6 research outputs found

    Analytical Variations – Eight Critical Essays on Applied Music Theory

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    This book gives a critical account of various methods used in music analysis. In the first chapter, a number of current approaches such as semiotics, musical implications, Schenkerian analysis, and generative theory are demonstrated on Mozart’s K. 331 theme. Five essays deal with important concepts in music analysis: ambiguity, formal proportions, and similarity within and between works. A further chapter provides a discussion of probability, kinship, and influence – decisive criteria when judging musical plagiarism. The last essay, studying a piece by Schubert, sifts the prospects of deciphering a composer’s sexual leanings from his music

    Aplicação da proporção aurea na avaliação vertical e horizontal de pacientes com classe II, 1ª divisão, submetidos a tratamento ortodontico

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    Orientador : Frab Norberto BoscoloDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Tivemos como objetivo no presente trabalho, avaliar as possíveis alterações nas proporções faciais dos pacientes, antes e após o tratamento ortodôntico e sua relação de proximidade com a proporção áurea. Segundo alguns autores, existem proporções dento crânio-faciais que encontram-se em proporção áurea nas faces belas. A nossa hipótese foi, que como resultado do tratamento ortodôntico os pacientes obteriam uma melhora estética, portanto, as suas proporções se aproximariam à proporção áurea. A nossa amostra foi constituída por 36 telerradiografias tomadas antes e após o tratamento ortodôntico de 18 pacientes leucodermas, de sexo feminino, com idades médias entre os 12 anos e 11 meses ao início e 15 anos e 4 meses no término do tratamento, pertencentes ao arquivo de "documentação ortodôntica" de uma clínica especializada na área da cidade de Piracicaba. Todas as pacientes apresentaram maloclusão do tipo Classe lI, 1ª divisão, antes de realizado o tratamento ortodôntico. As mudanças ocorridas após o tratamento foram avaliadas através das grandezas cefalométricas: SNA, SNB, ANB, IMPA, 1.PP, Nasolabial, l-ENAperp, I Pogperp e Trespasse horizontal, e comparadas com os padrões. Foram analisadas também, 4 das proporções divinas: (ENA-ENP)?(ENP-MAND), (VPt-Or)?(VPt-Co), (SPog-A) ? (A HF) e (SPog-li)?(Ii-A). Tomando em consideração as condições em que foi realizado o presente trabalho, e depois de avaliar os resultados de nossa pesquisa, concluímos o seguinte: Das quatro proporções áureas avaliadas neste estudo, somente uma, (ENA-ENP)?(ENP-MAND), foi encontrada nos pacientes da nossa amostra, antes e após o tratamento ortodôntico, a proporção (SPog-A)?(A-HF) encontrou-se em proporção áurea ao início do tratamento mas distanciou-se ao término do tratamento, as demais não se encontravam em proporção áurea antes do tratamento ortodôntico e não ocorreu aproximação após o tratamento ortodôntico, dados confirmados pelos ângulos SNA, SNB, ANB, IMPA. É possível que pacientes com maloclusão não apresentem proporções áureas, portanto se for utilizada a proporção áurea para planejamento do tratamento ortodôntico, em pacientes do tipo Classe lI, 1ªdivisão, seria recomendável que a proporção áurea fosse utilizada como um auxílio a outros métodos de diagnósticoAbstract: The aim of the present study was to assess the possible changes in a number of facial proportions following orthodontic treatment and its relation of proximity to the divine proportion. According to some authotrs, there are some dento-cranio-facial proportions which in beautiful faces appear to be in divine proportion (1,618:1). Qur hypothesis was that, as a result of orthodontic tratment, patients would reach a more esthetic face, and therefore, their facial proportions would be eloser to the divine proportion. Our sample consisted in 36 lateral cephalograms from pre and post orthodontic treatment of 18 female caucasian patients, with an average age of 12 years and 11 months at the start of the treatment and 15 years and 4 months at the end of the treatment, taken from the records of an orthodontic specialized private c1inic from the city of Piracicaba. . AlI the patients showed Class II, Division 1 malocclusion before the orthodontic treatment. The changes following the treatment were assessed using the following cephalometric measurements: SNA, SNB ANB, IMPA, 1.PP, Nasolabial, l-ENAperp, I Pogperp and overjet, and compared with standards. AIso were analized 4 divine proportions: (ENA ENP) ?(ENP-MAND), (VPt-Or)?(VPt-Co), (SPog-A)?(A-HF) and (SPog-li)?(Il-A). Considering the conditions in which this study was performed, and after evaluating the results of our study, we concluded: from the four divine proportions evaluated in this study, just one, (ENA-ENP)?(ENP-MAND), was found in the patients of the sample, before and after the orthodontic treatment; the relation (SPog-A)?(A-HF) was found in divine proportion before the orthodontic treatment but moved away from it at the end of the treatment; the other two proportions didn't seem to be in divine proportion at the beginning or the end of the treatment. The patients reached an stable occ1usion and facial harmony after treatment, which was confirmed by the cephalometric measurements: SNA, SNB, ANB, IMPA. It's possible that patients with malocc1usion don't present divine proportions, therefore, if the divine proportion is going to be used for orthodontic treatment planning in patients with Class n, Division 1 malocc1usion, it would be recommended to be used as an aid along with other diagnostic methodsMestradoMestre em Radiologia Odontológic

