54 research outputs found

    The Packing Radius of a Code and Partitioning Problems: the Case for Poset Metrics

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    Until this work, the packing radius of a poset code was only known in the cases where the poset was a chain, a hierarchy, a union of disjoint chains of the same size, and for some families of codes. Our objective is to approach the general case of any poset. To do this, we will divide the problem into two parts. The first part consists in finding the packing radius of a single vector. We will show that this is equivalent to a generalization of a famous NP-hard problem known as "the partition problem". Then, we will review the main results known about this problem giving special attention to the algorithms to solve it. The main ingredient to these algorithms is what is known as the differentiating method, and therefore, we will extend it to the general case. The second part consists in finding the vector that determines the packing radius of the code. For this, we will show how it is sometimes possible to compare the packing radius of two vectors without calculating them explicitly

    Self-Repairing Disk Arrays

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    As the prices of magnetic storage continue to decrease, the cost of replacing failed disks becomes increasingly dominated by the cost of the service call itself. We propose to eliminate these calls by building disk arrays that contain enough spare disks to operate without any human intervention during their whole lifetime. To evaluate the feasibility of this approach, we have simulated the behavior of two-dimensional disk arrays with n parity disks and n(n-1)/2 data disks under realistic failure and repair assumptions. Our conclusion is that having n(n+1)/2 spare disks is more than enough to achieve a 99.999 percent probability of not losing data over four years. We observe that the same objectives cannot be reached with RAID level 6 organizations and would require RAID stripes that could tolerate triple disk failures.Comment: Part of ADAPT Workshop proceedings, 2015 (arXiv:1412.2347

    Stepping out of Flatland: Discovering Behavior Patterns as Topological Structures in Cyber Hypergraphs

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    Data breaches and ransomware attacks occur so often that they have become part of our daily news cycle. This is due to a myriad of factors, including the increasing number of internet-of-things devices, shift to remote work during the pandemic, and advancement in adversarial techniques, which all contribute to the increase in both the complexity of data captured and the challenge of protecting our networks. At the same time, cyber research has made strides, leveraging advances in machine learning and natural language processing to focus on identifying sophisticated attacks that are known to evade conventional measures. While successful, the shortcomings of these methods, particularly the lack of interpretability, are inherent and difficult to overcome. Consequently, there is an ever-increasing need to develop new tools for analyzing cyber data to enable more effective attack detection. In this paper, we present a novel framework based in the theory of hypergraphs and topology to understand data from cyber networks through topological signatures, which are both flexible and can be traced back to the log data. While our approach's mathematical grounding requires some technical development, this pays off in interpretability, which we will demonstrate with concrete examples in a large-scale cyber network dataset. These examples are an introduction to the broader possibilities that lie ahead; our goal is to demonstrate the value of applying methods from the burgeoning fields of hypernetwork science and applied topology to understand relationships among behaviors in cyber data.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. This paper is written for a general audienc

    RAID Organizations for Improved Reliability and Performance: A Not Entirely Unbiased Tutorial (1st revision)

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    RAID proposal advocated replacing large disks with arrays of PC disks, but as the capacity of small disks increased 100-fold in 1990s the production of large disks was discontinued. Storage dependability is increased via replication or erasure coding. Cloud storage providers store multiple copies of data obviating for need for further redundancy. Varitaions of RAID based on local recovery codes, partial MDS reduce recovery cost. NAND flash Solid State Disks - SSDs have low latency and high bandwidth, are more reliable, consume less power and have a lower TCO than Hard Disk Drives, which are more viable for hyperscalers.Comment: Submitted to ACM Computing Surveys. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2306.0876

