41,826 research outputs found

    Theory of generations and how it influences on modern business

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    Статтю присвячено одній із популярних теорій сучасності – Теорії поколінь, яку сьогодні широко використовують маркетологи, економісти, соціологи, психологи та управлінці. Адже, розгадавши таємницю відмінностей поколінь, можна знайти підхід до представників різного віку. У статті розглядається вплив теорії на стратегію компаній, а також які інструменти їм слід використовувати, щоб привернути увагу до свого продукту. Подано певні судження, що теорія впливає на компанії як на працедавців, рекрутингова стратегія компанії має враховувати всі відмінності під час прийому кандидатів X, Y та Z. Акцентується також увага на тому, що названа теорія має певні недоліки. Перший недолік полягає в тому, що роки народження поколінь варіюються в залежності від географії, у різних частинах світу існують різні характеристики. По-друге, дослідження мають певні недоліки точних емпіричних даних. В Україні ця теорія лише набирає обертів, компанії поступово починають підлаштовуватися під відмінності поколінь задля підвищення своєї привабливості. Проте міжнародні компанії, філії яких розташовано в Україні показують приклад знаходження взаєморозуміння зі споживачами теорії.The article deals with one of the popular theories of today – Generation Theory, which is widely used today by marketers, economists, sociologists, psychologists and managers. Despite the fact that the theory was developed in the 90's, it has not lost its relevance in our day. After all, when you solve the mystery of the differences of generations, you can find an approach to representatives of all ages. The article discusses the impact of theory on a company's strategy, as well as what tools they should use to attract attention to their products. Some suggestions have been made that the theory affects companies not only as manufacturers of goods or services, but also as employers. The company's recruiting strategy must take into account all the differences in search and recruitment of X, Y and Z candidates. Representatives of different generations train each other during they work together. X helps Y not lose the joy of face-to-face communication, and Millennials teach X how to use global networks. Generation Z representatives set their own rules of the game and clearly follow them. Z communicate best and have little or no conflict with Baby-boomers, they have common views with them. It is also easier for them to find a common language with X rather than Y. That is, with grandparents, not parents. X and Z are so different that it makes no sense to conflict and prove something to each other. However, the theory has some drawbacks. The first drawback is that the years of birth of generations differ depending on geography, and there are different characteristics in different parts of the world. Second, the studies have some drawbacks of accurate empirical data. Opponents of Generation Theory call it a successful product of marketers that has nothing to do with reality. The main objection of the theory is that the boundaries of generations are determined arbitrarily, and generations are almost indistinguishable from the usual age groups. In Ukraine, this theory is only gaining ground, and companies are gradually starting to adapt to the differences of generations to increase theirselves attractiveness. A group of researchers led by Eugene Zamis and Eugene Novikov in 2003-2004 adapted the theory of generations for the post-Soviet space. Nowadays, lectures, workshops, trainings, presentations on the main idea of the theory are held in Ukraine – the conflict between the generations exists as each generation forms its hierarchy of values under the influence of education and living conditions. However, international companies whose branches are located in Ukraine show an example of understanding with consumers of theory

    Use of the complex of models of regression for analysis of the factors that determine the severity of bronchial asthma

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    Background: According to an International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), the prevalence of asthma in children of 6-7 years old has increased by 10%, and at the age of 13-14 years by 16% over the last decade. Determining the factors that are keys to the occurrence of the disease and its severity is important in explaining the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma. Methods: Analyzed 142 indicators of clinical and paraclinical examination of 70 children with asthma. To select factors that could be significant in the formation of severe asthma, applied the method of logistic regression with step-by-step inclusion of predictors. Both quantitative and qualitative characteristics were selected. Each qualitative attribute was coded “1” if the child had this characteristic, or “0” if this characteristic had not been established. The formation of a severe asthma course was accepted according to (1) and the absence of a severe asthma flow formation as (0). Results: Analyzed the model of paired regression, the boundary value of thymic stromal lymphopoietin was established, exceeding which indicates the high probability of the presence of severe bronchial asthma. Increasing the value of thymic stromal lymphopoietin by 10 pg/mL suggests an increase in the likelihood of severe asthma by 10%. Conclusions: A complex of steam regression models has been developed to determine the factors characterizing the severity of bronchial asthma. The risk of developing severe bronchial asthma in children has been determined and 15 factors have been identified that affect severe asthma

    Fast hadron freeze-out generator, part II: noncentral collisions

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    The fast Monte Carlo procedure of hadron generation developed in our previous work is extended to describe noncentral collisions of nuclei. We consider different possibilities to introduce appropriate asymmetry of the freeze-out hyper-surface and flow velocity profile. For comparison with other models and experimental data we demonstrate the results based on the standard parametrizations of the hadron freeze-out hyper-surface and flow velocity profile assuming either a common chemical and thermal freeze-out or the chemically frozen evolution from chemical to thermal freeze-out. The C++ generator code is written under the ROOT framework and is available for public use at http://uhkm.jinr.ru/Comment: 27 pages including 7 figures as EPS-files; prepared using LaTeX package for publication in Physical Review