24,780 research outputs found

    Group Invariance, Stability to Deformations, and Complexity of Deep Convolutional Representations

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    The success of deep convolutional architectures is often attributed in part to their ability to learn multiscale and invariant representations of natural signals. However, a precise study of these properties and how they affect learning guarantees is still missing. In this paper, we consider deep convolutional representations of signals; we study their invariance to translations and to more general groups of transformations, their stability to the action of diffeomorphisms, and their ability to preserve signal information. This analysis is carried by introducing a multilayer kernel based on convolutional kernel networks and by studying the geometry induced by the kernel mapping. We then characterize the corresponding reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), showing that it contains a large class of convolutional neural networks with homogeneous activation functions. This analysis allows us to separate data representation from learning, and to provide a canonical measure of model complexity, the RKHS norm, which controls both stability and generalization of any learned model. In addition to models in the constructed RKHS, our stability analysis also applies to convolutional networks with generic activations such as rectified linear units, and we discuss its relationship with recent generalization bounds based on spectral norms

    Deep SimNets

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    We present a deep layered architecture that generalizes convolutional neural networks (ConvNets). The architecture, called SimNets, is driven by two operators: (i) a similarity function that generalizes inner-product, and (ii) a log-mean-exp function called MEX that generalizes maximum and average. The two operators applied in succession give rise to a standard neuron but in "feature space". The feature spaces realized by SimNets depend on the choice of the similarity operator. The simplest setting, which corresponds to a convolution, realizes the feature space of the Exponential kernel, while other settings realize feature spaces of more powerful kernels (Generalized Gaussian, which includes as special cases RBF and Laplacian), or even dynamically learned feature spaces (Generalized Multiple Kernel Learning). As a result, the SimNet contains a higher abstraction level compared to a traditional ConvNet. We argue that enhanced expressiveness is important when the networks are small due to run-time constraints (such as those imposed by mobile applications). Empirical evaluation validates the superior expressiveness of SimNets, showing a significant gain in accuracy over ConvNets when computational resources at run-time are limited. We also show that in large-scale settings, where computational complexity is less of a concern, the additional capacity of SimNets can be controlled with proper regularization, yielding accuracies comparable to state of the art ConvNets