358 research outputs found

    New Optimal Binary Sequences with Period 4p4p via Interleaving Ding-Helleseth-Lam Sequences

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    Binary sequences with optimal autocorrelation play important roles in radar, communication, and cryptography. Finding new binary sequences with optimal autocorrelation has been an interesting research topic in sequence design. Ding-Helleseth-Lam sequences are such a class of binary sequences of period pp, where pp is an odd prime with p1(mod 4)p\equiv 1(\bmod~4). The objective of this letter is to present a construction of binary sequences of period 4p4p via interleaving four suitable Ding-Helleseth-Lam sequences. This construction generates new binary sequences with optimal autocorrelation which can not be produced by earlier ones

    Linear Complexity of A Family of Binary pq2 -periodic Sequences From Euler Quotients

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    We first introduce a family of binary pq2pq^2 -periodic sequences based on the Euler quotients modulo pqpq, where pp and qq are two distinct odd primes and pp divides q1q - 1. The minimal polynomials and linear complexities are determined for the proposed sequences provided that 2q1≢1(modq)22^{q-1} \not \equiv 1 \pmod q^2 . The results show that the proposed sequences have high linear complexities

    Simulator for the Performance Analysis of CPM Schemes in an Indoor Wireless Environment

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    A software simulator for characterising Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) schemes in an indoor multipath environment has been developed using SIMULINK and MATLAB. The simulator is capable of simulating a wide range of CPM schemes to determine bandwidth efficiency and robustness to additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rician fading. Initial trials of the simulator indicate that the simulator is functioning correctly. Eventually, the simulator will be used to determine the most suitable modulation scheme for the development of an actual indoor wireless system

    Contribution à l'étude des systèmes de transmission optique utilisant le format de modulation QPSK

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    La demande constante de capacité et la saturation prévue de la fibre monomode ont conduit récemment à des avances technologiques qui ont complètement changé le paysage des télécommunications à fibre optique. Le progrès le plus important était la mise en œuvre d'une détection cohérente à l'aide d'électronique rapide. Cela a permis pas seulement l'utilisation de formats de modulation qui promettent une utilisation plus efficace de la bande passante, mais aussi l utilisation des algorithmes adaptés pour combattre la dégradation du signal optique due à la propagation. Cette thèse a commencé un peu après le début de cette ère du cohérent et son principal objectif était de revoir les effets physiques de la propagation dans des systèmes de transmission terrestres, utilisant le format de modulation QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying). Le manuscrit est divisé en deux parties. La première partie est consacrée à une étude sur les séquences des données qui doivent être utilisés dans les simulations numériques, lorsqu un format de modulation avancée est impliqué. La propagation, et en particulier l'interaction entre la dispersion chromatique et les non-linéarités, introduisent une interférence inter-symbole (ISI). Vu que cet ISI dépend de l enchainement des données transmises, il est évident que le choix de la séquence a une influence sur la qualité estimée du canal. Etant donné que des séquences aléatoires infinies ne sont pas pratiquement réalisables, nous utilisons souvent des séquences pseudo-aléatoires (PR), i.e. des séquences déterministes de longueur finie, avec des statistiques équilibrés, qui semblent être aléatoires. Dans la première partie, nous décrivons la méthode de génération de séquences PR avec M. niveaux (M> 2) et nous détaillons leurs propriétés. En outre, nous proposons des outils numériques pour caractériser les séquences non pseudo-aléatoires qu on utilise souvent dans des simulations, ou parfois aussi dans des expériences au laboratoire. Enfin, nous présentons les résultats de simulations qui permettent de quantifier la nécessité d'utiliser des séquences PR en fonction des paramètres du système. Après avoir établi les séquences finies "les plus adaptées", dans la seconde partie du manuscrit, nous nous concentrons sur l'étude de la propagation, dans le contexte d'un système de transmission QPSK et en supposant une gestion de dispersion et un type de fibre variables. Plus précisément, nous étudions numériquement les statistiques de signaux dégradés dus à l'interaction de la dispersion chromatique avec les effets non linéaires, en négligeant tout effet de polarisation ou inter-canaux, aussi que le bruit des amplificateurs. Dans ce contexte, nous étions intéressés à déterminer si certaines lois empiriques développées pour les systèmes OOK, sont valable dans le cas d'une modulation QPSK, tels que le critère de la phase non-linéaire cumulée ( NL) ou des lois qui permettent une optimisation de la gestion de dispersion. Ensuite, nous révélons l'importance de la rotation de la constellation du signal initial, comme un paramètre qui peut fournir des informations pour la post-optimisation de notre système. Nous discutons également autour du fait que la forme de la constellation dépend de la gestion de dispersion et concernant les constellations nous concluons qu'il y en a généralement 3 types, avec: (1) une variance de phase supérieure à la variance d'amplitude (2) une variance d'amplitude supérieure à la variance de phase et (3) avec le signal ayant une constellation qui ressemble à la constellation d un signal sous l'influence d'un bruit blanc gaussien additif. Enfin, nous fournissons une explication phénoménologique des formes des constellations révélant le fait que des sous-séquences différentes conduisent à un type différent de dégradation et nous utilisons ces informations pour définir un paramètre qui quantifie le bénéfice potentiel d'un algorithme de correction du type MAP(Maximum A Posteriori Probability)The constant demand for capacity increase, together with the foreseen saturation of the single-mode optical fiber, paved the way to technological breakthroughs that have completely changed the landscape of fiber-optic telecommunications. The most important advance was, undeniably, the practical implementation of a coherent detection with the help of high-speed electronics. This has, first, enabled the use of advanced modulation formats that allowed for a more efficient use of the fiber bandwidth, compared to the classical On-Off Keying, while adapted algorithms could not be used in order to mitigate the optical signal degradation. This thesis began a little after the advent of coherent detection and its main objective was to revisit the propagation effects in optical transmission systems using "Quadrature phase shift keying" (QPSK) modulation in the context of terrestrial systems, i.e. for transmission distances of up to about 2000 km. The manuscript is divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to a study on the data sequences that need to be used in numerical simulations, when advanced modulation is involved. Fiber propagation, and in particular the interplay between chromatic dispersion and nonlinearities, usually introduce a nonlinear inter-symbol interference (ISI) to the transmitted signal. Since this ISI depends on the actual transmitted data pattern, it is obvious that the choice of the sequence used in our numerical simulations will have a direct influence on the estimated channel quality. Since, an infinite length, random sequence is impractical; we very commonly use pseudorandom" (PR) sequences, i.e. finite-length, deterministic sequences with balanced pattern statistics that seem to be random. In the first part we describe the method of generating M-level (with M>2) pseudorandom sequences and we detail their properties. In addition, we propose numerical tools to characterize the non-pseudorandom sequences that we use in numerical simulations, or we are sometimes forced to use in laboratory experiments. Finally, we present results of numerical simulations that quantify the necessity to use PR sequences as a function of our system parameters. After having established the fairest possible finite sequences, in the second part of the manuscript, we focus on the study of the nonlinear propagation, in the context of a transmission system using QPSK modulation and assuming a variable dispersion management and fiber type. Specifically, we numerically study the signal statistics due to the interplay of chromatic dispersion and nonlinear effects, neglecting all polarization or multi-wavelength effects and the amplifier noise. In this context, we were first interested in determining whether some empirical laws developed for OOK systems, can be also used in the case of QPSK modulation, such as the criterion of cumulative nonlinear phase ( NL) or laws that allow for a quick optimization of the dispersion management. Next we reveal the importance of a global phase rotation added to the initial signal constellation, as a parameter that can provide interesting information for the post-optimization of our system. We also discuss the fact that the constellation shape critically depends on the applied dispersion management, while there are generally 3 types of constellations, concerning the complex signal statistics: (1) the phase variance is higher than the amplitude variance (2) the amplitude variance is higher than the phase variance and (3) the received signal constellation resembles to a constellation of a signal under the influence of just an Additive White Gaussian Noise. Finally, we provide a phenomenological explanation of the constellations shapes revealing the fact that different data sub-sequences suffer from a different kind of signal degradation, while we also use this information to define a parameter that quantifies the potential benefit from a MAP (Maximum A Posteriori probability) correction algorithmEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    High resolution palaeoenvironmental analyses of coastal wetland sediments from South East Sicily

