14 research outputs found

    Geoportals: an internet marketing perspective

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    A geoportal is a web site that presents an entry point to geo-products (including geo-data) on the web. Despite their importance in (spatial) data infrastructures, literature suggest stagnating or even declining trends in visitor numbers. In this paper relevant ideas and techniques for improving performance are derived from internet marketing literature. We tested the extent to which these ideas are already applied in practice through a survey among 48 geoportals worldwide. Results show in many cases positive correlation with trends in visitor numbers. The ideas can be useful for geoportal managers developing their marketing strateg

    A Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Urban Economic Analysis and Spatial Decision-Making

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    abstract: Urban economic modeling and effective spatial planning are critical tools towards achieving urban sustainability. However, in practice, many technical obstacles, such as information islands, poor documentation of data and lack of software platforms to facilitate virtual collaboration, are challenging the effectiveness of decision-making processes. In this paper, we report on our efforts to design and develop a geospatial cyberinfrastructure (GCI) for urban economic analysis and simulation. This GCI provides an operational graphic user interface, built upon a service-oriented architecture to allow (1) widespread sharing and seamless integration of distributed geospatial data; (2) an effective way to address the uncertainty and positional errors encountered in fusing data from diverse sources; (3) the decomposition of complex planning questions into atomic spatial analysis tasks and the generation of a web service chain to tackle such complex problems; and (4) capturing and representing provenance of geospatial data to trace its flow in the modeling task. The Greater Los Angeles Region serves as the test bed. We expect this work to contribute to effective spatial policy analysis and decision-making through the adoption of advanced GCI and to broaden the application coverage of GCI to include urban economic simulations

    Geocollaborative Portals And Trip Planning: Users’ Perceptions Of The Success Of The Collaborative Decision Making Processes

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    As more and more travelers wish to create their personalised trip itineraries, the provision of geographical information and services on travel websites is an unavoidable necessity. The evolution of geoportals, geocollaborative portals and web 2.0 present numerous opportunities and services for making the trip planning process less complex and time consuming, more efficient and more social and collaborative for travelers and their travel companions. This paper aimed at exploring the use and impact of geocollaborative portals on the success of collaborative trip planning processes. To that end, the literature was reviewed for analyzing the functionality of geoportals and geocollaborative portals and demonstrating how these can support and facilitate the collaborative decision making processes for trip planning purposes. A framework for measuring the impacts of geoportals’ use on travellers’ collaborative decision making processes was developed and tested by collecting primary data through an experimental study based on students’ perceptions using Yahoo! Trip Planner for planning a group trip. The paper provides useful practical guidelines for designing the functionality of geoportals and/or geocollaborative portals for trip planning purposes

    Web services enabled architecture coupling data and functional resources

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    Web services are the backbone of WISDOM system, an information and visualisation system supporting decision makers in the fields of water related management processes based on open source technologies. They enable the distributed and loosely coupled, component based architecture of the system. In cooperating OGC compliant web services for data access, visualisation and data processing the system is extendible to external data resources and other proprietary software solutions. The base idea behind the designed and prototypically implemented WISDOM techniques is the orchestration of decoupled web resources representing data sets and functionality to model more complex business processes quite easily. The system covers most aspects of administrative business processes including spatial and non-spatial data ingestion and dissemination, necessary data processing and visualisation techniques. In combination with a semantics enabled data management WISDOM system is capable to produce value added information products to water management related tasks autonomously. These compound data and processing resource chains are implemented to facilitate certain identified business processes in regional administration. Clients like data and information explorers supporting manual interaction as human machine interfaces or automated data access of value adding operations accomplish, respectively trigger these integrative chains. As an example the same data and processing infrastructure is used to visualise data in map clients as WMS or access data as WCS, resp. WFS for further processing which can furthermore trigger additional actions like feeding reports or requesting auxiliary data


