67 research outputs found

    Generative Adversarial Perturbations

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    In this paper, we propose novel generative models for creating adversarial examples, slightly perturbed images resembling natural images but maliciously crafted to fool pre-trained models. We present trainable deep neural networks for transforming images to adversarial perturbations. Our proposed models can produce image-agnostic and image-dependent perturbations for both targeted and non-targeted attacks. We also demonstrate that similar architectures can achieve impressive results in fooling classification and semantic segmentation models, obviating the need for hand-crafting attack methods for each task. Using extensive experiments on challenging high-resolution datasets such as ImageNet and Cityscapes, we show that our perturbations achieve high fooling rates with small perturbation norms. Moreover, our attacks are considerably faster than current iterative methods at inference time.Comment: CVPR 2018, camera-ready versio

    Attacking logo-based phishing website detectors with adversarial perturbations

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    Recent times have witnessed the rise of anti-phishing schemes powered by deep learning (DL). In particular, logo-based phishing detectors rely on DL models from Computer Vision to identify logos of well-known brands on webpages, to detect malicious webpages that imitate a given brand. For instance, Siamese networks have demonstrated notable performance for these tasks, enabling the corresponding anti-phishing solutions to detect even "zero-day" phishing webpages. In this work, we take the next step of studying the robustness of logo-based phishing detectors against adversarial ML attacks. We propose a novel attack exploiting generative adversarial perturbations to craft "adversarial logos" that evade phishing detectors. We evaluate our attacks through: (i) experiments on datasets containing real logos, to evaluate the robustness of state-of-the-art phishing detectors; and (ii) user studies to gauge whether our adversarial logos can deceive human eyes. The results show that our proposed attack is capable of crafting perturbed logos subtle enough to evade various DL models-achieving an evasion rate of up to 95%. Moreover, users are not able to spot significant differences between generated adversarial logos and original ones.Comment: To appear in ESORICS 202

    CAG: A Real-time Low-cost Enhanced-robustness High-transferability Content-aware Adversarial Attack Generator

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial attack despite their tremendous success in many AI fields. Adversarial attack is a method that causes the intended misclassfication by adding imperceptible perturbations to legitimate inputs. Researchers have developed numerous types of adversarial attack methods. However, from the perspective of practical deployment, these methods suffer from several drawbacks such as long attack generating time, high memory cost, insufficient robustness and low transferability. We propose a Content-aware Adversarial Attack Generator (CAG) to achieve real-time, low-cost, enhanced-robustness and high-transferability adversarial attack. First, as a type of generative model-based attack, CAG shows significant speedup (at least 500 times) in generating adversarial examples compared to the state-of-the-art attacks such as PGD and C\&W. CAG only needs a single generative model to perform targeted attack to any targeted class. Because CAG encodes the label information into a trainable embedding layer, it differs from prior generative model-based adversarial attacks that use nn different copies of generative models for nn different targeted classes. As a result, CAG significantly reduces the required memory cost for generating adversarial examples. CAG can generate adversarial perturbations that focus on the critical areas of input by integrating the class activation maps information in the training process, and hence improve the robustness of CAG attack against the state-of-art adversarial defenses. In addition, CAG exhibits high transferability across different DNN classifier models in black-box attack scenario by introducing random dropout in the process of generating perturbations. Extensive experiments on different datasets and DNN models have verified the real-time, low-cost, enhanced-robustness, and high-transferability benefits of CAG

    Learning Universal Adversarial Perturbations with Generative Models

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    Neural networks are known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples, inputs that have been intentionally perturbed to remain visually similar to the source input, but cause a misclassification. It was recently shown that given a dataset and classifier, there exists so called universal adversarial perturbations, a single perturbation that causes a misclassification when applied to any input. In this work, we introduce universal adversarial networks, a generative network that is capable of fooling a target classifier when it's generated output is added to a clean sample from a dataset. We show that this technique improves on known universal adversarial attacks

    Mutual-modality Adversarial Attack with Semantic Perturbation

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    Adversarial attacks constitute a notable threat to machine learning systems, given their potential to induce erroneous predictions and classifications. However, within real-world contexts, the essential specifics of the deployed model are frequently treated as a black box, consequently mitigating the vulnerability to such attacks. Thus, enhancing the transferability of the adversarial samples has become a crucial area of research, which heavily relies on selecting appropriate surrogate models. To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach that generates adversarial attacks in a mutual-modality optimization scheme. Our approach is accomplished by leveraging the pre-trained CLIP model. Firstly, we conduct a visual attack on the clean image that causes semantic perturbations on the aligned embedding space with the other textual modality. Then, we apply the corresponding defense on the textual modality by updating the prompts, which forces the re-matching on the perturbed embedding space. Finally, to enhance the attack transferability, we utilize the iterative training strategy on the visual attack and the textual defense, where the two processes optimize from each other. We evaluate our approach on several benchmark datasets and demonstrate that our mutual-modal attack strategy can effectively produce high-transferable attacks, which are stable regardless of the target networks. Our approach outperforms state-of-the-art attack methods and can be readily deployed as a plug-and-play solution.Comment: Accepted by AAAI202
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