    Multivariate Multiscale Analysis of Neural Spike Trains

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    This dissertation introduces new methodologies for the analysis of neural spike trains. Biological properties of the nervous system, and how they are reflected in neural data, can motivate specific analytic tools. Some of these biological aspects motivate multiscale frameworks, which allow for simultaneous modelling of the local and global behaviour of neurons. Chapter 1 provides the preliminary background on the biology of the nervous system and details the concept of information and randomness in the analysis of the neural spike trains. It also provides the reader with a thorough literature review on the current statistical models in the analysis of neural spike trains. The material presented in the next six chapters (2-7) have been the focus of three papers, which have either already been published or are being prepared for publication. It is demonstrated in Chapters 2 and 3 that the multiscale complexity penalized likelihood method, introduced in Kolaczyk and Nowak (2004), is a powerful model in the simultaneous modelling of spike trains with biological properties from different time scales. To detect the periodic spiking activities of neurons, two periodic models from the literature, Bickel et al. (2007, 2008); Shao and Li (2011), were combined and modified in a multiscale penalized likelihood model. The contributions of these chapters are (1) employinh a powerful visualization tool, inter-spike interval (ISI) plot, (2) combining the multiscale method of Kolaczyk and Nowak (2004) with the periodic models ofBickel et al. (2007, 2008) and Shao and Li (2011), to introduce the so-called additive and multiplicative models for the intensity function of neural spike trains and introducing a cross-validation scheme to estimate their tuning parameters, (3) providing the numerical bootstrap confidence bands for the multiscale estimate of the intensity function, and (4) studying the effect of time-scale on the statistical properties of spike counts. Motivated by neural integration phenomena, as well as the adjustments for the neural refractory period, Chapters 4 and 5 study the Skellam process and introduce the Skellam Process with Resetting (SPR). Introducing SPR and its application in the analysis of neural spike trains is one of the major contributions of this dissertation. This stochastic process is biologically plausible, and unlike the Poisson process, it does not suffer from limited dependency structure. It also has multivariate generalizations for the simultaneous analysis of multiple spike trains. A computationally efficient recursive algorithm for the estimation of the parameters of SPR is introduced in Chapter 5. Except for the literature review at the beginning of Chapter 4, the rest of the material within these two chapters is original. The specific contributions of Chapters 4 and 5 are (1) introducing the Skellam Process with Resetting as a statistical tool to analyze neural spike trains and studying its properties, including all theorems and lemmas provided in Chapter 4, (2) the two fairly standard definitions of the Skellam process (homogeneous and inhomogeneous) and the proof of their equivalency, (3) deriving the likelihood function based on the observable data (spike trains) and developing a computationally efficient recursive algorithm for parameter estimation, and (4) studying the effect of time scales on the SPR model. The challenging problem of multivariate analysis of the neural spike trains is addressed in Chapter 6. As far as we know, the multivariate models which are available in the literature suffer from limited dependency structures. In particular, modelling negative correlation among spike trains is a challenging problem. To address this issue, the multivariate Skellam distribution, as well as the multivariate Skellam process, which both have flexible dependency structures, are developed. Chapter 5 also introduces a multivariate version of Skellam Process with Resetting (MSPR), and a so-called profile-moment likelihood estimation of its parameters. This chapter generalizes the results of Chapter 4 and 5, and therefore, except for the brief literature review provided at the beginning of the chapter, the remainder of the material is original work. In particular, the contributions of this chapter are (1) introducing multivariate Skellam distribution, (2) introducing two definitions of the Multivariate Skellam process in both homogeneous and inhomogeneous cases and proving their equivalence, (3) introducing Multivariate Skellam Process with Resetting (MSPR) to simultaneously model spike trains from an ensemble of neurons, and (4) utilizing the so-called profile-moment likelihood method to compute estimates of the parameters of MSPR. The discussion of the developed methodologies as well as the ``next steps'' are outlined in Chapter 7

    Radioactive decays at limits of nuclear stability

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    The last decades brought an impressive progress in synthesizing and studying properties of nuclides located very far from the beta stability line. Among the most fundamental properties of such exotic nuclides, usually established first, is the half-life, possible radioactive decay modes, and their relative probabilities. When approaching limits of nuclear stability, new decay modes set in. First, beta decays become accompanied by emission of nucleons from highly excited states of daughter nuclei. Second, when the nucleon separation energy becomes negative, nucleons start to be emitted from the ground state. Here, we present a review of the decay modes occurring close to the limits of stability. The experimental methods used to produce, identify and detect new species and their radiation are discussed. The current theoretical understanding of these decay processes is overviewed. The theoretical description of the most recently discovered and most complex radioactive process - the two-proton radioactivity - is discussed in more detail.Comment: Review, 68 pages, 39 figure

    IST Austria Thesis

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    Deep neural networks have established a new standard for data-dependent feature extraction pipelines in the Computer Vision literature. Despite their remarkable performance in the standard supervised learning scenario, i.e. when models are trained with labeled data and tested on samples that follow a similar distribution, neural networks have been shown to struggle with more advanced generalization abilities, such as transferring knowledge across visually different domains, or generalizing to new unseen combinations of known concepts. In this thesis we argue that, in contrast to the usual black-box behavior of neural networks, leveraging more structured internal representations is a promising direction for tackling such problems. In particular, we focus on two forms of structure. First, we tackle modularity: We show that (i) compositional architectures are a natural tool for modeling reasoning tasks, in that they efficiently capture their combinatorial nature, which is key for generalizing beyond the compositions seen during training. We investigate how to to learn such models, both formally and experimentally, for the task of abstract visual reasoning. Then, we show that (ii) in some settings, modularity allows us to efficiently break down complex tasks into smaller, easier, modules, thereby improving computational efficiency; We study this behavior in the context of generative models for colorization, as well as for small objects detection. Secondly, we investigate the inherently layered structure of representations learned by neural networks, and analyze its role in the context of transfer learning and domain adaptation across visually dissimilar domains