225,585 research outputs found

    A Framework for Index Bulk Loading and Dynamization

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    In this paper we investigate automated methods for externalizing internal memory data structures. We consider a class of balanced trees that we call weight-balanced partitioning trees (or wp-trees) for indexing a set of points in Rd. Well-known examples of wp-trees include fed-trees, BBD-trees, pseudo quad trees, and BAR trees. These trees are defined with fixed degree and are thus suited for internal memory implementations. Given an efficient wp-tree construction algorithm, we present a general framework for automatically obtaining a new dynamic external data structure. Using this framework together with a new general construction (bulk loading) technique of independent interest, we obtain data structures with guaranteed good update performance in terms of I /O transfers. Our approach gives considerably improved construction and update I/O bounds of e.g. fed-trees and BBD-trees

    Partial match queries in relaxed K-dt trees

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    The study of partial match queries on random hierarchical multidimensional data structures dates back to Ph. Flajolet and C. Puech’s 1986 seminal paper on partial match retrieval. It was not until recently that fixed (as opposed to random) partial match queries were studied for random relaxed K-d trees, random standard K-d trees, and random 2-dimensional quad trees. Based on those results it seemed natural to classify the general form of the cost of fixed partial match queries into two families: that of either random hierarchical structures or perfectly balanced structures, as conjectured by Duch, Lau and Martínez (On the Cost of Fixed Partial Queries in K-d trees Algorithmica, 75(4):684–723, 2016). Here we show that the conjecture just mentioned does not hold by introducing relaxed K-dt trees and providing the average-case analysis for random partial match queries as well as some advances on the average-case analysis for fixed partial match queries on them. In fact this cost –for fixed partial match queries– does not follow the conjectured forms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Analytic urns

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    This article describes a purely analytic approach to urn models of the generalized or extended P\'olya-Eggenberger type, in the case of two types of balls and constant ``balance,'' that is, constant row sum. The treatment starts from a quasilinear first-order partial differential equation associated with a combinatorial renormalization of the model and bases itself on elementary conformal mapping arguments coupled with singularity analysis techniques. Probabilistic consequences in the case of ``subtractive'' urns are new representations for the probability distribution of the urn's composition at any time n, structural information on the shape of moments of all orders, estimates of the speed of convergence to the Gaussian limit and an explicit determination of the associated large deviation function. In the general case, analytic solutions involve Abelian integrals over the Fermat curve x^h+y^h=1. Several urn models, including a classical one associated with balanced trees (2-3 trees and fringe-balanced search trees) and related to a previous study of Panholzer and Prodinger, as well as all urns of balance 1 or 2 and a sporadic urn of balance 3, are shown to admit of explicit representations in terms of Weierstra\ss elliptic functions: these elliptic models appear precisely to correspond to regular tessellations of the Euclidean plane.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117905000000026 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Theory of Stationary Trees and the Balanced Baumgartner-Hajnal-Todorcevic Theorem for Trees

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    Building on early work by Stevo Todorcevic, we describe a theory of stationary subtrees of trees of successor-cardinal height. We define the diagonal union of subsets of a tree, as well as normal ideals on a tree, and we characterize arbitrary subsets of a non-special tree as being either stationary or non-stationary. We then use this theory to prove the following partition relation for trees: Main Theorem: Let κ\kappa be any infinite regular cardinal, let ξ\xi be any ordinal such that 2∣ξ∣<κ2^{\left|\xi\right|} < \kappa, and let kk be any natural number. Then non-(2<κ)-special tree →(κ+ξ)k2. \text{non-$\left(2^{<\kappa}\right)$-special tree } \to \left(\kappa + \xi \right)^2_k. This is a generalization to trees of the Balanced Baumgartner-Hajnal-Todorcevic Theorem, which we recover by applying the above to the cardinal (2<κ)+(2^{<\kappa})^+, the simplest example of a non-(2<κ)(2^{<\kappa})-special tree. As a corollary, we obtain a general result for partially ordered sets: Theorem: Let κ\kappa be any infinite regular cardinal, let ξ\xi be any ordinal such that 2∣ξ∣<κ2^{\left|\xi\right|} < \kappa, and let kk be any natural number. Let PP be a partially ordered set such that P→(2<κ)2<κ1P \to (2^{<\kappa})^1_{2^{<\kappa}}. Then P→(κ+ξ)k2. P \to \left(\kappa + \xi \right)^2_k. Comment: Submitted to Acta Mathematica Hungaric

    Balanced Partitions of Trees and Applications

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    We study the k-BALANCED PARTITIONING problem in which the vertices of a graph are to be partitioned into k sets of size at most ceil(n/k) while minimising the cut size, which is the number of edges connecting vertices in different sets. The problem is well studied for general graphs, for which it cannot be approximated within any factor in polynomial time. However, little is known about restricted graph classes. We show that for trees k-BALANCED PARTITIONING remains surprisingly hard. In particular, approximating the cut size is APX-hard even if the maximum degree of the tree is constant. If instead the diameter of the tree is bounded by a constant, we show that it is NP-hard to approximate the cut size within n^c, for any constant c<1. In the face of the hardness results, we show that allowing near-balanced solutions, in which there are at most (1+eps)ceil(n/k) vertices in any of the k sets, admits a PTAS for trees. Remarkably, the computed cut size is no larger than that of an optimal balanced solution. In the final section of our paper, we harness results on embedding graph metrics into tree metrics to extend our PTAS for trees to general graphs. In addition to being conceptually simpler and easier to analyse, our scheme improves the best factor known on the cut size of near-balanced solutions from O(log^{1.5}(n)/eps^2) [Andreev and Räcke TCS 2006] to 0(log n), for weighted graphs. This also settles a question posed by Andreev and Räcke of whether an algorithm with approximation guarantees on the cut size independent from eps exists.ISSN:1868-896

    New Combinatorial Properties and Algorithms for AVL Trees

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    In this thesis, new properties of AVL trees and a new partitioning of binary search trees named core partitioning scheme are discussed, this scheme is applied to three binary search trees namely AVL trees, weight-balanced trees, and plain binary search trees. We introduce the core partitioning scheme, which maintains a balanced search tree as a dynamic collection of complete balanced binary trees called cores. Using this technique we achieve the same theoretical efficiency of modern cache-oblivious data structures by using classic data structures such as weight-balanced trees or height balanced trees (e.g. AVL trees). We preserve the original topology and algorithms of the given balanced search tree using a simple post-processing with guaranteed performance to completely rebuild the changed cores (possibly all of them) after each update. Using our core partitioning scheme, we simultaneously achieve good memory allocation, space-efficient representation, and cache-obliviousness. We also apply this scheme to arbitrary binary search trees which can be unbalanced and we produce a new data structure, called Cache-Oblivious General Balanced Tree (COG-tree). Using our scheme, searching a key requires O(log_B n) block transfers and O(log n) comparisons in the external-memory and in the cache-oblivious model. These complexities are theoretically efficient. Interestingly, the core partition for weight-balanced trees and COG-tree can be maintained with amortized O(log_B n) block transfers per update, whereas maintaining the core partition for AVL trees requires more than a poly-logarithmic amortized cost. Studying the properties of these trees also lead us to some other new properties of AVL trees and trees with bounded degree, namely, we present and study gaps in AVL trees and we prove Tarjan et al.'s conjecture on the number of rotations in a sequence of deletions and insertions
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