68 research outputs found

    Extensional realizability

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    AbstractTwo straightforward “extensionalisations” of Kleene's realizability are considered; denoted re and e. It is shown that these realizabilities are not equivalent. While the re-notion is (as a relation between numbers and sentences) a subset of Kleene's realizability, the e-notion is not. The problem of an axiomatization of e-realizability is attacked and one arrives at an axiomatization over a conservative extension of arithmetic, in a language with variables for finite sets. A derived rule for arithmetic is obtained by the use of a q-variant of e-realizability; this rule subsumes the well-known Extended Church's Rule. The second part of the paper focuses on toposes for these realizabilities. By a relaxation of the notion of partial combinatory algebra, a new class of realizability toposes emerges. Relationships between the various realizability toposes are given, and results analogous to Robinson and Rosolini's characterization of the effective topos, are obtained for a topos generalizing e-realizability

    Evidenced Frames: A Unifying Framework Broadening Realizability Models

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    International audienceConstructive foundations have for decades been built upon realizability models for higher-order logic and type theory. However, traditional realizability models have a rather limited notion of computation, which only supports non-termination and avoids many other commonly used effects. Work to address these limitations has typically overlaid structure on top of existing models, such as by using powersets to represent non-determinism, but kept the realizers themselves deterministic. This paper alternatively addresses these limitations by making the structure underlying realizability models more flexible. To this end, we introduce evidenced frames: a general-purpose framework for building realizability models that support diverse effectful computations. We demonstrate that this flexibility permits models wherein the realizers themselves can be effectful, such as λ-terms that can manipulate state, reduce non-deterministically, or fail entirely. Beyond the broader notions of computation, we demonstrate that evidenced frames form a unifying framework for (realizability) models of higher-order dependent predicate logic. In particular, we prove that evidenced frames are complete with respect to these models, and that the existing completeness construction for implicative algebras-another foundational framework for realizability-factors through our simpler construction. As such, we conclude that evidenced frames offer an ideal domain for unifying and broadening realizability models

    Rethinking the notion of oracle: A link between synthetic descriptive set theory and effective topos theory

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    We present three different perspectives of oracle. First, an oracle is a blackbox; second, an oracle is an endofunctor on the category of represented spaces; and third, an oracle is an operation on the object of truth-values. These three perspectives create a link between the three fields, computability theory, synthetic descriptive set theory, and effective topos theory

    Knowledge Spaces and the Completeness of Learning Strategies

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    We propose a theory of learning aimed to formalize some ideas underlying Coquand's game semantics and Krivine's realizability of classical logic. We introduce a notion of knowledge state together with a new topology, capturing finite positive and negative information that guides a learning strategy. We use a leading example to illustrate how non-constructive proofs lead to continuous and effective learning strategies over knowledge spaces, and prove that our learning semantics is sound and complete w.r.t. classical truth, as it is the case for Coquand's and Krivine's approaches
