6 research outputs found

    An Effective Approach for Locational Marginal Price Calculation at Distribution Level

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    This paper develops an effective approach for the locational marginal price calculation for local generations in an active distribution network containing different types of distributed generators (DGs). The proposed approach is based on encouraging private units to reduce power loss and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To this end, firstly, the distribution system operator (DSO) surplus profit, obtained by the reduction of power loss and GHG gas emission due to the operation of private units in the network, is considered as a financial source for encouraging private units. Then, according to the contribution of each private DG, the locational marginal price is calculated. The proposed approach is an effective and incentive-based approach for DSO to retain control over private units to reduce power loss and GHG emissions. The simulation results on a modified 118-bus standard distribution test system demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach compared to the previous approaches

    Network-constrained joint energy and flexible ramping reserve market clearing of power- and heat-based energy systems : a two-stage hybrid IGDT-stochastic framework

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    This article proposes a new two-stage hybrid stochastic–information gap-decision theory (IGDT) based on the network-constrained unit commitment framework. The model is applied for the market clearing of joint energy and flexible ramping reserve in integrated heat- and power-based energy systems. The uncertainties of load demands and wind power generation are studied using the Monte Carlo simulation method and IGDT, respectively. The proposed model considers both risk-averse and risk-seeker strategies, which enables the independent system operator to provide flexible decisions in meeting system uncertainties in real-time dispatch. Moreover, the effect of feasible operating regions of the combined heat and power (CHP) plants on energy and flexible ramping reserve market and operation cost of the system is investigated. The proposed model is implemented on a test system to verify the effectiveness of the introduced two-stage hybrid framework. The analysis of the obtained results demonstrates that the variation of heat demand is effective on power and flexible ramping reserve supplied by CHP units.©2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    ICT infrastructure supporting smart local energy systems: a review

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    Smart local energy systems (SLES) have been reported in the past decade, which are associated with diverse energy carriers, components and objectives. This paper provides a comprehensive review of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure of SLES. A systematic survey of existing research work and industrial projects was provided to highlight, categorise and analyse the ICT infrastructure, which lays the foundation for the successful functioning of SLES. First of all, various SLES measurements are described and categorised based on the energy carriers and technologies. Then, communications infrastructure for SLES is described with communications technologies summarised. Moreover, the ICT infrastructures for SLES are categorised and summarised based on their objectives and technologies. Finally, the challenges and recommendations are presented. The findings from this paper are intended to serve as a convenient reference for developing future SLES

    Electricity Market Design 2030-2050: Moving Towards Implementation

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    Climate change and ambitious emission-reduction targets call for an extensive decarbonization of electricity systems, with increasing levels of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and demand flexibility to balance the variable and intermittent electricity supply. A successful energy transition will lead to an economically and ecologically sustainable future with an affordable, reliable, and carbon-neutral supply of electricity. In order to achieve these objectives, a consistent and enabling market design is required. The Kopernikus Project SynErgie investigates how demand flexibility of the German industry can be leveraged and how a future-proof electricity market design should be organized, with more than 80 project partners from academia, industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations, energy suppliers, and network operators. In our SynErgie Whitepaper Electricity Spot Market Design 2030-2050 [1], we argued for a transition towards Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) (aka. nodal prices) in Germany in a single step as a core element of a sustainable German energy policy. We motivated a well-designed transition towards LMPs, discussed various challenges, and provided a new perspective on electricity market design in terms of technological opportunities, bid languages, and strategic implications. This second SynErgie Whitepaper Electricity Market Design 2030-2050: Moving Towards Implementation aims at further concretizing the future German market design and provides first guidelines for an implementation of LMPs in Germany. Numerical studies –while not being free of abstractions –give evidence that LMPs generate efficient locational price signals and contribute to manage the complex coordination challenge in (long-term) electricity markets, ultimately reducing price differences between nodes. Spot and derivatives markets require adjustments in order to enable an efficient dispatch and price discovery, while maintaining high liquidity and low transaction costs. Moreover, a successful LMP implementation requires an integration into European market coupling and appropriate interfaces for distribution grids as well as sector coupling. Strategic implications with regard to long-term investments need to be considered, along with mechanisms to support RES investments. As a facilitator for an LMP system, digital technologies should be considered jointly with the market design transition under an enabling regulatory framework. Additional policies can address distributional effects of an LMP system and further prevent market power abuse. Overall, we argue for a well-designed electricity spot market with LMPs, composed of various auctions at different time frames, delivering an efficient market clearing, considering grid constraints, co-optimizing ancillary services, and providing locational prices according to a carefully designed pricing scheme. The spot market is tightly integrated with liquid and accessible derivatives markets, embedded into European market coupling mechanisms, and allows for functional interfaces to distribution systems and other energy sectors. Long-term resource adequacy is ensured and existing RES policies transition properly to the new market design. Mechanisms to mitigate market power and distributional effects are in place and the market design leverages the potential of modern information technologies. Arapid expansion of wind andsolar capacity will be needed to decarbonize the integrated energy system but will most likely also increase the scarcity of the infrastructure. Therefore, an efficient use of the resource "grid" will be a key factor of a successful energy transition. The implementation of an LMPs system of prices with finer space and time granularity promises many upsides and can be a cornerstone for a futureproof electricity system, economic competitiveness, and a decarbonized economy and society. Among the upsides, demand response (and other market participants with opportunity costs) can be efficiently and coherently incentivized to address network constraints, a task zonal systems with redispatch fail at. The transition to LMPs requires a thorough consideration of all the details and specifications involved in the new market design. With this whitepaper, we provide relevant perspectives and first practical guidelines for this crucial milestone of the energy transition