
Holography as a highly efficient RG flow II: An explicit construction


We complete the reformulation of the holographic correspondence as a \emph{highly efficient RG flow} that can also determine the UV data in the field theory in the strong coupling and large NN limit. We introduce a special way to define operators at any given scale in terms of appropriate coarse-grained collective variables, without requiring the use of the elementary fields. The Wilsonian construction is generalised by promoting the cut-off to a functional of these collective variables. We impose three criteria to determine the coarse-graining. The first criterion is that the effective Ward identities for local conservation of energy, momentum, etc. should preserve their standard forms, but in new scale-dependent background metric and sources which are functionals of the effective single trace operators. The second criterion is that the scale-evolution equations of the operators in the actual background metric should be state-independent, implying that the collective variables should not explicitly appear in them. The final criterion is that the endpoint of the scale-evolution of the RG flow can be transformed to a fixed point corresponding to familiar non-relativistic equations with a finite number of parameters, such as incompressible non-relativistic Navier-Stokes, under a certain universal rescaling of the scale and of the time coordinate. Using previous work, we explicitly show that in the hydrodynamic limit each such highly efficient RG flow reproduces a unique classical gravity theory with precise UV data that satisfy our IR criterion. We obtain the explicit coarse-graining which reproduces Einstein's equations. In a simple example, we are also able to compute the beta function. Finally, we show how our construction can be interpolated with the traditional Wilsonian RG flow at a suitable scale, and can be used to develop new non-perturbative frameworks for QCD-like theories.Comment: 1+59 pages; Introduction slightly expanded, Section V on beta function in highly efficient RG flow added, version accepted in PR

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