630,644 research outputs found

    The search for black hole binaries using a genetic algorithm

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    In this work we use genetic algorithm to search for the gravitational wave signal from the inspiralling massive Black Hole binaries in the simulated LISA data. We consider a single signal in the Gaussian instrumental noise. This is a first step in preparation for analysis of the third round of the mock LISA data challenge. We have extended a genetic algorithm utilizing the properties of the signal and the detector response function. The performance of this method is comparable, if not better, to already existing algorithms.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, proceeding for GWDAW13 (Puerto Rico

    Gene expression programming approach to event selection in high energy physics

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    Gene Expression Programming is a new evolutionary algorithm that overcomes many limitations of the more established Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming. Its first application to high energy physics data analysis is presented. The algorithm was successfully used for event selection on samples with both low and high background level. It allowed automatic identification of selection rules that can be interpreted as cuts applied on the input variables. The signal/background classification accuracy was over 90% in all cases

    Critical Transitions In a Model of a Genetic Regulatory System

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    We consider a model for substrate-depletion oscillations in genetic systems, based on a stochastic differential equation with a slowly evolving external signal. We show the existence of critical transitions in the system. We apply two methods to numerically test the synthetic time series generated by the system for early indicators of critical transitions: a detrended fluctuation analysis method, and a novel method based on topological data analysis (persistence diagrams).Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    In vitro identification and in silico utilization of interspecies sequence similarities using GeneChip(® )technology

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    BACKGROUND: Genomic approaches in large animal models (canine, ovine etc) are challenging due to insufficient genomic information for these species and the lack of availability of corresponding microarray platforms. To address this problem, we speculated that conserved interspecies genetic sequences can be experimentally detected by cross-species hybridization. The Affymetrix platform probe redundancy offers flexibility in selecting individual probes with high sequence similarities between related species for gene expression analysis. RESULTS: Gene expression profiles of 40 canine samples were generated using the human HG-U133A GeneChip (U133A). Due to interspecies genetic differences, only 14 ± 2% of canine transcripts were detected by U133A probe sets whereas profiling of 40 human samples detected 49 ± 6% of human transcripts. However, when these probe sets were deconstructed into individual probes and examined performance of each probe, we found that 47% of human probes were able to find their targets in canine tissues and generate a detectable hybridization signal. Therefore, we restricted gene expression analysis to these probes and observed the 60% increase in the number of identified canine transcripts. These results were validated by comparison of transcripts identified by our restricted analysis of cross-species hybridization with transcripts identified by hybridization of total lung canine mRNA to new Affymetrix Canine GeneChip(®). CONCLUSION: The experimental identification and restriction of gene expression analysis to probes with detectable hybridization signal drastically increases transcript detection of canine-human hybridization suggesting the possibility of broad utilization of cross-hybridizations of related species using GeneChip technology

    Genetic Analysis of Abscisic Acid Signal Transduction

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