405,826 research outputs found

    Separable time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields

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    We present an improved model and theory for time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields, obtained by a combination of Gaussian receptive fields over the spatial domain and first-order integrators or equivalently truncated exponential filters coupled in cascade over the temporal domain. Compared to previous spatio-temporal scale-space formulations in terms of non-enhancement of local extrema or scale invariance, these receptive fields are based on different scale-space axiomatics over time by ensuring non-creation of new local extrema or zero-crossings with increasing temporal scale. Specifically, extensions are presented about parameterizing the intermediate temporal scale levels, analysing the resulting temporal dynamics and transferring the theory to a discrete implementation in terms of recursive filters over time.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1404.203

    Model of a fluid at small and large length scales and the hydrophobic effect

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    We present a statistical field theory to describe large length scale effects induced by solutes in a cold and otherwise placid liquid. The theory divides space into a cubic grid of cells. The side length of each cell is of the order of the bulk correlation length of the bulk liquid. Large length scale states of the cells are specified with an Ising variable. Finer length scale effects are described with a Gaussian field, with mean and variance affected by both the large length scale field and by the constraints imposed by solutes. In the absence of solutes and corresponding constraints, integration over the Gaussian field yields an effective lattice gas Hamiltonian for the large length scale field. In the presence of solutes, the integration adds additional terms to this Hamiltonian. We identify these terms analytically. They can provoke large length scale effects, such as the formation of interfaces and depletion layers. We apply our theory to compute the reversible work to form a bubble in liquid water, as a function of the bubble radius. Comparison with molecular simulation results for the same function indicates that the theory is reasonably accurate. Importantly, simulating the large length scale field involves binary arithmetic only. It thus provides a computationally convenient scheme to incorporate explicit solvent dynamics and structure in simulation studies of large molecular assemblies

    Increasing the Fisher Information Content in the Matter Power Spectrum by Non-linear Wavelet Weiner Filtering

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    We develop a purely mathematical tool to recover some of the information lost in the non-linear collapse of large-scale structure. From a set of 141 simulations of dark matter density fields, we construct a non-linear Weiner filter in order to separate Gaussian and non-Gaussian structure in wavelet space. We find that the non-Gaussian power is dominant at smaller scales, as expected from the theory of structure formation, while the Gaussian counterpart is damped by an order of magnitude on small scales. We find that it is possible to increase the Fisher information by a factor of three before reaching the translinear plateau, an effect comparable to other techniques like the linear reconstruction of the density field.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Non-Gaussianity vs. non-linearity of cosmological perturbations

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    Following the discovery of the CMB, the hot big-bang model has become the standard cosmological model. In this theory, small primordial fluctuations are subsequently amplified by gravity to form the large-scale structure seen today. Different theories for unified models of particle physics, lead to different predictions for the statistical properties of the primordial fluctuations, that can be divided in two classes: gaussian and non-gaussian. Convincing evidence against or for gaussian initial conditions would rule out many scenarios and point us towards a physical theory for the origin of structures. The statistical distribution of cosmological perturbations, as we observe them, can deviate from the gaussian distribution in several different ways. Even if perturbations start off gaussian, non-linear gravitational evolution can introduce non-gaussian features. Additionally, our knowledge of the Universe comes principally from the study of luminous material such as galaxies, but these might not be faithful tracers of the underlying mass distribution. The relationship between fluctuations in the mass and in the galaxies distribution (bias), is often assumed to be local, but could well be non-linear. Moreover, galaxy catalogues use the redshift as third spatial coordinate: the resulting redshift-space map is non-linearly distorted by peculiar velocities. Non-linear gravitational evolution, biasing, and redshift-space distortion introduce non-gaussianity, even in an initially gaussian fluctuation field. I will investigate the statistical tools that allow us, in principle, to disentangle the above different effects, and the observational datasets we require to do so in practice.Comment: To appear in proc. of the 15th Florida workshop in Nonlinear Astronomy and Physics. Annals of The New York Academy of Science

    Time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields

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    We present an improved model and theory for time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields, based on a combination of Gaussian receptive fields over the spatial domain and first-order integrators or equivalently truncated exponential filters coupled in cascade over the temporal domain. Compared to previous spatio-temporal scale-space formulations in terms of non-enhancement of local extrema or scale invariance, these receptive fields are based on different scale-space axiomatics over time by ensuring non-creation of new local extrema or zero-crossings with increasing temporal scale. Specifically, extensions are presented about (i) parameterizing the intermediate temporal scale levels, (ii) analysing the resulting temporal dynamics, (iii) transferring the theory to a discrete implementation, (iv) computing scale-normalized spatio-temporal derivative expressions for spatio-temporal feature detection and (v) computational modelling of receptive fields in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and the primary visual cortex (V1) in biological vision. We show that by distributing the intermediate temporal scale levels according to a logarithmic distribution, we obtain much faster temporal response properties (shorter temporal delays) compared to a uniform distribution. Specifically, these kernels converge very rapidly to a limit kernel possessing true self-similar scale-invariant properties over temporal scales, thereby allowing for true scale invariance over variations in the temporal scale, although the underlying temporal scale-space representation is based on a discretized temporal scale parameter. We show how scale-normalized temporal derivatives can be defined for these time-causal scale-space kernels and how the composed theory can be used for computing basic types of scale-normalized spatio-temporal derivative expressions in a computationally efficient manner.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, published online Dec 201
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