19 research outputs found

    Annotation and visualisation of parasite, fungi and arthropod genomes with Companion

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    As sequencing genomes has become increasingly popular, the need for annotation of the resulting assemblies is growing. Structural and functional annotation is still challenging as it includes finding the correct gene sequences, annotating other elements such as RNA and being able to submit those data to databases to share it with the community. Compared to de novo assembly where contiguous chromosomes are a sign of high quality, it is difficult to visualize and assess the quality of annotation. We developed the Companion web server to allow non-experts to annotate their genome using a reference-based method, enabling them to assess the output before submitting to public databases. In this update paper, we describe how we have included novel methods for gene finding and made the Companion server more efficient for annotation of genomes of up to 1 Gb in size. The reference set was increased to include genomes of interest for human and animal health from the fungi and arthropod kingdoms. We show that Companion outperforms existing comparable tools where closely related references are available

    Whole genome sequencing of a bacterium and a yeast isolated from the intestine of Atlantic salmon

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    Masteroppgave i genomikk - Nord universitet 2020Sperret til 2023-09-0

    Telomere length de novo assembly of all 7 chromosomes and mitogenome sequencing of the model entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium brunneum, by means of a novel assembly pipeline

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    BackgroundMore accurate and complete reference genomes have improved understanding of gene function, biology, and evolutionary mechanisms. Hybrid genome assembly approaches leverage benefits of both long, relatively error-prone reads from third-generation sequencing technologies and short, accurate reads from second-generation sequencing technologies, to produce more accurate and contiguous de novo genome assemblies in comparison to using either technology independently. In this study, we present a novel hybrid assembly pipeline that allowed for both mitogenome de novo assembly and telomere length de novo assembly of all 7 chromosomes of the model entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium brunneum.ResultsThe improved assembly allowed for better ab initio gene prediction and a more BUSCO complete proteome set has been generated in comparison to the eight current NCBI reference Metarhizium spp. genomes. Remarkably, we note that including the mitogenome in ab initio gene prediction training improved overall gene prediction. The assembly was further validated by comparing contig assembly agreement across various assemblers, assessing the assembly performance of each tool. Genomic synteny and orthologous protein clusters were compared between Metarhizium brunneum and three other Hypocreales species with complete genomes, identifying core proteins, and listing orthologous protein clusters shared uniquely between the two entomopathogenic fungal species, so as to further facilitate the understanding of molecular mechanisms underpinning fungal-insect pathogenesis.ConclusionsThe novel assembly pipeline may be used for other haploid fungal species, facilitating the need to produce high-quality reference fungal genomes, leading to better understanding of fungal genomic evolution, chromosome structuring and gene regulation

    A new genome assembly of an African weakly electric fish (Campylomormyrus compressirostris, Mormyridae) indicates rapid gene family evolution in Osteoglossomorpha

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    Background: Teleost fishes comprise more than half of the vertebrate species. Within teleosts, most phylogenies consider the split between Osteoglossomorpha and Euteleosteomorpha/Otomorpha as basal, preceded only by the derivation of the most primitive group of teleosts, the Elopomorpha. While Osteoglossomorpha are generally species poor, the taxon contains the African weakly electric fish (Mormyroidei), which have radiated into numerous species. Within the mormyrids, the genus Campylomormyrus is mostly endemic to the Congo Basin. Campylomormyrus serves as a model to understand mechanisms of adaptive radiation and ecological speciation, especially with regard to its highly diverse species-specific electric organ discharges (EOD). Currently, there are few well-annotated genomes available for electric fish in general and mormyrids in particular. Our study aims at producing a high-quality genome assembly and to use this to examine genome evolution in relation to other teleosts. This will facilitate further understanding of the evolution of the osteoglossomorpha fish in general and of electric fish in particular. Results: A high-quality weakly electric fish (C. compressirostris) genome was produced from a single individual with a genome size of 862 Mb, consisting of 1,497 contigs with an N50 of 1,399 kb and a GC-content of 43.69%. Gene predictions identified 34,492 protein-coding genes, which is a higher number than in the two other available Osteoglossomorpha genomes of Paramormyrops kingsleyae and Scleropages formosus. A Computational Analysis of gene Family Evolution (CAFE5) comparing 33 teleost fish genomes suggests an overall faster gene family turnover rate in Osteoglossomorpha than in Otomorpha and Euteleosteomorpha. Moreover, the ratios of expanded/contracted gene family numbers in Osteoglossomorpha are significantly higher than in the other two taxa, except for species that had undergone an additional genome duplication (Cyprinus carpio and Oncorhynchus mykiss). As potassium channel proteins are hypothesized to play a key role in EOD diversity among species, we put a special focus on them, and manually curated 16 Kv1 genes. We identified a tandem duplication in the KCNA7a gene in the genome of C. compressirostris. Conclusions: We present the fourth genome of an electric fish and the third well-annotated genome for Osteoglossomorpha, enabling us to compare gene family evolution among major teleost lineages. Osteoglossomorpha appear to exhibit rapid gene family evolution, with more gene family expansions than contractions. The curated Kv1 gene family showed seven gene clusters, which is more than in other analyzed fish genomes outside Osteoglossomorpha. The KCNA7a, encoding for a potassium channel central for EOD production and modulation, is tandemly duplicated which may related to the diverse EOD observed among Campylomormyrus species.</p

