8 research outputs found

    Truncated Inference for Latent Variable Optimization Problems: Application to Robust Estimation and Learning

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    Optimization problems with an auxiliary latent variable structure in addition to the main model parameters occur frequently in computer vision and machine learning. The additional latent variables make the underlying optimization task expensive, either in terms of memory (by maintaining the latent variables), or in terms of runtime (repeated exact inference of latent variables). We aim to remove the need to maintain the latent variables and propose two formally justified methods, that dynamically adapt the required accuracy of latent variable inference. These methods have applications in large scale robust estimation and in learning energy-based models from labeled data.Comment: 16 page

    Probing into the Robustness of Deep Learning Models in Visual Recognition Applications

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Past years have witnessed huge progress in a variety of vision tasks, e.g., recognition, segmentation, detection, with the successful application of deep neural networks (DNNs). However, in real-world applications, DNNs tend to suffer from poor generalization ability and severe degraded performance when the scenarios become more complex, e.g., some imperceptible perturbations are imposed on the input or the given data is highly imbalanced. One promising direction to alleviate these drawbacks could be exploring the model's robustness. In this thesis, I primarily investigate model robustness from the perspective of adversarial attacks and long-tailed recognition. Specifically, for adversarial attacks, I design more efficient adversarial noise on the input data and study the behaviour of DNN models. I found the leverage of multiple off-the-shelf models in a meta way and the motion extracted from video frames are key to image- and video-based adversarial attacks. Then, for datasets that are skewed and exhibit a long-tailed distribution, I found the alleviation of gradient distortion between different classes and the excavation of novel features via self-supervision is of great help in boosting model's behaviour in long-tailed setting. Additionally, I study the majorization-minimization (MM) algorithm on non-convex problem, which paves the way for studying the model's robustness under different training strategies. Throughout the results in this thesis, I hope these findings could provide some key insights to further strengthen the model's robustness in the future

    Methodological and Computational Advances for High–Dimensional Bayesian Regression with Binary and Categorical Responses

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    Probit and logistic regressions are among the most popular and well-established formulations to model binary observations, thanks to their plain structure and high interpretability. Despite their simplicity, their use poses non-trivial hindrances to the inferential procedure, particularly from a computational perspective and in high-dimensional scenarios. This still motivates thriving active research for probit, logit, and a number of their generalizations, especially within the Bayesian community. Conjugacy results for standard probit regression under normal and unified skew-normal (SUN) priors appeared only recently in the literature. Such findings were rapidly extended to different generalizations of probit regression, including multinomial probit, dynamic multivariate probit and skewed Gaussian processes among others. Nonetheless, these recent developments focus on specific subclasses of models, which can all be regarded as instances of a potentially broader family of formulations, that rely on partially or fully discretized Gaussian latent utilities. As such, we develop a unified comprehensive framework that encompasses all the above constructions and many others, such as tobit regression and its extensions, for which conjugacy results are yet missing. We show that the SUN family of distribution is conjugate for all models within the broad class considered, which notably encompasses all formulations relying on likelihoods given by the product of multivariate Gaussian densities and cumulative distributions, evaluated at a linear combination of the parameter of interest. Such a unifying framework is practically and conceptually useful for studying general theoretical properties and developing future extensions. This includes new avenues for improved posterior inference exploiting i.i.d. samplers from the exact SUN posteriors and recent accurate and scalable variational Bayes (VB) approximations and expectation-propagation, for which we derive a novel efficient implementation. Along a parallel research line, we focus on binary regression under logit mapping, for which computations in high dimensions still pose open challenges. To overcome such difficulties, several contributions focus on solving iteratively a series of surrogate problems, entailing the sequential refinement of tangent lower bounds for the logistic log-likelihoods. For instance, tractable quadratic minorizers can be exploited to obtain maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum a posteriori estimates via minorize-maximize and expectation-maximization schemes, with desirable convergence guarantees. Likewise, quadratic surrogates can be used to construct Gaussian approximations of the posterior distribution in mean-field VB routines, which might however suffer from low accuracy in high dimensions. This issue can be mitigated by resorting to more flexible but involved piece-wise quadratic bounds, that however are typically defined in an implicit way and entail reduced tractability as the number of pieces increases. For this reason, we derive a novel tangent minorizer for logistic log-likelihoods, that combines the quadratic term with a single piece-wise linear contribution per each observation, proportional to the absolute value of the corresponding linear predictor. The proposed bound is guaranteed to improve the accuracy over the sharpest among quadratic minorizers, while minimizing the reduction in tractability compared to general piece-wise quadratic bounds. As opposed to the latter, its explicit analytical expression allows to simplify computations by exploiting a renowned scale-mixture representation of Laplace random variables. We investigate the benefit of the proposed methodology both in the context of penalized ML estimation, where it leads to a faster convergence rate of the optimization procedure, and of VB approximation, as the resulting accuracy improvement over mean-field strategies can be substantial in skewed and high-dimensional scenarios

    Generalized majorization-minimization for non-convex optimization

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    © 2019 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. Majorization-Minimization (MM) algorithms optimize an objective function by iteratively minimizing its majorizing surrogate and offer attractively fast convergence rate for convex problems. However, their convergence behaviors for non-convex problems remain unclear. In this paper, we propose a novel MM surrogate function from strictly upper bounding the objective to bounding the objective in expectation. With this generalized surrogate conception, we develop a new optimization algorithm, termed SPI-MM, that leverages the recent proposed SPIDER for more efficient non-convex optimization. We prove that for finite-sum problems, the SPI-MM algorithm converges to an stationary point within deterministic and lower stochastic gradient complexity. To our best knowledge, this work gives the first non-asymptotic convergence analysis for MM-alike algorithms in general non-convex optimization. Extensive empirical studies on nonconvex logistic regression and sparse PCA demonstrate the advantageous efficiency of the proposed algorithm and validate our theoretical results