1,901 research outputs found

    NICOL: A Neuro-inspired Collaborative Semi-humanoid Robot that Bridges Social Interaction and Reliable Manipulation

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    Robotic platforms that can efficiently collaborate with humans in physical tasks constitute a major goal in robotics. However, many existing robotic platforms are either designed for social interaction or industrial object manipulation tasks. The design of collaborative robots seldom emphasizes both their social interaction and physical collaboration abilities. To bridge this gap, we present the novel semi-humanoid NICOL, the Neuro-Inspired COLlaborator. NICOL is a large, newly designed, scaled-up version of its well-evaluated predecessor, the Neuro-Inspired COmpanion (NICO). NICOL adopts NICO's head and facial expression display and extends its manipulation abilities in terms of precision, object size, and workspace size. Our contribution in this paper is twofold -- firstly, we introduce the design concept for NICOL, and secondly, we provide an evaluation of NICOL's manipulation abilities by presenting a novel extension for an end-to-end hybrid neuro-genetic visuomotor learning approach adapted to NICOL's more complex kinematics. We show that the approach outperforms the state-of-the-art Inverse Kinematics (IK) solvers KDL, TRACK-IK and BIO-IK. Overall, this article presents for the first time the humanoid robot NICOL, and contributes to the integration of social robotics and neural visuomotor learning for humanoid robots

    Soft manipulators and grippers: A review

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    Soft robotics is a growing area of research which utilizes the compliance and adaptability of soft structures to develop highly adaptive robotics for soft interactions. One area in which soft robotics has the ability to make significant impact is in the development of soft grippers and manipulators. With an increased requirement for automation, robotics systems are required to perform task in unstructured and not well defined environments; conditions which conventional rigid robotics are not best suited. This requires a paradigm shift in the methods and materials used to develop robots such that they can adapt to and work safely in human environments. One solution to this is soft robotics, which enables soft interactions with the surroundings while maintaining the ability to apply significant force. This review paper assesses the current materials and methods, actuation methods and sensors which are used in the development of soft manipulators. The achievements and shortcomings of recent technology in these key areas are evaluated, and this paper concludes with a discussion on the potential impacts of soft manipulators on industry and society

    Industrial Robotics

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    This book covers a wide range of topics relating to advanced industrial robotics, sensors and automation technologies. Although being highly technical and complex in nature, the papers presented in this book represent some of the latest cutting edge technologies and advancements in industrial robotics technology. This book covers topics such as networking, properties of manipulators, forward and inverse robot arm kinematics, motion path-planning, machine vision and many other practical topics too numerous to list here. The authors and editor of this book wish to inspire people, especially young ones, to get involved with robotic and mechatronic engineering technology and to develop new and exciting practical applications, perhaps using the ideas and concepts presented herein

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    SPADA: A Toolbox of Designing Soft Pneumatic Actuators for Shape Matching based on Surrogate Modeling

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    Soft pneumatic actuators (SPAs) produce motions for soft robots with simple pressure input, however they require to be appropriately designed to fit the target application. Available design methods employ kinematic models and optimization to estimate the actuator response and the optimal design parameters, to achieve a target actuator's shape. Within SPAs, Bellow-SPAs excel in rapid prototyping and large deformation, yet their kinematic models often lack accuracy due to the geometry complexity and the material nonlinearity. Furthermore, existing shape-matching algorithms are not providing an end-to-end solution from the desired shape to the actuator. In addition, despite the availability of computational design pipelines, an accessible and user-friendly toolbox for direct application remains elusive. This paper addresses these challenges, offering an end-to-end shape-matching design framework for bellow-SPAs to streamline the design process, and the open-source toolbox SPADA (Soft Pneumatic Actuator Design frAmework) implementing the framework with a GUI for easy access. It provides a kinematic model grounded on a modular design to improve accuracy, Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations, and piecewise constant curvature (PCC) approximation. An Artificial Neural Network-trained surrogate model, based on FEM simulation data, is trained for fast computation in optimization. A shape-matching algorithm, merging 3D PCC segmentation and a surrogate model-based genetic algorithm, identifies optimal actuator design parameters for desired shapes. The toolbox, implementing the proposed design framework, has proven its end-to-end capability in designing actuators to precisely match 2D shapes with root-mean-square errors of 4.16, 2.70, and 2.51mm, and demonstrating its potential by designing a 3D deformable actuator

    Evolving Modular Robots: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Autonomous Task-Based Evolutionary Design of Modular Robots

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    In an attempt to solve the problem of finding a set of multiple unique modular robotic designs that can be constructed using a given repertoire of modules to perform a specific task, a novel synthesis framework is introduced based on design optimization concepts and evolutionary algorithms to search for the optimal design. Designing modular robotic systems faces two main challenges: the lack of basic rules of thumb and design bias introduced by human designers. The space of possible designs cannot be easily grasped by human designers especially for new tasks or tasks that are not fully understood by designers. Therefore, evolutionary computation is employed to design modular robots autonomously. Evolutionary algorithms can efficiently handle problems with discrete search spaces and solutions of variable sizes as these algorithms offer feasible robustness to local minima in the search space; and they can be parallelized easily to reducing system runtime. Moreover, they do not have to make assumptions about the solution form. This dissertation proposes a novel autonomous system for task-based modular robotic design based on evolutionary algorithms to search for the optimal design. The introduced system offers a flexible synthesis algorithm that can accommodate to different task-based design needs and can be applied to different modular shapes to produce homogenous modular robots. The proposed system uses a new representation for modular robotic assembly configuration based on graph theory and Assembly Incidence Matrix (AIM), in order to enable efficient and extendible task-based design of modular robots that can take input modules of different geometries and Degrees Of Freedom (DOFs). Robotic simulation is a powerful tool for saving time and money when designing robots as it provides an accurate method of assessing robotic adequacy to accomplish a specific task. Furthermore, it is difficult to predict robotic performance without simulation. Thus, simulation is used in this research to evaluate the robotic designs by measuring the fitness of the evolved robots, while incorporating the environmental features and robotic hardware constraints. Results are illustrated for a number of benchmark problems. The results presented a significant advance in robotic design automation state of the art