55,987 research outputs found

    Resolving structural variability in network models and the brain

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    Large-scale white matter pathways crisscrossing the cortex create a complex pattern of connectivity that underlies human cognitive function. Generative mechanisms for this architecture have been difficult to identify in part because little is known about mechanistic drivers of structured networks. Here we contrast network properties derived from diffusion spectrum imaging data of the human brain with 13 synthetic network models chosen to probe the roles of physical network embedding and temporal network growth. We characterize both the empirical and synthetic networks using familiar diagnostics presented in statistical form, as scatter plots and distributions, to reveal the full range of variability of each measure across scales in the network. We focus on the degree distribution, degree assortativity, hierarchy, topological Rentian scaling, and topological fractal scaling---in addition to several summary statistics, including the mean clustering coefficient, shortest path length, and network diameter. The models are investigated in a progressive, branching sequence, aimed at capturing different elements thought to be important in the brain, and range from simple random and regular networks, to models that incorporate specific growth rules and constraints. We find that synthetic models that constrain the network nodes to be embedded in anatomical brain regions tend to produce distributions that are similar to those extracted from the brain. We also find that network models hardcoded to display one network property do not in general also display a second, suggesting that multiple neurobiological mechanisms might be at play in the development of human brain network architecture. Together, the network models that we develop and employ provide a potentially useful starting point for the statistical inference of brain network structure from neuroimaging data.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, supplementary material

    The Art of Fault Injection

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    Classical greek philosopher considered the foremost virtues to be temperance, justice, courage, and prudence. In this paper we relate these cardinal virtues to the correct methodological approaches that researchers should follow when setting up a fault injection experiment. With this work we try to understand where the "straightforward pathway" lies, in order to highlight those common methodological errors that deeply influence the coherency and the meaningfulness of fault injection experiments. Fault injection is like an art, where the success of the experiments depends on a very delicate balance between modeling, creativity, statistics, and patience

    Embedding Multi-Task Address-Event- Representation Computation

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    Address-Event-Representation, AER, is a communication protocol that is intended to transfer neuronal spikes between bioinspired chips. There are several AER tools to help to develop and test AER based systems, which may consist of a hierarchical structure with several chips that transmit spikes among them in real-time, while performing some processing. Although these tools reach very high bandwidth at the AER communication level, they require the use of a personal computer to allow the higher level processing of the event information. We propose the use of an embedded platform based on a multi-task operating system to allow both, the AER communication and processing without the requirement of either a laptop or a computer. In this paper, we present and study the performance of an embedded multi-task AER tool, connecting and programming it for processing Address-Event information from a spiking generator.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2006-11730-C03-0

    BeSpaceD: Towards a Tool Framework and Methodology for the Specification and Verification of Spatial Behavior of Distributed Software Component Systems

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    In this report, we present work towards a framework for modeling and checking behavior of spatially distributed component systems. Design goals of our framework are the ability to model spatial behavior in a component oriented, simple and intuitive way, the possibility to automatically analyse and verify systems and integration possibilities with other modeling and verification tools. We present examples and the verification steps necessary to prove properties such as range coverage or the absence of collisions between components and technical details

    Model checking learning agent systems using Promela with embedded C code and abstraction

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    As autonomous systems become more prevalent, methods for their verification will become more widely used. Model checking is a formal verification technique that can help ensure the safety of autonomous systems, but in most cases it cannot be applied by novices, or in its straight \off-the-shelf" form. In order to be more widely applicable it is crucial that more sophisticated techniques are used, and are presented in a way that is reproducible by engineers and verifiers alike. In this paper we demonstrate in detail two techniques that are used to increase the power of model checking using the model checker SPIN. The first of these is the use of embedded C code within Promela specifications, in order to accurately re ect robot movement. The second is to use abstraction together with a simulation relation to allow us to verify multiple environments simultaneously. We apply these techniques to a fairly simple system in which a robot moves about a fixed circular environment and learns to avoid obstacles. The learning algorithm is inspired by the way that insects learn to avoid obstacles in response to pain signals received from their antennae. Crucially, we prove that our abstraction is sound for our example system { a step that is often omitted but is vital if formal verification is to be widely accepted as a useful and meaningful approach