5,917 research outputs found

    Cascading Quivers from Decaying D-branes

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    We use an argument analogous to that of Kachru, Pearson and Verlinde to argue that cascades in L^{a,b,c} quiver gauge theories always preserve the form of the quiver, and that all gauge groups drop at each step by the number M of fractional branes. In particular, we demonstrate that an NS5-brane that sweeps out the S^3 of the base of L^{a,b,c} destroys M D3-branes.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; v2: references adde

    Beta-rhythm oscillations and synchronization transition in network models of Izhikevich neurons: effect of topology and synaptic type

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    Despite their significant functional roles, beta-band oscillations are least understood. Synchronization in neuronal networks have attracted much attention in recent years with the main focus on transition type. Whether one obtains explosive transition or a continuous transition is an important feature of the neuronal network which can depend on network structure as well as synaptic types. In this study we consider the effect of synaptic interaction (electrical and chemical) as well as structural connectivity on synchronization transition in network models of Izhikevich neurons which spike regularly with beta rhythms. We find a wide range of behavior including continuous transition, explosive transition, as well as lack of global order. The stronger electrical synapses are more conducive to synchronization and can even lead to explosive synchronization. The key network element which determines the order of transition is found to be the clustering coefficient and not the small world effect, or the existence of hubs in a network. These results are in contrast to previous results which use phase oscillator models such as the Kuramoto model. Furthermore, we show that the patterns of synchronization changes when one goes to the gamma band. We attribute such a change to the change in the refractory period of Izhikevich neurons which changes significantly with frequency.Comment: 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Holography as a highly efficient RG flow II: An explicit construction

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    We complete the reformulation of the holographic correspondence as a \emph{highly efficient RG flow} that can also determine the UV data in the field theory in the strong coupling and large NN limit. We introduce a special way to define operators at any given scale in terms of appropriate coarse-grained collective variables, without requiring the use of the elementary fields. The Wilsonian construction is generalised by promoting the cut-off to a functional of these collective variables. We impose three criteria to determine the coarse-graining. The first criterion is that the effective Ward identities for local conservation of energy, momentum, etc. should preserve their standard forms, but in new scale-dependent background metric and sources which are functionals of the effective single trace operators. The second criterion is that the scale-evolution equations of the operators in the actual background metric should be state-independent, implying that the collective variables should not explicitly appear in them. The final criterion is that the endpoint of the scale-evolution of the RG flow can be transformed to a fixed point corresponding to familiar non-relativistic equations with a finite number of parameters, such as incompressible non-relativistic Navier-Stokes, under a certain universal rescaling of the scale and of the time coordinate. Using previous work, we explicitly show that in the hydrodynamic limit each such highly efficient RG flow reproduces a unique classical gravity theory with precise UV data that satisfy our IR criterion. We obtain the explicit coarse-graining which reproduces Einstein's equations. In a simple example, we are also able to compute the beta function. Finally, we show how our construction can be interpolated with the traditional Wilsonian RG flow at a suitable scale, and can be used to develop new non-perturbative frameworks for QCD-like theories.Comment: 1+59 pages; Introduction slightly expanded, Section V on beta function in highly efficient RG flow added, version accepted in PR

    Strong unitary and overlap uncertainty relations: theory and experiment

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    We derive and experimentally investigate a strong uncertainty relation valid for any nn unitary operators, which implies the standard uncertainty relation as a special case, and which can be written in terms of geometric phases. It is saturated by every pure state of any nn-dimensional quantum system, generates a tight overlap uncertainty relation for the transition probabilities of any n+1n+1 pure states, and gives an upper bound for the out-of-time-order correlation function. We test these uncertainty relations experimentally for photonic polarisation qubits, including the minimum uncertainty states of the overlap uncertainty relation, via interferometric measurements of generalised geometric phases.Comment: 5 pages of main text, 5 pages of Supplemental Material. Clarifications added in this updated versio
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