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to obtain a train of spikes in time, where each spike corresponds to an individual laser reflection. The output is then georeferenced to create extremely dense, detailed X,Y,Z,I point clouds, where I denotes intensity. A tunable parameter is used to control the number of spikes in the deconvolved waveform, and, hence, the point density of the output point cloud. Preliminary results indicate that the average number of points on vertical objects using this method is several times higher than using discrete-return lidar data. The next steps in this ongoing research will involve voxelizing the lidar point cloud to obtain a high-resolution volume of intensity values and computing a 3D wavelet representation. The final step will entail performing vertical object detection/recognition in the wavelet domain using a multiresolution template matching approach

    Multiphase procedure for landscape reconstruction and their evolution analysis. GIS modelling for areas exposed to high volcanic risk

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    This paper – focussed on the province of Naples, where many municipalities with a huge demographic and building density are subject to high volcanic risk owing to the presence of the Campi Flegrei (Phlegrean Fields) caldera and the Somma-Vesuvius complex – highlights the methodological-applicative steps leading to the setting up of a multiphase procedure for landscape reconstruction and their evolution analysis. From the operational point of view, the research led to the: (1) digitalisation, georeferencing and comparison of cartographies of different periods of time and recent satellite images; (2) elaboration and publication of a multilayer Story Map; (3) accurate vectorisation of the data of the buildings, for each period of time considered, and the use of kernel density in 2D and 3D; (4) application of the extrusion techniques to the physical aspects and anthropic structures; (5) production of 4D animations and film clips for each period of time considered. A procedure is thus tested made up of preparatory sequences, leading to a GIS modelling aimed at highlighting and quantifying significant problem areas and high exposure situations and at reconstructing the phases which in time have brought about an intense and widespread growth process of the artificial surfaces, considerably altering the features of the landscape and noticeably showing up the risk values. In a context characterised by land use conflicts and anomalous conditions of anthropic congestion, a diagnostic approach through images in 2D, 3D and 4D is used, with the aim to support the prevention and planning of emergencies, process damage scenarios and identify the main intervention orders, raise awareness and educate to risk, making an impact on the collective imagination through the enhancement of specific geotechnological functionalities of great didactic interest

    A Low Cost UWB Based Solution for Direct Georeferencing UAV Photogrammetry

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    Thanks to their flexibility and availability at reduced costs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been recently used on a wide range of applications and conditions. Among these, they can play an important role in monitoring critical events (e.g., disaster monitoring) when the presence of humans close to the scene shall be avoided for safety reasons, in precision farming and surveying. Despite the very large number of possible applications, their usage is mainly limited by the availability of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in the considered environment: indeed, GNSS is of fundamental importance in order to reduce positioning error derived by the drift of (low-cost) Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) internal sensors. In order to make the usage of UAVs possible even in critical environments (when GNSS is not available or not reliable, e.g., close to mountains or in city centers, close to high buildings), this paper considers the use of a low cost Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) system as the positioning method. Furthermore, assuming the use of a calibrated camera, UWB positioning is exploited to achieve metric reconstruction on a local coordinate system. Once the georeferenced position of at least three points (e.g., positions of three UWB devices) is known, then georeferencing can be obtained, as well. The proposed approach is validated on a specific case study, the reconstruction of the façade of a university building. Average error on 90 check points distributed over the building façade, obtained by georeferencing by means of the georeferenced positions of four UWB devices at fixed positions, is 0.29 m. For comparison, the average error obtained by using four ground control points is 0.18 m

    Digital representation of historical globes : methods to make 3D and pseudo-3D models of sixteenth century Mercator globes

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    In this paper, the construction of digital representations of a terrestrial and celestial globe will be discussed. Virtual digital (3D) models play an important role in recent research and publications on cultural heritage. The globes discussed in this paper were made by Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594) in 1541 and 1551. Four techniques for the digital representation are discussed and analysed, all using high-resolution photographs of the globes. These photographs were taken under studio conditions in order to get equal lighting and to avoid unwanted light spots. These lighting conditions are important, since the globes have a highly reflective varnish covering. Processing these images using structure from motion, georeferencing of separate scenes and the combination of the photographs with terrestrial laser scanning data results in true 3D representations of the globes. Besides, pseudo-3D models of these globes were generated using dynamic imaging, which is an extensively used technique for visualisations over the Internet. The four techniques and the consequent results are compared on geometric and radiometric quality, with a special focus on their usefulness for distribution and visualisation during an exhibition in honour of the five hundredth birthday of Gerardus Mercator

    Methodology for the metric restoration of the historical cartography applied to Francisco Coello's cartografic series of the Royal Site of Aranjuez

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    Hojas Kilométricas (Kilometric Sheets). Specifically, the study focuses on those sheets referring to the city centre and surrounding area of the Royal Site of Aranjuez, a town in the south of the Province of Madrid. The aim of this study is to restore the actual size and measurements of scanned images of the Hojas Kilométricas. This would allow us, among other things, to reestablish both the format and scale of the original plans. To achieve this goal it is necessary to rectify and then georeference these images, i.e. assign them a geographic reference system. This procedure is essential in the overlaying and comparison of the Hojas Kilométricas of the Royal Site with other historical cartography as well as other sources related to the same area from different time periods. Subsequent research would allow us, for example, to reconstruct the time-evolution of the urban area, to spot new construction and to pinpoint the locations of any altered or missing buildings or architectural features. In addition, this would allow us to develop and integrate databases for GIS models applicable to the management of our cultural heritage

    Real Time Airborne Monitoring for Disaster and Traffic Applications

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    Remote sensing applications like disaster or mass event monitoring need the acquired data and extracted information within a very short time span. Airborne sensors can acquire the data quickly and on-board processing combined with data downlink is the fastest possibility to achieve this requirement. For this purpose, a new low-cost airborne frame camera system has been developed at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) named 3K-camera. The pixel size and swath width range between 15 cm to 50 cm and 2.5 km to 8 km respectively. Within two minutes an area of approximately 10 km x 8 km can be monitored. Image data are processed onboard on five computers using data from a real time GPS/IMU system including direct georeferencing. Due to high frequency image acquisition (3 images/second) the monitoring of moving objects like vehicles and people is performed allowing wide area detailed traffic monitoring
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