52 research outputs found

    Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation using Cascaded Anisotropic Convolutional Neural Networks

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    A cascade of fully convolutional neural networks is proposed to segment multi-modal Magnetic Resonance (MR) images with brain tumor into background and three hierarchical regions: whole tumor, tumor core and enhancing tumor core. The cascade is designed to decompose the multi-class segmentation problem into a sequence of three binary segmentation problems according to the subregion hierarchy. The whole tumor is segmented in the first step and the bounding box of the result is used for the tumor core segmentation in the second step. The enhancing tumor core is then segmented based on the bounding box of the tumor core segmentation result. Our networks consist of multiple layers of anisotropic and dilated convolution filters, and they are combined with multi-view fusion to reduce false positives. Residual connections and multi-scale predictions are employed in these networks to boost the segmentation performance. Experiments with BraTS 2017 validation set show that the proposed method achieved average Dice scores of 0.7859, 0.9050, 0.8378 for enhancing tumor core, whole tumor and tumor core, respectively. The corresponding values for BraTS 2017 testing set were 0.7831, 0.8739, and 0.7748, respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. MICCAI Brats Challenge 201

    An Adaptive Sampling Scheme to Efficiently Train Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation

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    Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown excellent performance in object recognition tasks and dense classification problems such as semantic segmentation. However, training deep neural networks on large and sparse datasets is still challenging and can require large amounts of computation and memory. In this work, we address the task of performing semantic segmentation on large data sets, such as three-dimensional medical images. We propose an adaptive sampling scheme that uses a-posterior error maps, generated throughout training, to focus sampling on difficult regions, resulting in improved learning. Our contribution is threefold: 1) We give a detailed description of the proposed sampling algorithm to speed up and improve learning performance on large images. We propose a deep dual path CNN that captures information at fine and coarse scales, resulting in a network with a large field of view and high resolution outputs. We show that our method is able to attain new state-of-the-art results on the VISCERAL Anatomy benchmark

    Generalized Wasserstein Dice Score, Distributionally Robust Deep Learning, and Ranger for brain tumor segmentation: BraTS 2020 challenge

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    Training a deep neural network is an optimization problem with four main ingredients: the design of the deep neural network, the per-sample loss function, the population loss function, and the optimizer. However, methods developed to compete in recent BraTS challenges tend to focus only on the design of deep neural network architectures, while paying less attention to the three other aspects. In this paper, we experimented with adopting the opposite approach. We stuck to a generic and state-of-the-art 3D U-Net architecture and experimented with a non-standard per-sample loss function, the generalized Wasserstein Dice loss, a non-standard population loss function, corresponding to distributionally robust optimization, and a non-standard optimizer, Ranger. Those variations were selected specifically for the problem of multi-class brain tumor segmentation. The generalized Wasserstein Dice loss is a per-sample loss function that allows taking advantage of the hierarchical structure of the tumor regions labeled in BraTS. Distributionally robust optimization is a generalization of empirical risk minimization that accounts for the presence of underrepresented subdomains in the training dataset. Ranger is a generalization of the widely used Adam optimizer that is more stable with small batch size and noisy labels. We found that each of those variations of the optimization of deep neural networks for brain tumor segmentation leads to improvements in terms of Dice scores and Hausdorff distances. With an ensemble of three deep neural networks trained with various optimization procedures, we achieved promising results on the validation dataset of the BraTS 2020 challenge. Our ensemble ranked fourth out of the 693 registered teams for the segmentation task of the BraTS 2020 challenge.Comment: MICCAI 2020 BrainLes Workshop. Our method ranked fourth out of the 693 registered teams for the segmentation task of the BraTS 2020 challenge. v2: Added some clarifications following reviewers' feedback (camera-ready version

    Hierarchical multi-class segmentation of glioma images using networks with multi-level activation function

