164 research outputs found

    Differentiable Surface Triangulation

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    Triangle meshes remain the most popular data representation for surface geometry. This ubiquitous representation is essentially a hybrid one that decouples continuous vertex locations from the discrete topological triangulation. Unfortunately, the combinatorial nature of the triangulation prevents taking derivatives over the space of possible meshings of any given surface. As a result, to date, mesh processing and optimization techniques have been unable to truly take advantage of modular gradient descent components of modern optimization frameworks. In this work, we present a differentiable surface triangulation that enables optimization for any per-vertex or per-face differentiable objective function over the space of underlying surface triangulations. Our method builds on the result that any 2D triangulation can be achieved by a suitably perturbed weighted Delaunay triangulation. We translate this result into a computational algorithm by proposing a soft relaxation of the classical weighted Delaunay triangulation and optimizing over vertex weights and vertex locations. We extend the algorithm to 3D by decomposing shapes into developable sets and differentiably meshing each set with suitable boundary constraints. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method on various planar and surface meshes on a range of difficult-to-optimize objective functions. Our code can be found online: https://github.com/mrakotosaon/diff-surface-triangulation

    Error-Bounded and Feature Preserving Surface Remeshing with Minimal Angle Improvement

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    The typical goal of surface remeshing consists in finding a mesh that is (1) geometrically faithful to the original geometry, (2) as coarse as possible to obtain a low-complexity representation and (3) free of bad elements that would hamper the desired application. In this paper, we design an algorithm to address all three optimization goals simultaneously. The user specifies desired bounds on approximation error {\delta}, minimal interior angle {\theta} and maximum mesh complexity N (number of vertices). Since such a desired mesh might not even exist, our optimization framework treats only the approximation error bound {\delta} as a hard constraint and the other two criteria as optimization goals. More specifically, we iteratively perform carefully prioritized local operators, whenever they do not violate the approximation error bound and improve the mesh otherwise. In this way our optimization framework greedily searches for the coarsest mesh with minimal interior angle above {\theta} and approximation error bounded by {\delta}. Fast runtime is enabled by a local approximation error estimation, while implicit feature preservation is obtained by specifically designed vertex relocation operators. Experiments show that our approach delivers high-quality meshes with implicitly preserved features and better balances between geometric fidelity, mesh complexity and element quality than the state-of-the-art.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphic

    Anisotropic Surface Remeshing without Obtuse Angles

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    We present a novel anisotropic surface remeshing method that can efficiently eliminate obtuse angles. Unlike previous work that can only suppress obtuse angles with expensive resampling and Lloyd-type iterations, our method relies on a simple yet efficient connectivity and geometry refinement, which can not only remove all the obtuse angles, but also preserves the original mesh connectivity as much as possible. Our method can be directly used as a post-processing step for anisotropic meshes generated from existing algorithms to improve mesh quality. We evaluate our method by testing on a variety of meshes with different geometry and topology, and comparing with representative prior work. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach

    A feature extracting and meshing approach for sheet-like structures in rocks

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    Meshing rock samples with sheet-like structures based their CT scanned volumetric images, is a crucial component for both visualization and numerical simulation. In rocks, fractures and veins commonly exist in the form of sheet-like objects (e.g. thin layers and distinct flat shapes), which are much smaller than the rock mass dimensions. The representations of such objects require high-resolution 3D images with a huge dataset, which are difficult and even impossible to visualize or analyze by numerical methods. Therefore, we develop a microscopic image based meshing approach to extract major sheet-like structures and then preserve their major geometric features at the macroscale. This is achieved by the following four major steps: (1) extracting major objects through extending, separation and recovering operations based on the CT scanned data/microscopic images; (2) simplifying and constructing a simplified centroidal Voronoi diagram on the extracted structures; (3) generating triangular meshes to represent the structure; (4) generating volume tetrahedron meshes constrained with the above surface mesh as the internal surfaces. Moreover, a shape similarity approach is proposed to measure and evaluate how similar the generated mesh models to the original rock samples. It is applied as criteria for further mesh generation to better describe the rock features with fewer elements. Finally, a practical CT scanned rock is taken as an application example to demonstrate the usefulness and capability of the proposed approach

    Gap Processing for Adaptive Maximal Poisson-Disk Sampling

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    In this paper, we study the generation of maximal Poisson-disk sets with varying radii. First, we present a geometric analysis of gaps in such disk sets. This analysis is the basis for maximal and adaptive sampling in Euclidean space and on manifolds. Second, we propose efficient algorithms and data structures to detect gaps and update gaps when disks are inserted, deleted, moved, or have their radius changed. We build on the concepts of the regular triangulation and the power diagram. Third, we will show how our analysis can make a contribution to the state-of-the-art in surface remeshing.Comment: 16 pages. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 201

    Combinatorial Mesh Optimization

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    International audienceA new mesh optimization framework for 3D triangular surface meshes is presented, which formulates the task as an energy minimization problem in the same spirit as in Hoppe et al. (SIGGRAPH’93: Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1993). The desired mesh properties are controlled through a global energy function including data attached terms measuring the fidelity to the original mesh, shape potentials favoring high quality triangles, and connectivity as well as budget terms controlling the sampling density. The optimization algorithm modifies mesh connectivity as well as the vertex positions. Solutions for the vertex repositioning step are obtained by a discrete graph cut algorithm examining global combinations of local candidates.Results on various 3D meshes compare favorably to recent state-of-the-art algorithms. Applications consist in optimizing triangular meshes and in simplifying meshes, while maintaining high mesh quality. Targeted areas are the improvement of the accuracy of numerical simulations, the convergence of numerical schemes, improvements of mesh rendering (normal field smoothness) or improvements of the geometric prediction in mesh compression technique

    Computing a high-dimensional euclidean embedding from an arbitrary smooth riemannian metric

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    International audienceThis article presents a new method to compute a self-intersection free high-dimensional Euclidean embedding (SIFHDE) for surfaces and volumes equipped with an arbitrary Riemannian metric. It is already known that given a high-dimensional (high-d) embedding, one can easily compute an anisotropic Voronoi diagram by back-mapping it to 3D space. We show here how to solve the inverse problem, i.e., given an input metric, compute a smooth intersection-free high-d embedding of the input such that the pullback metric of the embedding matches the input metric. Our numerical solution mechanism matches the deformation gradient of the 3D → higher-d mapping with the given Riemannian metric. We demonstrate applications of the method, by being used to construct anisotropic Restricted Voronoi Diagram (RVD) and anisotropic meshing, that are otherwise extremely difficult to compute. In the SIFHDE-space constructed by our algorithm, difficult 3D anisotropic computations are replaced with simple Euclidean computations, resulting in an isotropic RVD and its dual mesh on this high-d embedding. The results are compared with the state-ofthe-art in anisotropic surface and volume meshings using several examples and evaluation metrics