    Genome sequence and silkomics of the spindle ermine moth, Yponomeuta cagnagella, representing the early diverging lineage of the ditrysian Lepidoptera

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    Many lepidopteran species produce silk, cocoons, feeding tubes, or nests for protection from predators and parasites for caterpillars and pupae. Yet, the number of lepidopteran species whose silk composition has been studied in detail is very small, because the genes encoding the major structural silk proteins tend to be large and repetitive, making their assembly and sequence analysis difficult. Here we have analyzed the silk of Yponomeuta cagnagella, which represents one of the early diverging lineages of the ditrysian Lepidoptera thus improving the coverage of the order. To obtain a comprehensive list of the Y. cagnagella silk genes, we sequenced and assembled a draft genome using Oxford Nanopore and Illumina technologies. We used a silk-gland transcriptome and a silk proteome to identify major silk components and verified the tissue specificity of expression of individual genes. A detailed annotation of the major genes and their putative products, including their complete sequences and exon-intron structures is provided. The morphology of silk glands and fibers are also shown. This study fills an important gap in our growing understanding of the structure, evolution, and function of silk genes and provides genomic resources for future studies of the chemical ecology of Yponomeuta species

    Genomic and metabolomic analysis of the endophytic fungus <i>Fusarium</i> sp. VM-40 isolated from the medicinal plant <i> Vinca minor</i>

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    The genus Fusarium is well-known to comprise many pathogenic fungi that affect cereal crops worldwide, causing severe damage to agriculture and the economy. In this study, an endophytic fungus designated Fusarium sp. VM-40 was isolated from a healthy specimen of the traditional European medicinal plant Vinca minor. Our morphological characterization and phylogenetic analysis reveal that Fusarium sp. VM-40 is closely related to Fusarium paeoniae, belonging to the F. tricinctum species complex (FTSC), the genomic architecture and secondary metabolite profile of which have not been investigated. Thus, we sequenced the whole genome of Fusarium sp. VM-40 with the new Oxford Nanopore R10.4 flowcells. The assembled genome is 40 Mb in size with a GC content of 47.72%, 15 contigs (≥50,000 bp; N 50~4.3 Mb), and 13,546 protein-coding genes, 691 of which are carbohydrate-active enzyme (CAZyme)-encoding genes. We furthermore predicted a total of 56 biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) with antiSMASH, 25 of which showed similarity with known BGCs. In addition, we explored the potential of this fungus to produce secondary metabolites through untargeted metabolomics. Our analyses reveal that this fungus produces structurally diverse secondary metabolites of potential pharmacological relevance (alkaloids, peptides, amides, terpenoids, and quinones). We also employed an epigenetic manipulation method to activate cryptic BGCs, which led to an increased abundance of several known compounds and the identification of several putative new compounds. Taken together, this study provides systematic research on the whole genome sequence, biosynthetic potential, and metabolome of the endophytic fungus Fusarium sp. VM-40. </p

    JBrowse: a dynamic web platform for genome visualization and analysis

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    BACKGROUND: JBrowse is a fast and full-featured genome browser built with JavaScript and HTML5. It is easily embedded into websites or apps but can also be served as a standalone web page. RESULTS: Overall improvements to speed and scalability are accompanied by specific enhancements that support complex interactive queries on large track sets. Analysis functions can readily be added using the plugin framework; most visual aspects of tracks can also be customized, along with clicks, mouseovers, menus, and popup boxes. JBrowse can also be used to browse local annotation files offline and to generate high-resolution figures for publication. CONCLUSIONS: JBrowse is a mature web application suitable for genome visualization and analysis