3,083 research outputs found

    Two conjectures in Ramsey-Tur\'an theory

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    Given graphs H1,,HkH_1,\ldots, H_k, a graph GG is (H1,,Hk)(H_1,\ldots, H_k)-free if there is a kk-edge-colouring ϕ:E(G)[k]\phi:E(G)\rightarrow [k] with no monochromatic copy of HiH_i with edges of colour ii for each i[k]i\in[k]. Fix a function f(n)f(n), the Ramsey-Tur\'an function RT(n,H1,,Hk,f(n))\textrm{RT}(n,H_1,\ldots,H_k,f(n)) is the maximum number of edges in an nn-vertex (H1,,Hk)(H_1,\ldots,H_k)-free graph with independence number at most f(n)f(n). We determine RT(n,K3,Ks,δn)\textrm{RT}(n,K_3,K_s,\delta n) for s{3,4,5}s\in\{3,4,5\} and sufficiently small δ\delta, confirming a conjecture of Erd\H{o}s and S\'os from 1979. It is known that RT(n,K8,f(n))\textrm{RT}(n,K_8,f(n)) has a phase transition at f(n)=Θ(nlogn)f(n)=\Theta(\sqrt{n\log n}). However, the values of RT(n,K8,o(nlogn))\textrm{RT}(n,K_8, o(\sqrt{n\log n})) was not known. We determined this value by proving RT(n,K8,o(nlogn))=n24+o(n2)\textrm{RT}(n,K_8,o(\sqrt{n\log n}))=\frac{n^2}{4}+o(n^2), answering a question of Balogh, Hu and Simonovits. The proofs utilise, among others, dependent random choice and results from graph packings.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, 2 pages appendi

    Directed Ramsey number for trees

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    In this paper, we study Ramsey-type problems for directed graphs. We first consider the kk-colour oriented Ramsey number of HH, denoted by R(H,k)\overrightarrow{R}(H,k), which is the least nn for which every kk-edge-coloured tournament on nn vertices contains a monochromatic copy of HH. We prove that R(T,k)ckTk \overrightarrow{R}(T,k) \le c_k|T|^k for any oriented tree TT. This is a generalisation of a similar result for directed paths by Chv\'atal and by Gy\'arf\'as and Lehel, and answers a question of Yuster. In general, it is tight up to a constant factor. We also consider the kk-colour directed Ramsey number R(H,k)\overleftrightarrow{R}(H,k) of HH, which is defined as above, but, instead of colouring tournaments, we colour the complete directed graph of order nn. Here we show that R(T,k)ckTk1 \overleftrightarrow{R}(T,k) \le c_k|T|^{k-1} for any oriented tree TT, which is again tight up to a constant factor, and it generalises a result by Williamson and by Gy\'arf\'as and Lehel who determined the 22-colour directed Ramsey number of directed paths.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figure

    Local colourings and monochromatic partitions in complete bipartite graphs

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    We show that for any 22-local colouring of the edges of the balanced complete bipartite graph Kn,nK_{n,n}, its vertices can be covered with at most~33 disjoint monochromatic paths. And, we can cover almost all vertices of any complete or balanced complete bipartite rr-locally coloured graph with O(r2)O(r^2) disjoint monochromatic cycles.\\ We also determine the 22-local bipartite Ramsey number of a path almost exactly: Every 22-local colouring of the edges of Kn,nK_{n,n} contains a monochromatic path on nn vertices.Comment: 18 page

    Decomposition of bounded degree graphs into C4C_4-free subgraphs

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    We prove that every graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta admits a partition of its edges into O(Δ)O(\sqrt{\Delta}) parts (as Δ\Delta\to\infty) none of which contains C4C_4 as a subgraph. This bound is sharp up to a constant factor. Our proof uses an iterated random colouring procedure.Comment: 8 pages; to appear in European Journal of Combinatoric