6 research outputs found

    Automatic Gaze Classification for Aviators: Using Multi-task Convolutional Networks as a Proxy for Flight Instructor Observation

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    In this work, we investigate how flight instructors observe aviator scan patterns and assign quality to an aviator\u27s gaze. We first establish the reliability of instructors to assign similar quality to an aviator\u27s scan patterns, and then investigate methods to automate this quality using machine learning. In particular, we focus on the classification of gaze for aviators in a mixed-reality flight simulation. We create and evaluate two machine learning models for classifying gaze quality of aviators: a task-agnostic model and a multi-task model. Both models use deep convolutional neural networks to classify the quality of pilot gaze patterns for 40 pilots, operators, and novices, as compared to visual inspection by three experienced flight instructors. Our multi-task model can automate the process of gaze inspection with an average accuracy of over 93.0% for three separate flight tasks. Our approach could assist existing flight instructors to provide feedback to learners, or it could open the door to more automated feedback for pilots learning to carry out different maneuvers

    On-Device Deep Personalization for Robust Activity Data Collection

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    One of the biggest challenges of activity data collection is the need to rely on users and keep them engaged to continually provide labels. Recent breakthroughs in mobile platforms have proven effective in bringing deep neural networks powered intelligence into mobile devices. This study proposes a novel on-device personalization for data labeling for an activity recognition system using mobile sensing. The key idea behind this system is that estimated activities personalized for a specific individual user can be used as feedback to motivate user contribution and improve data labeling quality. First, we exploited fine-tuning using a Deep Recurrent Neural Network to address the lack of sufficient training data and minimize the need for training deep learning on mobile devices from scratch. Second, we utilized a model pruning technique to reduce the computation cost of on-device personalization without affecting the accuracy. Finally, we built a robust activity data labeling system by integrating the two techniques outlined above, allowing the mobile application to create a personalized experience for the user. To demonstrate the proposed model’s capability and feasibility, we developed and deployed the proposed system to realistic settings. For our experimental setup, we gathered more than 16,800 activity windows from 12 activity classes using smartphone sensors. We empirically evaluated the proposed quality by comparing it with a baseline using machine learning. Our results indicate that the proposed system effectively improved activity accuracy recognition for individual users and reduced cost and latency for inference for mobile devices. Based on our findings, we highlight critical and promising future research directions regarding the design of efficient activity data collection with on-device personalization

    Smart and Secure Augmented Reality for Assisted Living

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    Augmented reality (AR) is one of the biggest technology trends which enables people to see the real-life surrounding environment with a layer of virtual information overlaid on it. Assistive devices use this match of information to help people better understand the environment and consequently be more efficient. Specially, AR has been extremely useful in the area of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). AR-based AAL solutions are designed to support people in maintaining their autonomy and compensate for slight physical and mental restrictions by instructing them on everyday tasks. The discovery of visual attention for assistive aims is a big challenge since in dynamic cluttered environments objects are constantly overlapped and partial object occlusion is also frequent. Current solutions use egocentric object recognition techniques. However, the lack of accuracy affects the system's ability to predict users’ needs and consequently provide them with the proper support. Another issue is the manner that sensitive data is treated. This highly private information is crucial for improving the quality of healthcare services. However, current blockchain approaches are used only as a permission management system, while the data is still stored locally. As a result, there is a potential risk of security breaches. Privacy risk in the blockchain domain is also a concern. As major investigation tackles privacy issues based on off-chain approaches, there is a lack of effective solutions for providing on-chain data privacy. Finally, the Blockchain size has been shown to be a limiting factor even for chains that store simple transactional data, much less the massive blocks that would be required for storing medical imaging studies. To tackle the aforementioned major issues, this research proposes a framework to provide a smarter and more secure AR-based solution for AAL. Firstly, a combination of head-worn eye-trackers cameras with egocentric video is designed to improve the accuracy of visual attention object recognition in free-living settings. A heuristic function is designed to generate a probability estimation of visual attention over objects within an egocentric video. Secondly, a novel methodology for the storage of large sensitive AR-based AAL data is introduced in a decentralized fashion. By leveraging the power of the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) protocol to tackle the lack of storage issue in the Blockchain. Meanwhile, a blockchain solution on the Secret Network blockchain is developed to tackle the existent lack of privacy on smart contracts, which provides data privacy at both transactional and computational levels. In addition, is included a new off-chain solution encapsulates a governing body for permission management purposes to solve the problem of the lost or eventual theft of private keys. Based on the research findings, that visual attention-object detection approach is applicable to cluttered environments which presents a transcend performance compared to the current methods. This study also produced an egocentric indoor dataset annotated with human fixation during natural exploration in a cluttered environment. Comparing to previous works, this dataset is more realistic because it was recorded in real settings with variations in terms of objects overlapping regions and object sizes. With respect to the novel decentralized storage methodology, results indicate that sensitive data can be stored and queried efficiently using the Secret Network blockchain. The proposed approach achieves both computational and transactional privacy with significantly less cost. Additionally, this approach mitigates the risk of permanent loss of access to the patient on-chain data records. The proposed framework can be applied as an assistive technology in a wide range of sectors that requires AR-based solution with high-precision visual-attention object detection, efficient data access, high-integrity data storage and full data privacy and security