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.This study examines the sedimentology of salt marshes and lagoonal sediments from coastal wetland settings in south east Sicily. Palaeoenvironmentasl tudies have been carried out to assess the recent evolution of disturbed coastal wetlands, and to examine the sensitivity of these depositional settings in recording historical environmental change. The evolution of recent coastal wetland environments in the region can be related to anthrpogenic disturbance phases in drainage catchments due to changes in land-use. Archaeo-historical changes to the coastal topography are identified, in relation to the development of present-day coastal wetland areas in south east Sicily. The impact of 19th early 20th century salt workings is recognised as a major and continuing factor in the condition of present day wetlands. Measurement of 210Pb, 137Cs, pollen content, major and trace elements, loss on ignition and other sedimentological features generates valuable information on depositional processes that have occurred over the last 100-150 years. Sub-surfaces edimentological changes recognised in cores extracted from shallow sediment sequences (< 50 cm) can be related to coastal wetland land-use changes and hydrological flood events. A 30 cm depth sediment sequence analysed from the Mulinello estuary records the interaction between estuarine channel processes, following embankment construction and the variable influence of catchment generated flood episodes. A clearly identifiable change in accretion and core composition occurred during the mid-late 1940's and early 1950's which coincides with recorded peaks in monthly rainfall totals. The impact of marsh development, flooding and recovery is highlighted by the variable abundance of dominant pollen types. A marked increase of ruderal pollen types during periods of channel-dominated deposition is contrasted with an abundance of halophyte pollen during low-energy phases of organic marsh sedimentation. The two lagoonal cores from Pantano Piccolo record successive hydrological changes, due almost certainly to artificial enclosure in the late l8th to early 19th century. The apparent change in water levels dramatically affected marginal salt marsh communities. Artificial impoundment generated a lagoonal setting conducive to the accumulation of local and extralocal sources of pollen, reflecting the re- establishment of salt marsh vegetation. Although largely separated from catchment-overland flow patterns during the 20th century, large magnitude rainfall events were recorded in lagoonal accretion patterns. 21OPb-derived sediment accretion rates and estimated pollen accumulation rates have enabled the response and sensitivity, of coastal wetland and nearby plant communities to phases of disturbance and recovery, to be determined. Due to artificial impoundment of the lagoon, fringing-halophyte communities and organic accretion migrated outwards to occupy their present marginal position. To aid the interpretation of pollen encountered in estuarine and lagoonal settings, soil samples from nearby land surfaces around Pantano Piccolo were analysed for pollen content. Soil surfaces reflected the dominance of gravity fallout from surface vegetation and the accumulation of pollen from regional-atmospheric sources. The reliability of the multi-proxy approach and palaeoenvironmental analyses used, indicate that coastal wetlands in south east Sicily have evolved in a dynamic system of punctuated equilibria, due to climatic events and human activity over the last 100- 150 years. Their current status reflects the continued pressure on coastal systems by anthropogenic development and recent conservation measures.This work is funded by Brunel Universit