27 research outputs found

    An evolutionary perspective on Internet adoption by retailers in the Netherlands

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    The paper analyses from an evolutionary perspective how retailers respond and adapt to b2c e-commerce. As such, the paper explores the diversity of behavior of retailers with respect to the adoption of e-commerce. More in particular, it examines empirically the extent to which the adoption of Internet strategies is affected by firm-specific features (e.g., habits of the entrepreneur, routines of firms), network relationships, and geographical proximity. Logistic regression analyses of 643 independent retailers in the Netherlands suggest that geography matters, controlling for other factors. That is, the probability of having an Internet strategy increases significantly when (a) the more knowledge spillovers are locally available; (b) the more demanding local customers are; and (c), the less rivalry is present locally.evolutionary economics, Internet strategies, retailers, city centres, the Netherlands

    Spatial patterns of adoption of just-in-time manufacturing

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    We study the spatial pattern of Just-in-Time (JIT) adoption for a sample of medium-sized and large Spanish manufacturing firms. JIT differs from other advanced manufacturing technologies because it relates directly to the spatial coordination of a firms’ internal production organisation with its external productive environment and depends on the quality of the transport system. Our results confirm the distinctive role of location for JIT adoption even after controlling for industry and plant-specific differences. We find that JIT adoption is greater in smaller cities but with higher transport accessibility indicating that urban congestion in larger urban areas likely reduces the benefits that firms may obtain from JIT implementation.

    The Importance of Broadband Provision to Knowledge Intensive Firm Location

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    Despite the volume of literature afforded knowledge work and innovations in information and communications technologies (ICTs), few studies have examined the importance of ICTs to knowledge industries and the impact of their availability on firm location decisions. This study will evaluate the relative importance of ICTs to knowledge intensive firm location for select US metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). Spatial econometric estimation techniques are used to construct models from ZIP code level data that describe the relative importance of broadband to knowledge intensive industries, as defined in this study. A global model is constructed for all relevant ZIP code areas across the continental U.S and the results are compared to metropolitan specific models. In addition to demonstrating variations by metropolitan area in the relative importance of broadband provision, the results suggest that broadband deployment initiatives will have varied outcomes on knowledge intensive firm growth and the subsequent change in the industrial composition of regional economies in future years.

    The Degree of School Principals' Practice of Electronic Management in the Southern Shouneh District from the Teachers' Point of View

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    The current study aimed to reveal the degree of practice of school principals in the Southern Shouneh district of electronic management from the teachers' point of view.The study used the descriptive survey method, and to achieve this, the researcher designed a questionnaire consisting of (22) items, and it was applied to the study sample that was selected in an accessible manner, which included (219) male and female teachers. E-learning from the teachers' point of view in the field of electronic competencies, and the field of competence, and came medium in the field of effectiveness, and the field of instructions for electronic management. The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the degree of school principals in the Southern Shouneh district of electronic administration from the teachers' point of view, according to gender, educational qualification. Keywords: Electronic administration, School principal DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-19-17 Publication date:June 30th 2022

    The Importance of Broadband Provision to Knowledge Intensive Firm Location

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    Despite the volume of literature afforded knowledge work and innovations in information and communications technologies (ICTs), few studies have examined the importance of ICTs to firms in knowledge industries. This study will develop spatial econometric models to examine the relative importance of the level of broadband provision to knowledge intensive firms in select U.S.  metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). Results demonstrate the need for both a spatial econometric and a metropolitan area specific evaluation of this relationship. They also suggest potential spillover effects to knowledge intensive firm location, which may explain why some regional economies are relatively more successful at stimulating firm growth in this increasingly important sector of the U.S economy.

