149 research outputs found

    The X-ray Variability and Multiphase Winds of a Changing-Look AGN at z=0.149

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    According to the Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) Unified Model, the main discriminant between AGN of different classifications is the viewing angle. The discovery of “Changing Look” AGN (CL-AGN), a subclass that shows drastic spectral variations on relatively short timescales, poses a threat to the static Unified Model and requires either a better understanding of accretion physics or the inclusion of more complex, dynamical processes. Characterizing such objects is of crucial importance in order to assess where our theories come short. 2MASS 0918+2117 (2M0918) is a CL-AGN, as witnessed by 2 XMM-Newton observations (respectively dating 2003 and 2005, Pounds & Wilkes 2007) which revealed an increase in its X-ray flux by a factor ∼ 10, possibly due to a decrease in obscuration. In this work we re-analyze the XMM-Newton spectra available in the archive, investigate the nature of the variability and interpret it in a dynamical framework. We do so by extending the light curve through dedicated 2020 XMM-Newton and NuSTAR follow-up observations and data from the first 4 eROSITA all-sky surveys. The 2005 spectrum shows tentative evidence of absorption features above 7.8 keV rest-frame, which can be interpreted as highly ionized and fast winds launched from the accretion disk, known as Ultra Fast Outflows (UFO). The feature is confirmed through the analysis of the 2020 X-ray spectra, where we detected at > 99% significance UFOs with v=0.15c. Overall the X-ray spectral properties of 2M0918 suggest a scenario in which winds play a crucial role in the displacement of obscuring material in and out of the line of sight. In addition, the 2005 SDSS optical spectrum reveals the presence of outflows in the ionized phase on kpc scale, with velocities up to 1000 km/s. The almost simultaneous detection of accretion disk- and galaxy-scale winds allows to constrain outflow propagation mechanisms, which is consistent with a momentum-driven scenario

    New Mexico Tourism: Conflict and Cooperation in the Land of Enchantment

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact that tourism and tourist sites have upon the surrounding communities in New Mexico. It will look specifically at Bandelier National Monument, El Santuario de Chimayo, and the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell. These sites have all been the cause of tensions in their interactions with the local communities, over issues of culture, identity, or resource usage. But these tourist attractions have also brought economic stimulus to these areas, which has brought about a need for cooperation and compromise between the groups as they have negotiated how tourism should operate in the areas

    New Religious and Spiritual Movements in West: Reflexive Modernity, Alienation Embodied Charisma

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    This thesis investigates the causes and consequences behind the rise of new religious and spiritual movements [NRSMs] in the West, by tracing their historical, structural and in some cases individual origins and trajectories. The West in this study refers to the United States and Great Britain, with the two countries serving both as a reference point for critical examinations, as well as the basis for comparative analysis. The main argument developed in the study is that NRSMs are the natural by-product of a reflexive modernity and represent a morally inspired response to the largely materialistic values engendered by the capitalist ideologies of profit maximization, accumulation and consumption. Nonetheless, certain NRSMs ultimately end up practicing these very same materialistic goals. Fundamentally, new religious and spiritual discourses have emerged to counterbalance the logic heavy narrative of Enlightenment, which promoted science as a replacement for superstitious beliefs in God, and the concomitant pursuit of industrialization via the taming of nature as the correct parameters for human evolution. In an attempt to transcend the strictures of positivistic scientism and postmodern ambiguity, as applied to the sociology of new religious movements, my theoretical approach instead opens up a third space based on critical realism. Thus, the methodology incorporates a plurality of research techniques (quantitative and qualitative), such as secondary analysis of survey data, case studies, in-depth interviews and ethnography, with the thesis ultimately presenting a new theoretical framework with which to systematically analyse any NRSM

    Одређивање масе црних рупа код активних галактичких jезгара помоћу поларизациjе у широким емисионим линиjама

