1,039 research outputs found

    Simplicial ideals, 2-linear ideals and arithmetical rank

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    In the first part of this paper we study scrollers and linearly joined varieties. A particular class of varieties, of important interest in classical Geometry are Cohen--Macaulay varieties of minimal degree. They appear naturally studying the fiber cone of of a codimension two toric ideals. Let I⊂SI\subset S be an ideal defining a linearly joined arrangement of varieties: - We compute the depth, and the cohomological dimension. is the connectedness dimension. - We characterize sets of generators of II, and give an effective algorithm to find equations, as an application we compute arithmetical rank. in the case if II defines a union of linear spaces, (ara =projective dimension), in particular this applies to any square free monomial ideal having a 2−2- linear resolution. - In the case where VV is a union of linear spaces, the ideal II, can be characterized by a tableau, which is an extension of a Ferrer (or Young) tableau. - We introduce a new class of ideals called simplicial ideals, ideals defining linearly-joined varieties are a particular case of simplicial ideals.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    Generalized multiplicities of edge ideals

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    We explore connections between the generalized multiplicities of square-free monomial ideals and the combinatorial structure of the underlying hypergraphs using methods of commutative algebra and polyhedral geometry. For instance, we show the jj-multiplicity is multiplicative over the connected components of a hypergraph, and we explicitly relate the jj-multiplicity of the edge ideal of a properly connected uniform hypergraph to the Hilbert-Samuel multiplicity of its special fiber ring. In addition, we provide general bounds for the generalized multiplicities of the edge ideals and compute these invariants for classes of uniform hypergraphs.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures. The results of Theorem 4.6 and Theorem 9.2 are now more general. To appear in Journal of Algebraic Combinatoric
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