    A multivariate study of Internet use and the Digital Divide

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    Method: The article is based on survey data (N = 2,304) collected in Spain, which are analyzed using multiple regression, principal component analysis, and cluster analysis. Results: Two dimensions are identified: the first is the comprehensive use of Internet and the second is the nature of this use, differentiating between a professional use and a recreational and social use of Internet. The article verifies that factors explaining the digital divide are age, education level, and income. Conclusions: The article identifies digitally excluded segments, and the efforts and actions for digital training to eradicate the digital divide should be directed at these groups. The most serious problem is encountered in homeworkers who are mainly woman. NEETs (not in education, employment, or training) are frequent users of Internet, but they only use it for entertainment and to certain extent they are digitally excluded

    The Level of Application of Electronic Management from the Point of View of Principals of Public Schools Affiliated to the Directorate of Education in Karak Governorate

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    This study aimed to identify the possibility of applying electronic management in government schools affiliated to the Directorate of Education in Karak Governorate from the point of view of school principals. Male and female principals of government schools affiliated to the Directorate of Education in Karak Governorate, who were chosen randomly from the study population.After conducting the necessary statistical treatments, the results showed: There is an average level of application of electronic management in government schools affiliated to the Directorate of Education in Karak Governorate, and the point of view of school principals. In public schools affiliated to the Directorate of Education in Karak Governorate, the differences were in favor of secondary schools, and there were no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.05) on all domains. The study and the tool as a whole, according to the variable of academic qualification, and the absence of statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.05) on all fields of study and the tool as a whole, depending on the variable of experience in the field of management, and the absence of statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α = 0.05 ) In the reality of the application of electronic administration in government schools affiliated to the Directorate of Education in Karak Governorate, due to the school type variable in each of the two fields of electronic equipment and limitation. The school and its accessories, and the application of electronic management in the school administration in the field of student affairs. Keywords: electronic administration, government schools, school principals. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-1-04 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Spatial patterns of adoption of just-in-time manufacturing

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    In this paper we study the spatial pattern of Just-in-Time (JIT) adoption for a sample of medium-sized and large Spanish manufacturing firms. The recent literature has shown that location plays a significant role in the adoption of advanced technologies. We argue that the particular role location characteristics play for technology adoption depends on the type of technology. JIT differs from other advanced manufacturing technologies because it relates directly to the spatial coordination of a firms’ internal production organisation with its external productive environment and depends on the quality of the transport system. Our results confirm the distinctive role of location for JIT adoption even after controlling for industry and plant-specific differences. We find that JIT adoption is greater in smaller cities but with higher accessibility indicating that urban congestion in larger urban areas likely reduces the benefits that firms may obtain from JIT implementation.Financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [ECO2010-17485], CSIC [200910I105] and Fundación BBVA is gratefully acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    The Effects of Internet on Rural-to-Urban Migrating Intentions of Young Villagers: Evidence from Rural Indonesia

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    Indonesian’s government attempts to build internet infrastructure covering all rural areas of which most internet users are young. Youths refer to a generation who intuitively able to operate internet device and are supposed to take an important decision about their future careers, occupations, and living places. This study aimed to identify effects of internet on rural-to-urban migrating intentions of rural youths. The Structural Equation Model-Partial Lease Square (SEM-PLS) approach was applied. This study involved 866 of 15 to 24 years villagers of Tumpukrenteng Village, Malang Regency. This village reflects an ordinary village which is characterized high rural-to-urban migration. A randomized of 213 respondents were taken but 193 respondents were analyzed due to internet users. The independent variables covered internet infrastructure, internet usage, collecting information on prospective destination activity, and the dependent variable covered migrating intention. The results demonstrated that internet accelerated young villagers’ rural migrating intention. Internet allowed their users to access information of prospective destination. This research suggested young villagers to apply internet into economic benefits activity, such as e-commerce and to reduce adverse impacts of internet usage and rural youth’s emigration

    Investment in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): The Role of Geographic Distance and Industry Proximity

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    Employing data from Italian manufacturing firms, this paper attempts to check the existence of geographic and industry distance effects on the investment in information and communication technology (ICT). Geographic distance is defined by the Euclidean distance between each possible pair of locations (municipalities) according to their geographical coordinates. Industry proximity is measured by the firms' industry distance according to the trade intensity between sectors. The model specified here refers to the combined spatial autoregressive model with autoregressive disturbances (SARAR), which are modelled simultaneously. The results show that both geographical and industry proximity have positive effects on the amount of ICT investment by firms. Furthermore, an econometric analysis shows that productivity, R&D activity, subsidies, reorganization, and labor composition are jointly correlated to ICT investment