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    For many segmentation tasks, especially for the biomedical image, the topological prior is vital information which is useful to exploit. The containment/nesting is a typical inter-class geometric relationship. In the MICCAI Brain tumor segmentation challenge, with its three hierarchically nested classes 'whole tumor', 'tumor core', 'active tumor', the nested classes relationship is introduced into the 3D-residual-Unet architecture. The network comprises a context aggregation pathway and a localization pathway, which encodes increasingly abstract representation of the input as going deeper into the network, and then recombines these representations with shallower features to precisely localize the interest domain via a localization path. The nested-class-prior is combined by proposing the multi-class activation function and its corresponding loss function. The model is trained on the training dataset of Brats2018, and 20% of the dataset is regarded as the validation dataset to determine parameters. When the parameters are fixed, we retrain the model on the whole training dataset. The performance achieved on the validation leaderboard is 86%, 77% and 72% Dice scores for the whole tumor, enhancing tumor and tumor core classes without relying on ensembles or complicated post-processing steps. Based on the same start-of-the-art network architecture, the accuracy of nested-class (enhancing tumor) is reasonably improved from 69% to 72% compared with the traditional Softmax-based method which blind to topological prior.Comment: 12pages first versio

    Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation using Convolutional Neural Networks with Test-Time Augmentation

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    Automatic brain tumor segmentation plays an important role for diagnosis, surgical planning and treatment assessment of brain tumors. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been widely used for this task. Due to the relatively small data set for training, data augmentation at training time has been commonly used for better performance of CNNs. Recent works also demonstrated the usefulness of using augmentation at test time, in addition to training time, for achieving more robust predictions. We investigate how test-time augmentation can improve CNNs' performance for brain tumor segmentation. We used different underpinning network structures and augmented the image by 3D rotation, flipping, scaling and adding random noise at both training and test time. Experiments with BraTS 2018 training and validation set show that test-time augmentation helps to improve the brain tumor segmentation accuracy and obtain uncertainty estimation of the segmentation results.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, MICCAI BrainLes 201

    Weighted Point Cloud Augmentation for Neural Network Training Data Class-Imbalance

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    Recent developments in the field of deep learning for 3D data have demonstrated promising potential for end-to-end learning directly from point clouds. However, many real-world point clouds contain a large class im-balance due to the natural class im-balance observed in nature. For example, a 3D scan of an urban environment will consist mostly of road and facade, whereas other objects such as poles will be under-represented. In this paper we address this issue by employing a weighted augmentation to increase classes that contain fewer points. By mitigating the class im-balance present in the data we demonstrate that a standard PointNet++ deep neural network can achieve higher performance at inference on validation data. This was observed as an increase of F1 score of 19% and 25% on two test benchmark datasets; ScanNet and Semantic3D respectively where no class im-balance pre-processing had been performed. Our networks performed better on both highly-represented and under-represented classes, which indicates that the network is learning more robust and meaningful features when the loss function is not overly exposed to only a few classes.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted for ISPRS Geospatial Week conference 201

    Calibrating the dice loss to handle neural network overconfidence for biomedical image segmentation

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    The Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) is both a widely used metric and loss function for biomedical image segmentation due to its robustness to class imbalance. However, it is well known that the DSC loss is poorly calibrated, resulting in overconfident predictions that cannot be usefully interpreted in biomedical and clinical practice. Performance is often the only metric used to evaluate segmentations produced by deep neural networks, and calibration is often neglected. However, calibration is important for translation into biomedical and clinical practice, providing crucial contextual information to model predictions for interpretation by scientists and clinicians. In this study, we provide a simple yet effective extension of the DSC loss, named the DSC++ loss, that selectively modulates the penalty associated with overconfident, incorrect predictions. As a standalone loss function, the DSC++ loss achieves significantly improved calibration over the conventional DSC loss across six well-validated open-source biomedical imaging datasets, including both 2D binary and 3D multi-class segmentation tasks. Similarly, we observe significantly improved calibration when integrating the DSC++ loss into four DSC-based loss functions. Finally, we use softmax thresholding to illustrate that well calibrated outputs enable tailoring of recall-precision bias, which is an important post-processing technique to adapt the model predictions to suit the biomedical or clinical task. The DSC++ loss overcomes the major limitation of the DSC loss, providing a suitable loss function for training deep learning segmentation models for use in biomedical and clinical practice. Source code is available at https://github.com/mlyg/DicePlusPlus
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