5,530 research outputs found

    Kajian motivasi ekstrinsik di antara Pelajar Lepasan Sijil dan Diploma Politeknik Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam KUiTTHO

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh dorongan keluarga, cara pengajaran pensyarah, pengaruh rakan sebaya dan kemudahan infrastruktur terhadap motivasi ekstrinsik bagi pelajar tahun tiga dan tahun empat lepasan sijil dan diploma politeknik Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awain Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn. Sampel kajian ini beijumlah 87 orang bagi pelajar lepasan sijil politeknik dan 38 orang bagi lepasan diploma politeknik. Data kajian telah diperolehi melalui borang soal selidik dan telah dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS (Statical Package For Sciences). Hasil kajian telah dipersembahkan dalam bentuk jadual dan histohgrapi. Analisis kajian mendapati bahawa kedua-dua kumpulan setuju bahawa faktor-faktor di atas memberi kesan kepada motivasi ekstrinsik mereka. Dengan kata lain faktpr-faktor tersebut penting dalam membentuk pelajar mencapai kecemerlangan akademik

    Recurrent Pixel Embedding for Instance Grouping

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    We introduce a differentiable, end-to-end trainable framework for solving pixel-level grouping problems such as instance segmentation consisting of two novel components. First, we regress pixels into a hyper-spherical embedding space so that pixels from the same group have high cosine similarity while those from different groups have similarity below a specified margin. We analyze the choice of embedding dimension and margin, relating them to theoretical results on the problem of distributing points uniformly on the sphere. Second, to group instances, we utilize a variant of mean-shift clustering, implemented as a recurrent neural network parameterized by kernel bandwidth. This recurrent grouping module is differentiable, enjoys convergent dynamics and probabilistic interpretability. Backpropagating the group-weighted loss through this module allows learning to focus on only correcting embedding errors that won't be resolved during subsequent clustering. Our framework, while conceptually simple and theoretically abundant, is also practically effective and computationally efficient. We demonstrate substantial improvements over state-of-the-art instance segmentation for object proposal generation, as well as demonstrating the benefits of grouping loss for classification tasks such as boundary detection and semantic segmentation

    Scale-space and edge detection using anisotropic diffusion

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    The scale-space technique introduced by Witkin involves generating coarser resolution images by convolving the original image with a Gaussian kernel. This approach has a major drawback: it is difficult to obtain accurately the locations of the “semantically meaningful” edges at coarse scales. In this paper we suggest a new definition of scale-space, and introduce a class of algorithms that realize it using a diffusion process. The diffusion coefficient is chosen to vary spatially in such a way as to encourage intraregion smoothing in preference to interregion smoothing. It is shown that the “no new maxima should be generated at coarse scales” property of conventional scale space is preserved. As the region boundaries in our approach remain sharp, we obtain a high quality edge detector which successfully exploits global information. Experimental results are shown on a number of images. The algorithm involves elementary, local operations replicated over the image making parallel hardware implementations feasible
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