4 research outputs found

    Practically Applicable Formal Methods

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    Abstract. Formal methods are considered to be highly expensive. There-fore, they are currently applied almost only in high risk software develop-ment. In this paper, we show that formal techniques can be also efficiently used in standard large-scale applications. We focus on the generation of specifications which state the termination condition of for loops in Java code (expressed as so called Java Modeling Language decreases clauses). We demonstrate that with help of relatively simple techniques it is pos-sible to successfully generate the clauses for almost 80 % of the loops in a number of widely deployed applications. Moreover, it turns out that the remaining 20 % cases contain loops which should be carefully reviewed by software quality assurance personnel. The results show that our tech-nique might be helpful in spreading the usage of formal methods onto typical business software

    A comparison of context-oriented programming languages

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    Policy-Driven Framework for Static Identification and Verification of Component Dependencies

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    Software maintenance is considered to be among the most difficult, lengthy and costly parts of a software application's life-cycle. Regardless of the nature of the software application and the software engineering efforts to reduce component coupling to minimum, dependencies between software components in applications will always exist and initiate software maintenance operations as they tend to threaten the "health" of the software system during the evolution of particular components. The situation is more serious with modern technologies and development paradigms, such as Service Oriented Architecture Systems and Cloud Computing that introduce larger software systems that consist of a substantial number of components which demonstrate numerous types of dependencies with each other. This work proposes a reference architecture and a corresponding software framework that can be used to model the dependencies between components in software systems and can support the verification of a set of policies that are derived from system dependencies and are relative to the software maintenance operations being applied. Dependency modelling is performed using configuration information from the system, as well as information harvested from component interface descriptions. The proposed approach has been applied to a medium scale SOA system, namely the SCA Travel Sample from Apache Software Foundation, and has been evaluated for performance in a configuration specification related to a simulated SOA system consisting to up to a thousand web services offered in a few hundred components

    Metamodellbasierte und hierarchieorientierte Workflowmodellierung

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Metamodelle eingesetzt, um Workflow- bzw. Geschäftsprozessmodellierungssprachen und ihre operationale Semantik zu definieren. Mit einer deklarativen und einer hierarchischen Sprache werden zwei Modellierungsweisen verfolgt, die im Bereich der Geschäftsprozessmodellierung nicht weit verbreitet sind. Der Hauptvorteil beim deklarativen Ansatz liegt in einer höheren Flexiblität und bei der hierarchischen Sprache in einer besseren Verständlichkeit der Modelle