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    Супермасивне црне рупе (СМЦР-е) се налазе у центру готово сваке масивне галаксиjе у свемиру. Већина су неактивне, али када у околини има доста гаса, започеће активна фаза у коjоj се формира активно галактичко jезгро (АГJ). У активноj фази, СМЦР имаjу велики утицаj на еволуциjу галаксиjе коjа садржи АГJ и њеног окружења. Поуздано мерење масе СМЦР jе зато важан задатак савремене астрономиjе. У ту сврху, Афанасиев и Поповић (2015) су недавно предложили методу коjа користи ротациjу позиционог угла поларизационе равни дуж профила широке емисионе линиjе како би детектовали кеплеровско кретање и одредили масу СМЦР-е. Ова метода претпоставља да су широке линиjе емитоване из пљоснатог дисколиког региона са кеплеровским кретањем, док jе главни механизам поларизациjе расеjање на унутрашњем зиду копланарног торуса прашине – тзв. екваториjално расеjање. Циљ тезе jе теориjски испитати могућности ове методе. Извршили смо броjне Монте Карло симулациjе за моделирање екваториjалног расеjања код АГJ-а користећи кˆoд за пренос зрачења stokes (Goosmann & Gaskell 2007). Разматрали смо и утицаj комплексног кретања емисионог региона коjе може бити у форми радиjалног прилива и вертикалног одлива гаса, или услед присуства двоjне супермасивне црне рупе (ДСМЦР-е). Такође, изабрали смо четири добро позната АГJ-а коjа смо посматрали: NGC 4051, NGC 4151, 3C 273 и PG0844+349. Спектрополариметриjа jе урађена користећи SCORPIO спектрограф монтираним на 6-метарском БТА телескопу Специjалне астрофизичке опсерваториjе Руске академиjе наука (САО РАН-а). Моделирали смо сваки од ових АГJ-а користећи податке из литературе и упоредили смо резултате наших модела са посматрачким подацима. Добили смо да се ова метода може користити за независно мерење маса СМЦР-а код АГJ-а. Утицаj прилива и отицања гаса се може игнорисати уколико су њихове брзине мање од брзина кеплеровског кретања. Додатно, када jе расеjаваjући регион близу широколиниjског региона, ова метода не зависи од инклинациjе посматрања. За систем ДСМЦР-е ова метода се не може користити, међутим, добили смо jединствене профиле коjе нису уобичаjени за jедну СМЦР-у, што може бити коришћено за одређивање могућих кандидата за ДСМЦР-е. Процењене масе СМЦР-а за четири посматрана АГJ-а слажу се добро са масама коjе су процењене другим методама, пре свега методом реверберационог мапирања. Метода за независно мерење маса СМЦР-а jе у овом раду теориjски и експериментално проверена, што jе од изузетног значаjа за будућа изстраживања коjа се баве утицаjем СМЦР-а на своjу непосредну околину.Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) reside in the heart of nearly every massive galaxy in the Universe. Most of them lie dormant, but when the nearby gas is abundant, it will enter an active phase and form an active galactic nucleus (AGN). In their active phase, SMBHs have a profound effect on the host galaxy evolution and its environment. Reliable SMBH mass measuring is therefore an important task in modern astronomy. For that purpose, a method has been recently proposed by Afanasiev & Popović (2015) that uses the rotation of the polarization plane position angle across the broad emission line profle in order to trace the Keplerian motion and determine the SMBH mass. This method assumes that broad lines are emitted from a flattened disk-like region undergoing Keplerian motion, while the polarization is mainly due to the light scattering of the inner side of the coplanar dusty torus – the equatorial scattering. The goal of the thesis is to theoretically explore the possibilities of this method. We performed numerous Monte Carlo simulations for modeling equatorial scattering in AGNs using the radiative transfer code stokes (Goosmann & Gaskell 2007). We included complex motion of the emitting region in the form of radial inflows, vertical outflows, or due to the presence of the supermassive binary black holes (SMBBHs). We also selected four well known AGNs for observations: NGC 4051, NGC 4151, 3C 273 and PG0844+349. Spectropolarimetry was done with the 6 m telescope BTA of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science (SAO RAS) with the focal reducer SCORPIO. We modeled each of these AGNs using observational data available from the literature, and we compared the results of our models with observational data. We fnd that this method can be used as a new independent way to measure the SMBH masses in AGNs. The influence of the inflows and the outflows can be ignored if they are much lower than the Keplerian velocity. Additionally, when the scattering region is close to the broad line region, this method becomes independent of the viewing inclination. For SMBBHs, this method cannot be used, however, we obtained unique polarization profles which are not common for a single SMBH, which could be used for identifying possible SMBBH candidates. SMBH mass estimates for the four observed AGNs are in good agreement with the masses obtained using other methods, such as the method of reverberation mapping. Method for independent SMBH mass measurements has been theoretically and experimentally verifed in this work, which is very important for the future research that is dealing with the SMBH influence on its immediate environment


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    Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) reside in the heart of nearly every mas- sive galaxy in the Universe. Most of them lie dormant, but when the nearby gas is abundant, it will enter an active phase and form an active galactic nucleus (AGN). In their active phase, SMBHs have a profound effect on the host galaxy evolution and its environment. Reliable SMBH mass measuring is therefore an important task in modern astronomy. For that purpose, a method has been recently proposed by Afanasiev & Popović (2015) that uses the rotation of the polarization plane position angle across the broad emission line profile in order to trace the Keplerian motion and determine the SMBH mass. This method assumes that broad lines are emitted from a flattened disk-like region undergoing Keplerian motion, while the polarization is mainly due to the light scattering of the inner side of the coplanar dusty torus – the equatorial scat- tering. The goal of the thesis is to theoretically explore the possibilities of this method. We performed numerous Monte Carlo simulations for modeling equatorial scattering in AGNs using the radiative transfer code stokes (Goosmann & Gaskell 2007). We included complex motion of the emitting region in the form of radial inflows, vertical outflows, or due to the presence of the supermassive binary black holes (SMBBHs). We also selected four well known AGNs for observations: NGC 4051, NGC 4151, 3C 273 and PG0844+349. Spectropolarimetry was done with the 6 m telescope BTA of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science (SAO RAS) with the focal reducer SCORPIO. We modeled each of these AGNs using observational data available from the literature, and we compared the results of our models with obser- vational data. We find that this method can be used as a new independent way to measure the SMBH masses in AGNs. The influence of the inflows and the outflows can be ignored if they are much lower than the Keplerian velocity. Additionally, when the scattering region is close to the broad line region, this method becomes indepen- dent of the viewing inclination. For SMBBHs, this method cannot be used, however, we obtained unique polarization profiles which are not common for a single SMBH, which could be used for identifying possible SMBBH candidates. SMBH mass esti- mates for the four observed AGNs are in good agreement with the masses obtained using other methods, such as the method of reverberation mapping. Method for inde- pendent SMBH mass measurements has been theoretically and experimentally verified in this work, which is very important for the future research that is dealing with the SMBH influence on its immediate environment

