40 research outputs found

    Generic homeomorphisms with shadowing of one-dimensional continua

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    In this article we show that there are homeomorphisms of plane continua whose conjugacy class is residual and have the shadowing property

    Shadowing is generic on various one-dimensional continua with a special geometric structure

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    In the paper we use a special geometric structure of selected one-dimensional continua to prove that some stronger versions of the shadowing property are generic (or at least dense) for continuous maps acting on these spaces. Specifically, we prove that (i) the periodic TS-bi-shadowing property, where TS means some class of continuous methods, is generic as well as the s-limit shadowing property is dense in the space of all continuous maps (and all continuous surjective maps) of any topological graph; (ii) the TS-bi-shadowing property is generic as well as the s-limit shadowing property is dense in the space of all continuous maps of any dendrite; (iii) the TS-bi-shadowing property is generic in the space of all continuous maps of chainable continuum that can by approximated by arcs from the inside. The results of the paper extend ones obtained over the last few decades by various authors (see, e.g., Kościelniak in J Math Anal Appl 310:188–196, 2005; Kościelniak and Mazur in J Differ Equ Appl 16:667–674, 2010; Kościelniak et al. in Discret Contin Dyn Syst 34:3591–3609, 2014; Mazur and Oprocha in J Math Anal Appl 408:465–475, 2013; Mizera in Generic Properties of One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory and Related Topics, III, Springer, Berlin, 1992; Odani in Proc Am Math Soc 110:281–284, 1990; Pilyugin and Plamenevskaya in Topol Appl 97:253–266, 1999; and Yano in J Fac Sci Univ Tokyo Sect IA Math 34:51-55, 1987) for both homeomorphisms and continuous maps of compact manifolds, including (in particular) an interval and a circle, which are the simplest examples of one-dimensional continua. Moreover, from a technical point of view our considerations are a continuation of those carried out in the earlier work by Mazur and Oprocha in J. Math. Anal. Appl. 408:465-475, 2013

    Continuous Lebesgue measure-preserving maps on one-dimensional manifolds: a survey

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    We survey the current state-of-the-art about the dynamical behavior of continuous Lebesgue measure-preserving maps on one-dimensional manifolds

    S-limit shadowing is generic for continuous Lebesgue measure preserving circle maps

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    In this paper we show that generic continuous Lebesgue measure preserving circle maps have the s-limit shadowing property. In addition we obtain that s-limit shadowing is a generic property also for continuous circle maps. In particular, this implies that classical shadowing, periodic shadowing and limit shadowing are generic in these two settings as well

    Rational Polygons as Rotation Sets of Generic Homeomorphisms of the Two-Torus

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    We prove the existence of an open and dense set D\subset? Homeo0(T2) (set of toral homeomorphisms homotopic to the identity) such that the rotation set of any element in D is a rational polygon. We also extend this result to the set of axiom A dif- feomorphisms in Homeo0(T2). Further we observe the existence of minimal sets whose rotation set is a non-trivial segment, for an open set in Homeo0(T2)

    Homogeneous matchbox manifolds

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    We prove that a homogeneous matchbox manifold of any finite dimension is homeomorphic to a McCord solenoid, thereby proving a strong version of a conjecture of Fokkink and Oversteegen. The proof uses techniques from the theory of foliations that involve making important connections between homogeneity and equicontinuity. The results provide a framework for the study of equicontinuous minimal sets of foliations that have the structure of a matchbox manifold.Comment: This is a major revision of the original article. Theorem 1.4 has been broadened, in that the assumption of no holonomy is no longer required, only that the holonomy action is equicontinuous. Appendices A and B have been removed, and the fundamental results from these Appendices are now contained in the preprint, arXiv:1107.1910v