    The Rise and Fall of Australian Maoism

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    This thesis is the first most empirical investigation of what was commonly known as Maoism in Australia. The rise and fall of Maoism in Australia is conceived at the beginning as the image I named as the ‘Rivers of Tears’ floating on the ‘Rivers of Blood’, a metaphor used by John Enoch Powell, a British politician of the late 20th century. The Maoist perspectives on imperialism as a ‘bloody’ battles of all the exploited and repressed peoples against both old and new ‘Masters’, resonated not only with the members of a small break-away ‘Marxist-Leninist’ group from the Communist Party of Australia, but also with a few Sixties student activists, who had been radicalised by the American/Australian intervention in the Vietnam War. For both groups, however, the outbreak of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China signified the birth of a new ‘regime of truth’, which positioned People’s Republic of China as a genuine socialist country, as opposed to the State socialism of the Soviet Union, and consequently drove them to challenge the dominant liberal capitalist regime of truth in Australia as part of the Western hegemony. This Maoist ‘Rivers of Tears’ ran counter to the liberal-democratic truth held as hegemonic in the Australia. So, the major theme of the thesis was how the rationality of capitalist and free market truth underpinned various forms of strategies and tactics of government, construed, and applied in identifying, controlling, and containing the Australian Maoists. This hegemony was exerted by a combination of governmentality and direct State power to contain the flow of the Maoist ‘Rivers of Tears’. The movement that infused the clash of wills for and against the truth of Australian Maoism came to an abrupt end, after the death of Chairman of the Communist Party of China and the purge of ‘Gang of Four’. The repudiation of the Cultural Revolution as a ‘catastrophe of ten years’, delivered a ‘catastrophic’ blow to those who supported the Chinese model of socialism in Australia. This ‘breaking up’ of the truth of Maoism stirred much debate and conflict within, and eventually hastened the split in the CPA (ML) and the breakup of the Maoist student groups. By the early 1980s, it can be seen, that there was no longer a Movement in Australia that carried the banner of Mao Zedong Thought, but instead several ‘warring’ Maoist groups. Only in that sense, this thesis concluded with an observation on the ‘death’ of Maoism in Australia. That death was as much what occurred in China as it was in Australia, where governmentality and State power within politics, society and the universities reinforced the hegemony of neo-liberal ideology which ended the ‘Rivers of Tears’.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Social Sciences, 201

    Proceedings of the Sixth Caldwell Conference, St. Catherines Island, Georgia, May 20-22, 2011.

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    494 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 26 cm. Conference sponsored by the American Museum of Natural History and the St. Catherines Island Foundation.Although this volume covers a broad range of temporal and methodological topics, the chapters are unified by a geographic focus on the archaeology of the Georgia Bight. The various research projects span multiple time periods (including Archaic, Woodland, Mississippian, and contact periods) and many incorporate specialized analyses (such as petrographic point counting, shallow geophysics, and so forth). The 26 contributors conducting this cutting-edge work represent the full spectrum of the archaeological community, including museum, academic, student, and contract archaeologists. Despite the diversity in professional and theoretical backgrounds, temporal periods examined, and methodological approaches pursued, the volume is unified by four distinct, yet interrelated, themes. Contributions in Part I discuss a range of analytical approaches for understanding time, exchange, and site layout. Chapters in Part II model coastal landscapes from both environmental and social perspectives. The third section addresses site-specific studies of late prehistoric architecture and village layout throughout the Georgia Bight. Part IV presents new and ongoing research into the Spanish mission period of this area. These papers were initially presented and discussed at the Sixth Caldwell Conference, cosponsored by the American Museum of Natural History and the St. Catherines Island Foundation, held on St. Catherines Island, Georgia, May 20-22, 2011. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Revising the ¹⁴C reservoir correction for St. Catherines Island, Georgia / David Hurst Thomas, Matthew C. Sanger, and Royce H. Hayes -- An assessment of coastal faunal data from Georgia and northeast Florida / Alexandra L. Parsons and Rochelle A. Marrinan -- Archaeological geophysics on St. Catherines Island : beyond prospection / Ginessa J. Mahar -- Paste variability and clay resource utilization at the Fountain of Youth site, St. Augustine, 8SJ31 / Ann S. Cordell and Kathleen A. Deagan -- Petrographic analysis of pottery and clay samples from the Georgia Bight : evidence of regional social interactions / Neill J. Wallis and Ann S. Cordell -- Past shorelines of the Georgia coast / Chester B. DePratter and Victor D. Thompson -- Coastal landscapes and their relationship to human settlement on the Georgia coast / John A. Turck and Clark R. Alexander -- The role of small islands in foraging economies of St. Catherines Island / Matthew F. Napolitano -- Ever-shifting landscapes : tracking changing spatial usage along coastal Georgia / Matthew C. Sanger -- A paleoeconomic model of the Georgia coast (4500-300 B.P.) / Thomas G. Whitley -- A survey of Irene phase architecture on the Georgia coast / Deborah A. Keene and Ervan G. Garrison -- Life and death on the Ogeechee : a view from the Redbird Creek village / Ryan O. Sipe -- Mission San Joseph de Sapala : mission-period archaeological research on Sapelo Island / Richard W. Jefferies and Christopher R. Moore -- The Guale landscape of Mission Santa Catalina de Guale : 30 years of geophysics at a Spanish colonial mission / Elliot H. Blair -- Missions San Buenaventura and Santa Cruz de Guadalquini : retreat from the Georgia coast / Keith H. Ashley, Vicki L. Rolland, and Robert L. Thunen -- Entangling events : the Guale coastal landscape and the Spanish missions / Victor D. Thompson, John A. Turck, Amanda D. Roberts Thompson, and Chester B. DePratter -- Island and coastal archaeology on the Georgia Bight / Scott M. Fitzpatrick