240 research outputs found

    Connectivity of Random Annulus Graphs and the Geometric Block Model

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    We provide new connectivity results for {\em vertex-random graphs} or {\em random annulus graphs} which are significant generalizations of random geometric graphs. Random geometric graphs (RGG) are one of the most basic models of random graphs for spatial networks proposed by Gilbert in 1961, shortly after the introduction of the Erd\H{o}s-R\'{en}yi random graphs. They resemble social networks in many ways (e.g. by spontaneously creating cluster of nodes with high modularity). The connectivity properties of RGG have been studied since its introduction, and analyzing them has been significantly harder than their Erd\H{o}s-R\'{en}yi counterparts due to correlated edge formation. Our next contribution is in using the connectivity of random annulus graphs to provide necessary and sufficient conditions for efficient recovery of communities for {\em the geometric block model} (GBM). The GBM is a probabilistic model for community detection defined over an RGG in a similar spirit as the popular {\em stochastic block model}, which is defined over an Erd\H{o}s-R\'{en}yi random graph. The geometric block model inherits the transitivity properties of RGGs and thus models communities better than a stochastic block model. However, analyzing them requires fresh perspectives as all prior tools fail due to correlation in edge formation. We provide a simple and efficient algorithm that can recover communities in GBM exactly with high probability in the regime of connectivity

    High dimensional Hoffman bound and applications in extremal combinatorics

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    One powerful method for upper-bounding the largest independent set in a graph is the Hoffman bound, which gives an upper bound on the largest independent set of a graph in terms of its eigenvalues. It is easily seen that the Hoffman bound is sharp on the tensor power of a graph whenever it is sharp for the original graph. In this paper, we introduce the related problem of upper-bounding independent sets in tensor powers of hypergraphs. We show that many of the prominent open problems in extremal combinatorics, such as the Tur\'an problem for (hyper-)graphs, can be encoded as special cases of this problem. We also give a new generalization of the Hoffman bound for hypergraphs which is sharp for the tensor power of a hypergraph whenever it is sharp for the original hypergraph. As an application of our Hoffman bound, we make progress on the problem of Frankl on families of sets without extended triangles from 1990. We show that if 12n≤2k≤23n,\frac{1}{2}n\le2k\le\frac{2}{3}n, then the extremal family is the star, i.e. the family of all sets that contains a given element. This covers the entire range in which the star is extremal. As another application, we provide spectral proofs for Mantel's theorem on triangle-free graphs and for Frankl-Tokushige theorem on kk-wise intersecting families

    The Lov\'asz-Cherkassky theorem in infinite graphs

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    Infinite generalizations of theorems in finite combinatorics were initiated by Erd\H{o}s due to his famous Erd\H{o}s-Menger conjecture (now known as the Aharoni-Berger theorem) that extends Menger's theorem to infinite graphs in a structural way. We prove a generalization of this manner of the classical result about packing edge-disjoint T T -paths in an ``inner Eulerian'' setting obtained by Lov\'asz and Cherkassky independently in the '70s

    Packing Cycles Faster Than Erdos-Posa

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    Topological methods in zero-sum Ramsey theory

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    A cornerstone result of Erd\H os, Ginzburg, and Ziv (EGZ) states that any sequence of 2n−12n-1 elements in Z/n\mathbb{Z}/n contains a zero-sum subsequence of length nn. While algebraic techniques have predominated in deriving many deep generalizations of this theorem over the past sixty years, here we introduce topological approaches to zero-sum problems which have proven fruitful in other combinatorial contexts. Our main result (1) is a topological criterion for determining when any Z/n\mathbb{Z}/n-coloring of an nn-uniform hypergraph contains a zero-sum hyperedge. In addition to applications for Kneser hypergraphs, for complete hypergraphs our methods recover Olson's generalization of the EGZ theorem for arbitrary finite groups. Furthermore, we (2) give a fractional generalization of the EGZ theorem with applications to balanced set families and (3) provide a constrained EGZ theorem which imposes combinatorial restrictions on zero-sum sequences in the original result.Comment: 18 page
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