232 research outputs found

    Problems of communication and perception = Труды по психологии. Проблемы общения и восприятия

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    • P. Tulviste. On the origins of theoretic syllogistic reasoning in culture and in the child • P. Tulviste, A.Lapp. Could Margaret Mead's methods reveal animism in Manus children? A partial replication study in an European culture • T. Bасhmann. Cognitive contours: Overview and a preliminary theory • T. Bаchmann. Visual search and selective adaptation • J. Allik, M. Tepp. Spontaneous movement perception: Precision of the temporal discrimination depends on spatial separation. • M. Rauk, A. Luuk. Perceived visual direction of the brief test-flashes on the horizontal scale. • V.I. Кushpil, J. Allik, Yu.V. Alekseev, E.K. Veselоva, L.F. Petгоva, V.P. Smirnоv. Regularities of visual search in complex field • J. Valsiner, A. Tamm. Mother-infant interaction: A longitudinal study of behavioural interrelations • J. Valsiner, I. Tago, V. Lооlaid, K. Hauk. Maternal subjective culture: An experimental study of the post-partum cognitive phenomena • M. Kоtik. A method of diagnostics of a person's attitude towards an alarming event • П. Тульвисте. Опроисхождении теоретического силлогистического мышления в культуре и у ребенка (Резюме ) • П. Тульенсте, А. Лапп. Могли ли методики Маргарет Мид обнаружить анимистическое мышление у Мануских детей? Частичное повторное • Т. Бахман. Когнитивные контуры: Обзор и предварительная теория. (Резше) • Т. Бахман. Зрительный поиск и селективная адаптация. (Резюме) • D. Аялик, М. Тепп. Спонтанное восприятие движения: Точность временного различения зависит от пространственной удаленности. (Резюме) • М. Раук, А. Луук. Воспринятое направление кратковременных тестовых вспышек на горизонтальной шкале. (Резюме) • В. И. Кушпиль, Ю.К. Аллик, Ю.В. Алексеев, Е.К. Веселова , Л.Ф. Петрова, В.П. Смирнов. Закономерности зрительного поиска на слож • Я. Вальсинер, А. Тамм. Взаимодействие матери и ребенка: Лонгитудинальное исследование взаимосвязей в поведении. (Резюме ) • Я. Вальсинер, И. Таго, В. Лоолайд, К. Xаук . Материнская субъективная культура- Экспериментальное изучение послеродовых когнит (Резюме) • М. Котик. Метод диагностики отношения человека тревожной ситуации. (Резюме) • Contents. Содержаниеhttp://tartu.ester.ee/record=b1222889~S1*es

    Exploring the landscapes of "computing": digital, neuromorphic, unconventional -- and beyond

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    The acceleration race of digital computing technologies seems to be steering toward impasses -- technological, economical and environmental -- a condition that has spurred research efforts in alternative, "neuromorphic" (brain-like) computing technologies. Furthermore, since decades the idea of exploiting nonlinear physical phenomena "directly" for non-digital computing has been explored under names like "unconventional computing", "natural computing", "physical computing", or "in-materio computing". This has been taking place in niches which are small compared to other sectors of computer science. In this paper I stake out the grounds of how a general concept of "computing" can be developed which comprises digital, neuromorphic, unconventional and possible future "computing" paradigms. The main contribution of this paper is a wide-scope survey of existing formal conceptualizations of "computing". The survey inspects approaches rooted in three different kinds of background mathematics: discrete-symbolic formalisms, probabilistic modeling, and dynamical-systems oriented views. It turns out that different choices of background mathematics lead to decisively different understandings of what "computing" is. Across all of this diversity, a unifying coordinate system for theorizing about "computing" can be distilled. Within these coordinates I locate anchor points for a foundational formal theory of a future computing-engineering discipline that includes, but will reach beyond, digital and neuromorphic computing.Comment: An extended and carefully revised version of this manuscript has now (March 2021) been published as "Toward a generalized theory comprising digital, neuromorphic, and unconventional computing" in the new open-access journal Neuromorphic Computing and Engineerin

    Class and conditional reasoning in children and adolescents

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    The development of the ability to comprehend and reason with class and conditional logic statements was examined in the light of Piaget's claim that prior to the age of 11-12 years children are limited to reasoning in terms of classes and relations but from the age of 11-12 years reasoning in terms of propositions becomes possible. Subjects from 5 years to 17.5 years were presented with several different comprehension and inference tasks with class and conditional logic statements. Evidence of differences in the ability of subjects under 12 years to verify class and conditional logic statements was consistent with Piaget's claim that the logical classification operations of the concrete subject enable him to interpret class inclusion statements but that the conditional interpretation of empirical information requires formal operational thinking. No distinction in performance between class and conditional statements was found on tasks which required an understanding of the logical consequences of the inclusion relation with subjects younger than first year secondary performing poorly on both class and conditional versions of an evaluation task and a syllogistic reasoning task. Significant changes in patterns of response at adolescence on the conditional verification task, the evaluation task and the syllogistic reasoning task supported Piaget's contention that there are qualitative changes in reasoning at adolescence although, as in other studies, errors in reasoning by adolescents indicated that Piaget overestimated the logical abilities of the formal subject and suggested that Piaget's logical model of cognition should be regarded as a model of logical competence

    Computer simulation of syllogism solving using restricted mental models

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    Configurational Explanations

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