5,498 research outputs found

    Port-Hamiltonian systems: an introductory survey

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    The theory of port-Hamiltonian systems provides a framework for the geometric description of network models of physical systems. It turns out that port-based network models of physical systems immediately lend themselves to a Hamiltonian description. While the usual geometric approach to Hamiltonian systems is based on the canonical symplectic structure of the phase space or on a Poisson structure that is obtained by (symmetry) reduction of the phase space, in the case of a port-Hamiltonian system the geometric structure derives from the interconnection of its sub-systems. This motivates to consider Dirac structures instead of Poisson structures, since this notion enables one to define Hamiltonian systems with algebraic constraints. As a result, any power-conserving interconnection of port-Hamiltonian systems again defines a port-Hamiltonian system. The port-Hamiltonian description offers a systematic framework for analysis, control and simulation of complex physical systems, for lumped-parameter as well as for distributed-parameter models

    Lumped Approximation of a Transmission Line with an Alternative Geometric Discretization

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    An electromagnetic one-dimensional transmission line represented in a distributed port-Hamiltonian form is lumped into a chain of subsystems which preserve the port-Hamiltonian structure with inputs and outputs in collocated form. The procedure is essentially an adaptation of the procedure for discretization of Stokes-Dirac structures presented previously, that does not preserve the port-Hamiltonian structure after discretization. With some modifications essentially inspired on the finite difference paradigm, the procedure now results in a system that preserves the collocated port-Hamiltonian structure along with some other desirable conditions for interconnection. The simulation results are compared with those presented previously.

    Weak Form of Stokes-Dirac Structures and Geometric Discretization of Port-Hamiltonian Systems

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    We present the mixed Galerkin discretization of distributed parameter port-Hamiltonian systems. On the prototypical example of hyperbolic systems of two conservation laws in arbitrary spatial dimension, we derive the main contributions: (i) A weak formulation of the underlying geometric (Stokes-Dirac) structure with a segmented boundary according to the causality of the boundary ports. (ii) The geometric approximation of the Stokes-Dirac structure by a finite-dimensional Dirac structure is realized using a mixed Galerkin approach and power-preserving linear maps, which define minimal discrete power variables. (iii) With a consistent approximation of the Hamiltonian, we obtain finite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian state space models. By the degrees of freedom in the power-preserving maps, the resulting family of structure-preserving schemes allows for trade-offs between centered approximations and upwinding. We illustrate the method on the example of Whitney finite elements on a 2D simplicial triangulation and compare the eigenvalue approximation in 1D with a related approach.Comment: Copyright 2018. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0

    Hamiltonian formulation of distributed-parameter systems with boundary energy flow

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    A Hamiltonian formulation of classes of distributed-parameter systems is presented, which incorporates the energy flow through the boundary of the spatial domain of the system, and which allows to represent the system as a boundary control Hamiltonian system. The system is Hamiltonian with respect to an infinite-dimensional Dirac structure associated with the exterior derivative and based on Stokes' theorem. The theory is applied to the telegraph equations for an ideal transmission line, Maxwell's equations on a bounded domain with non-zero Poynting vector at its boundary, and a vibrating string with traction forces at its ends. Furthermore the framework is extended to cover Euler's equations for an ideal fluid on a domain with permeable boundary. Finally, some properties of the Stokes-Dirac structure are investigated, including the analysis of conservation laws. \u

    Reduction of Stokes-Dirac structures and gauge symmetry in port-Hamiltonian systems

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    Stokes-Dirac structures are infinite-dimensional Dirac structures defined in terms of differential forms on a smooth manifold with boundary. These Dirac structures lay down a geometric framework for the formulation of Hamiltonian systems with a nonzero boundary energy flow. Simplicial triangulation of the underlaying manifold leads to the so-called simplicial Dirac structures, discrete analogues of Stokes-Dirac structures, and thus provides a natural framework for deriving finite-dimensional port-Hamiltonian systems that emulate their infinite-dimensional counterparts. The port-Hamiltonian systems defined with respect to Stokes-Dirac and simplicial Dirac structures exhibit gauge and a discrete gauge symmetry, respectively. In this paper, employing Poisson reduction we offer a unified technique for the symmetry reduction of a generalized canonical infinite-dimensional Dirac structure to the Poisson structure associated with Stokes-Dirac structures and of a fine-dimensional Dirac structure to simplicial Dirac structures. We demonstrate this Poisson scheme on a physical example of the vibrating string

    Symplectic Model Reduction of Hamiltonian Systems

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    In this paper, a symplectic model reduction technique, proper symplectic decomposition (PSD) with symplectic Galerkin projection, is proposed to save the computational cost for the simplification of large-scale Hamiltonian systems while preserving the symplectic structure. As an analogy to the classical proper orthogonal decomposition (POD)-Galerkin approach, PSD is designed to build a symplectic subspace to fit empirical data, while the symplectic Galerkin projection constructs a reduced Hamiltonian system on the symplectic subspace. For practical use, we introduce three algorithms for PSD, which are based upon: the cotangent lift, complex singular value decomposition, and nonlinear programming. The proposed technique has been proven to preserve system energy and stability. Moreover, PSD can be combined with the discrete empirical interpolation method to reduce the computational cost for nonlinear Hamiltonian systems. Owing to these properties, the proposed technique is better suited than the classical POD-Galerkin approach for model reduction of Hamiltonian systems, especially when long-time integration is required. The stability, accuracy, and efficiency of the proposed technique are illustrated through numerical simulations of linear and nonlinear wave equations.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figure

    Port controlled Hamiltonian representation of distributed parameter systems

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    A port controlled Hamiltonian formulation of the dynamics of distributed parameter systems is presented, which incorporates the energy flow through the boundary of the domain of the system, and which allows to represent the system as a boundary control Hamiltonian system. This port controlled Hamiltonian system is defined with respect to a Dirac structure associated with the exterior derivative and based on Stokes' theorem. The definition is illustrated on the examples of the telegrapher's equations, Maxwell's equations and the vibrating string. \u

    From Lagrangian mechanics to nonequilibrium thermodynamics: a variational perspective

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    In this paper, we survey our recent results on the variational formulation of nonequilibrium thermodynamics for the finite dimensional case of discrete systems as well as for the infinite dimensional case of continuum systems. Starting with the fundamental variational principle of classical mechanics, namely, Hamilton's principle, we show, with the help of thermodynamic systems with gradually increasing level complexity, how to systematically extend it to include irreversible processes. In the finite dimensional cases, we treat systems experiencing the irreversible processes of mechanical friction, heat and mass transfer, both in the adiabatically closed and in the open cases. On the continuum side, we illustrate our theory with the example of multicomponent Navier-Stokes-Fourier systems.Comment: 7 figure

    Pseudo-spectral methods for the spatial symplectic reduction of open systems of conservation laws

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    International audienceA reduction method is presented for systems of conservation laws with boundary energy flow. It is stated as a generalized pseudo-spectral method which performs exact differentiation by using simultaneously several approximation spaces generated by polynomials bases and suitable choices of port-variables. The symplecticity of this spatial reduction method is proved when used for the reduction of both closed and open systems of conservation laws, for any choice of collocation points (i.e. for any polynomial bases). The symplecticity of some more usual collocation schemes is discussed and finally their accuracy on approximation of the spectrum, on the example of the ideal transmission line, is discussed in comparison with the suggested reduction scheme