    Learning plan networks in conversational video games

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-123).We look forward to a future where robots collaborate with humans in the home and workplace, and virtual agents collaborate with humans in games and training simulations. A representation of common ground for everyday scenarios is essential for these agents if they are to be effective collaborators and communicators. Effective collaborators can infer a partner's goals and predict future actions. Effective communicators can infer the meaning of utterances based on semantic context. This thesis introduces a computational cognitive model of common ground called a Plan Network. A Plan Network is a statistical model that provides representations of social roles, object affordances, and expected patterns of behavior and language. I describe a methodology for unsupervised learning of a Plan Network using a multiplayer video game, visualization of this network, and evaluation of the learned model with respect to human judgment of typical behavior. Specifically, I describe learning the Restaurant Plan Network from data collected from over 5,000 players of an online game called The Restaurant Game.by Jeffrey David Orkin.S.M

    Orbs in the skyscape: An exploration of spiritual experiences with anomalous light phenomena

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    This thesis examines orbs, conventionally regarded as luminous orbital digital imaging artefacts, in their capacity to generate narratives evolving from active participatory engagement with them during the photographic process. Given the current dichotomy between the optical and paranormal explanations for orbs, with proponents of both emphasising the conventional optical explanation, academic interest is limited. In popular culture, orbs have acquired the status of indicators of ghostly presence which is commercially exploited at the cost of those individuals who report interactive experiences. For that reason, this thesis identifies these individuals as orb experiencers (OErs) and their claims to commune with orbs in their manifestations in digital imaging as conscious beings that can be interacted with. Hence, the study notes the hiatus in the academic understanding of the lived experiences of OErs, drawing comparisons with and contrasting their involvement as a living spiritual practice of building and maintaining a relationship to what they consider stemming from the divine, the sacred and Source. In that regard, the thesis explores conventional, paranormal and spiritual/esoteric viewpoints and considers them against the backdrop of religious or miraculous photographic practices involving rituals, symbolism and correspondences, in particular those found at Marian apparition sites. Departing from a phenomenological stance, it draws together the paramount importance of the visual aspect, the photographic image in this respect, and its interpretation, which implies an appropriated research methodology in answering the research questions. It results in not only bringing the photograph more prominently into the discourse, but it also warrants consideration of the positioning of the topic, which has been under-researched and neglected in academe due to its deviation from mainstream research. The study therefore seeks, through ethnographical research as praxis, to devise and apply a methodology that accommodates the topic, the orb experiencers and the researcher concerned. For that aim I shall introduce the mandorlic approach as an attitude and a working method which builds on the strong participatory and engaging research of other ethnographers of consciousness and the supernatural and those scholars in folklore and the folklore of religion and spirituality who include the possibility that humans are able to converse with otherworldly beings. Drawing from my ethnographic research, I point to the consequences of spiritual experiences with orbs and argue for a new framework that accounts for an open and scientifically rigorous approach to the study of anomalous encounters as spiritual experiences in general and offers a workable methodology that can be applied outside the field of anthropology

    Toward addressing split-level Christianity : a study of the interaction between Christianity and folk religions in Romania

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    Light, charges and brains

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    Substantiating displacement

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    The Phd by project ‘Substantiating displacement’ looks at a generic topic through a specific lens: it looks at architecture’s potential to trigger physical en mental (inter)action through the lens of my personal spatial artistic practice. This practice is situated on four levels (architecture, art, education and research) and was gradually transformed by engaging with architecture in three different environments (educational, professional, academic). The environment that was set-up to grind this lens is the OPAK research project ‘Art as Vacancy’. This environment opened up a space for the creation new works in trans-disciplinary collaborations with different artists selected for their specific and often complementary approach towards architectural topics. In that sense a reflection on my architectural practice was triggered by consciously displacing this practice into the overlapping field of architecture and art. As such ‘Substantiating displacement’ can best be described as an evidence based case study that aims at revealing and questioning the frameworks I work with(in), by actively engaging with mediators (a.o. art & artists) in the design and creation of new work, in order to explore the transitional space between subject and object. It presents evidence that suggests different models of how a spatial artistic practice bridges the object subject gap, a method to reveal and question the conceptual frameworks a creative practitioner works with/in and the potential of engaging with mediators in the creative practice