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    GeoPortal Systems are being considered one of the most important object in interoperability concept for Spatial data Management. With the developing technology of the information age, the need for accessing to spatial data is caused to effort for establishing national, regional and local information systems by institutes and organizations. Sharing and accessing of spatial datasets between institutes and organizations are being more important within interoperability concept.In this study, Open Access GeoPortal System is designed and applied to establish a common platform for institutes/organizations to analyze, interact, view, query and share spatial data. Open Access GeoPortal System, which is aimed to develop effective solutions in the field of using and sharing spatial data and establish interoperability concept, intends to provide an infrastructure for users to realize functions related with spatial data on web without installing any software. Open Access GeoPortal System is providing standardization stage acceleration, interoperability concept establishment and solutions to problems of spatial data thanks to the developed functions and processes which are working on international standardization organizations as like INSPIRE, ISO, W3C and OGC

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    Publicação de informação geográfica na web : um configurador assente em software de código aberto

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    Mestrado em Tecnologia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloOs sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG) experimentaram um desenvolvimento exponencial nos últimos anos. Hoje em dia, são encontrados nas mais diversas aplicações, com áreas de aplicabilidade tão diversas como a gestão de redes de comunicação, a gestão de recursos naturais, a gestão e manutenção de informação cadastral e a gestão de infra-estruturas, entre outras. Por outro lado, com a evolução da internet foram surgindo novas formas de aplicar os SIG através de aplicações que proporcionam a publicação de informação geográfica na Web, designados por aplicações WebSIG. Adicionalmente surge, na década de 90, o Open Geospatial Consortium que visa a regulamentação de especificações que possibilitem a integração da informação geográfica e, deste modo, permitir a interoperabilidade entre aplicações de origens e formatos distintos. Sendo a internet um meio privilegiado para a disponibilização de informação, as aplicações WebSIG tornam possível o acesso a dados espaciais distribuídos através de um navegador Web, habilitando, regra geral, a execução de operações simples de visualização, consulta e pesquisa, mas com uma tendência para incluir um crescente número de funcionalidades SIG. Paralelamente, tem vindo a crescer o fenómeno do software de código aberto, nomeadamente na área dos SIG e, em particular, no domínio das tecnologias WebSIG, com um vasto leque de opções que se apresentam como alternativas válidas e credíveis ao software proprietário. No âmbito deste projecto, propõe-se o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de apoio à publicação de informação geográfica na Web, através da implementação de um configurador, assente em software de código aberto, que facilite a disponibilização de informação geográfica de forma controlada, possibilitando a criação de aplicações WebSIG através de uma interface gráfica simples. O configurador foi desenvolvido de forma a permitir a criação de aplicações WebSIG por parte de utilizadores sem experiência na implementação deste tipo de soluções, permitindo a definição e configuração da informação geográfica a disponibilizar, das ferramentas que poderão ser utilizadas para a interacção com a informação espacial, assim como para realizar pesquisas sobre os dados disponíveis.The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have experienced an exponential growth in recent years. Nowadays, they are found in diverse domains, with application areas as diverse as the management of communication networks, management of natural resources, management and maintenance of cadastral information and infrastructure management, among others. On the other hand, the evolution of the Internet has enabled the emergence of new forms of applying GIS through applications that provide the publication of geographic information on the Web (designated as WebGIS applications). Additionally, in the 90s, the Open Geospatial Consortium was founded, concerned with the development of specifications that enable the integration of spatial information and thereby enable interoperability between applications from different sources and formats. Being the internet a privileged mean to provide information, WebGIS applications allow the access to distributed spatial data through a Web browser, enabling, in general, to perform simple operations of displaying, querying and searching, but with a tendency to include a growing number of GIS. In parallel, the phenomenon of open source software has been growing, namely in the area of GIS and, in particular, in the field of WebGIS technologies, with a wide range of options that present themselves as credible and valid alternatives to proprietary software. Under this project, we propose the development of a tool to support the publishing of geographic information on the Web, through the development of a configurator, based on open source software, which facilitates the distribution of geographic information in a controlled way, enabling the creation of WebGIS applications through a simple graphical user interface. The configurator was developed to enable the creation of WebGIS applications by users with no experience in implementing this type of solutions, allowing the definition and configuration of available geographic information, as well as to provide tools that can be used for interaction with spatial information and to perform queries over the data