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    ABSTRAK Gender menjadi isu global, di mana di dalamnya terdapat ketimpangan dan masalah yang membuat satu pihak baik itu laki-laki maupun perempuan terdiskriminasi. Pendidikan merupakan salah satu cara dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemahaman mahasiswa tentang isu gender, relasi gender antra mahasiswa perempuan dengan laki-laki dan mahasiswa dengan dosen, serta kesetaraan gender yang terjadi di jurusan pengecoran logam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan desain penelitian fenomenologi, dan Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah observasi, dokumentasi, wawancara dan FGD. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: pemahaman tentang isu gender yaitu mahasiswa tidak sepenuhnya memahami apa yang dimaksud gender, dan masih mendefinisikan gender adalah jenis kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan; relasi antara mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan terjalin baik. Interaksi antara mahasiswa dengan dosen/instruktur lapangan terjalin baik; Kesetaraan gender yang terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran teori untuk mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan untuk mendapatkan peluang dan kesempatan ilmu pengetahuan setara, dan akan tetapi pada saat pembelajaran praktik untuk mahasiswa perempuan peluang dan kesempatan untuk mengoperasikan mesi serta peralatan di bengkel di batasi porsinya dan bersifat ringan saja dan harus didampingi karena untuk faktor keselamatan. Kata kunci: Isu Gender, Pendidikan Vokasi, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Pengecoran Logam ABSTRACT Gender has become a global issue, which there are have an inequalities and problems that make one, both men and women discriminated against. Education is one way to overcome these problems. The purpose of this study was to determine student understanding of gender issues, gender relations between female and men students, a relation between students and lecturers, as well as gender equality that occurred in the metal casting department. The research method used in the study is qualitative research design with phenomenological techniques. Data collection techniques used were observation, documentation, interviews and FGD. The results of this study are: an understanding of the gender issue the informant does not fully understand what is meant by gender and still defines gender as the sexes of men and women; relations between male and female students are well established. Interaction between students and lecturers/field instructors is well established; Gender equality that occurs in the process of learning theory and practice, for male and female students get the same opportunities, but in practice there is still special treatment for women that is given the opportunity to operate machinery and equipment in the workshop, which is only mild and must be accompanied due to safety factors. Public facilities that are used still do not fully support gender equality for both men and women. Keywords: Gender Issues, Vocational Education, Mechanical Engineering, Foundry Engineering

    Gender design methods for engineering, responsible innovation and interaction

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    Ponencia de la conferencia "19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Interaccion 2018; Palma; Spain; 12 September 2018 through 14 September 2018"Although there is a large number of studies in the literature designed to analyze the low representation of women in technology and, especially, in information technology, studies to analyze how these technologies have been designed and constructed are scarce. In the area of HumanComputer Interaction (HCI) there is an emerging and promising field of research that focuses on the study of gender differences in the use of computers and the Internet, as well as providing recommendations for the design of technology with gender perspective. In this article, we will present different methodological approaches that allow for the inclusion of a gender perspective in technology design, and, recommendations for the design and development of software focused on gender