1,161 research outputs found

    Spatially Adaptive Stochastic Methods for Fluid-Structure Interactions Subject to Thermal Fluctuations in Domains with Complex Geometries

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    We develop stochastic mixed finite element methods for spatially adaptive simulations of fluid-structure interactions when subject to thermal fluctuations. To account for thermal fluctuations, we introduce a discrete fluctuation-dissipation balance condition to develop compatible stochastic driving fields for our discretization. We perform analysis that shows our condition is sufficient to ensure results consistent with statistical mechanics. We show the Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution is invariant under the stochastic dynamics of the semi-discretization. To generate efficiently the required stochastic driving fields, we develop a Gibbs sampler based on iterative methods and multigrid to generate fields with O(N)O(N) computational complexity. Our stochastic methods provide an alternative to uniform discretizations on periodic domains that rely on Fast Fourier Transforms. To demonstrate in practice our stochastic computational methods, we investigate within channel geometries having internal obstacles and no-slip walls how the mobility/diffusivity of particles depends on location. Our methods extend the applicability of fluctuating hydrodynamic approaches by allowing for spatially adaptive resolution of the mechanics and for domains that have complex geometries relevant in many applications

    Hydrodynamics of Suspensions of Passive and Active Rigid Particles: A Rigid Multiblob Approach

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    We develop a rigid multiblob method for numerically solving the mobility problem for suspensions of passive and active rigid particles of complex shape in Stokes flow in unconfined, partially confined, and fully confined geometries. As in a number of existing methods, we discretize rigid bodies using a collection of minimally-resolved spherical blobs constrained to move as a rigid body, to arrive at a potentially large linear system of equations for the unknown Lagrange multipliers and rigid-body motions. Here we develop a block-diagonal preconditioner for this linear system and show that a standard Krylov solver converges in a modest number of iterations that is essentially independent of the number of particles. For unbounded suspensions and suspensions sedimented against a single no-slip boundary, we rely on existing analytical expressions for the Rotne-Prager tensor combined with a fast multipole method or a direct summation on a Graphical Processing Unit to obtain an simple yet efficient and scalable implementation. For fully confined domains, such as periodic suspensions or suspensions confined in slit and square channels, we extend a recently-developed rigid-body immersed boundary method to suspensions of freely-moving passive or active rigid particles at zero Reynolds number. We demonstrate that the iterative solver for the coupled fluid and rigid body equations converges in a bounded number of iterations regardless of the system size. We optimize a number of parameters in the iterative solvers and apply our method to a variety of benchmark problems to carefully assess the accuracy of the rigid multiblob approach as a function of the resolution. We also model the dynamics of colloidal particles studied in recent experiments, such as passive boomerangs in a slit channel, as well as a pair of non-Brownian active nanorods sedimented against a wall.Comment: Under revision in CAMCOS, Nov 201

    Immersed Boundary Smooth Extension: A high-order method for solving PDE on arbitrary smooth domains using Fourier spectral methods

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    The Immersed Boundary method is a simple, efficient, and robust numerical scheme for solving PDE in general domains, yet it only achieves first-order spatial accuracy near embedded boundaries. In this paper, we introduce a new high-order numerical method which we call the Immersed Boundary Smooth Extension (IBSE) method. The IBSE method achieves high-order accuracy by smoothly extending the unknown solution of the PDE from a given smooth domain to a larger computational domain, enabling the use of simple Cartesian-grid discretizations (e.g. Fourier spectral methods). The method preserves much of the flexibility and robustness of the original IB method. In particular, it requires minimal geometric information to describe the boundary and relies only on convolution with regularized delta-functions to communicate information between the computational grid and the boundary. We present a fast algorithm for solving elliptic equations, which forms the basis for simple, high-order implicit-time methods for parabolic PDE and implicit-explicit methods for related nonlinear PDE. We apply the IBSE method to solve the Poisson, heat, Burgers', and Fitzhugh-Nagumo equations, and demonstrate fourth-order pointwise convergence for Dirichlet problems and third-order pointwise convergence for Neumann problems

    First-Order System Least Squares and the Energetic Variational Approach for Two-Phase Flow

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    This paper develops a first-order system least-squares (FOSLS) formulation for equations of two-phase flow. The main goal is to show that this discretization, along with numerical techniques such as nested iteration, algebraic multigrid, and adaptive local refinement, can be used to solve these types of complex fluid flow problems. In addition, from an energetic variational approach, it can be shown that an important quantity to preserve in a given simulation is the energy law. We discuss the energy law and inherent structure for two-phase flow using the Allen-Cahn interface model and indicate how it is related to other complex fluid models, such as magnetohydrodynamics. Finally, we show that, using the FOSLS framework, one can still satisfy the appropriate energy law globally while using well-known numerical techniques.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures submitted to Journal of Computational Physic

    Numerical Methods for Two-Dimensional Stem Cell Tissue Growth.

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    Growth of developing and regenerative biological tissues of different cell types is usually driven by stem cells and their local environment. Here, we present a computational framework for continuum tissue growth models consisting of stem cells, cell lineages, and diffusive molecules that regulate proliferation and differentiation through feedback. To deal with the moving boundaries of the models in both open geometries and closed geometries (through polar coordinates) in two dimensions, we transform the dynamic domains and governing equations to fixed domains, followed by solving for the transformation functions to track the interface explicitly. Clustering grid points in local regions for better efficiency and accuracy can be achieved by appropriate choices of the transformation. The equations resulting from the incompressibility of the tissue is approximated by high-order finite difference schemes and is solved using the multigrid algorithms. The numerical tests demonstrate an overall spatiotemporal second-order accuracy of the methods and their capability in capturing large deformations of the tissue boundaries. The methods are applied to two biological systems: stratified epithelia for studying the effects of two different types of stem cell niches and the scaling of a morphogen gradient with the size of the Drosophila imaginal wing disc during growth. Direct simulations of both systems suggest that that the computational framework is robust and accurate, and it can incorporate various biological processes critical to stem cell dynamics and tissue growth
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