13,946 research outputs found

    Supply chain collaboration

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    In the past, research in operations management focused on single-firm analysis. Its goal was to provide managers in practice with suitable tools to improve the performance of their firm by calculating optimal inventory quantities, among others. Nowadays, business decisions are dominated by the globalization of markets and increased competition among firms. Further, more and more products reach the customer through supply chains that are composed of independent firms. Following these trends, research in operations management has shifted its focus from single-firm analysis to multi-firm analysis, in particular to improving the efficiency and performance of supply chains under decentralized control. The main characteristics of such chains are that the firms in the chain are independent actors who try to optimize their individual objectives, and that the decisions taken by a firm do also affect the performance of the other parties in the supply chain. These interactions among firms’ decisions ask for alignment and coordination of actions. Therefore, game theory, the study of situations of cooperation or conflict among heterogenous actors, is very well suited to deal with these interactions. This has been recognized by researchers in the field, since there are an ever increasing number of papers that applies tools, methods and models from game theory to supply chain problems

    Dynamic Assortment Optimization with Changing Contextual Information

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    In this paper, we study the dynamic assortment optimization problem under a finite selling season of length TT. At each time period, the seller offers an arriving customer an assortment of substitutable products under a cardinality constraint, and the customer makes the purchase among offered products according to a discrete choice model. Most existing work associates each product with a real-valued fixed mean utility and assumes a multinomial logit choice (MNL) model. In many practical applications, feature/contexutal information of products is readily available. In this paper, we incorporate the feature information by assuming a linear relationship between the mean utility and the feature. In addition, we allow the feature information of products to change over time so that the underlying choice model can also be non-stationary. To solve the dynamic assortment optimization under this changing contextual MNL model, we need to simultaneously learn the underlying unknown coefficient and makes the decision on the assortment. To this end, we develop an upper confidence bound (UCB) based policy and establish the regret bound on the order of O~(dT)\widetilde O(d\sqrt{T}), where dd is the dimension of the feature and O~\widetilde O suppresses logarithmic dependence. We further established the lower bound Ω(dT/K)\Omega(d\sqrt{T}/K) where KK is the cardinality constraint of an offered assortment, which is usually small. When KK is a constant, our policy is optimal up to logarithmic factors. In the exploitation phase of the UCB algorithm, we need to solve a combinatorial optimization for assortment optimization based on the learned information. We further develop an approximation algorithm and an efficient greedy heuristic. The effectiveness of the proposed policy is further demonstrated by our numerical studies.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Minor revision and polishing of presentatio

    Generalizing backdoors

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    Abstract. A powerful intuition in the design of search methods is that one wants to proactively select variables that simplify the problem instance as much as possible when these variables are assigned values. The notion of “Backdoor ” variables follows this intuition. In this work we generalize Backdoors in such a way to allow more general classes of sub-solvers, both complete and heuristic. In order to do so, Pseudo-Backdoors and Heuristic-Backdoors are formally introduced and then applied firstly to a simple Multiple Knapsack Problem and secondly to a complex combinatorial optimization problem in the area of stochastic inventory control. Our preliminary computational experience shows the effectiveness of these approaches that are able to produce very low run times and — in the case of Heuristic-Backdoors — high quality solutions by employing very simple heuristic rules such as greedy local search strategies.

    Algorithm Engineering in Robust Optimization

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    Robust optimization is a young and emerging field of research having received a considerable increase of interest over the last decade. In this paper, we argue that the the algorithm engineering methodology fits very well to the field of robust optimization and yields a rewarding new perspective on both the current state of research and open research directions. To this end we go through the algorithm engineering cycle of design and analysis of concepts, development and implementation of algorithms, and theoretical and experimental evaluation. We show that many ideas of algorithm engineering have already been applied in publications on robust optimization. Most work on robust optimization is devoted to analysis of the concepts and the development of algorithms, some papers deal with the evaluation of a particular concept in case studies, and work on comparison of concepts just starts. What is still a drawback in many papers on robustness is the missing link to include the results of the experiments again in the design
